CNM Lab vs Wiki

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CNM Lab vs Wiki (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the lesson part of the CNM Lab Essentials lesson that introduces its participants to CNM Lab. This lesson belongs to the CNM Cyber for Experience session of the CNM Cyber Orientation.


The predecessor lectio is CNM DevOps Support.

Key terms

File-sharing system. Any software system that enables its users to upload, store, and download files on the Internet.
  • Software application. Any digital construct that is installed, instantiated and executed on a computing device, specifically for the purpose of assisting in the capture, creation, manipulation, tracking, management, and reporting of specified data.
  • Software repository. A storage location from which software packages may be retrieved and installed on a computer.


CNM Cyber features several wiki engines and all of them play different roles. CNM Cert's wikipages are useful in setting up those learning activities that involve learners' collaboration. CNM Social provides its communities with their wikipages, so those communities can collaborate on community documents.
Wikipages of both CNM Lab and CNM Wiki are involved in CNM Cyber's development. Nevertheless, their roles are very different.
CNM Wiki belongs to the Competency Suite and is completely open to the public. Everyone can see that 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Even pre-entry-level developers can see the development process and entry-level ones can start working.
On the contrary, CNM Lab belongs to the Work Suite and is private. Only administrators of CNM Cyber can manually grant access to CNM Lab for particular CNM Cyber users; it is not granted automatically.
Finally, CNM Wiki is used to collaborate on the development of documents. CNM Lab deals with software development. CNM Lab' version control system is dedicated and its software repository can contain not only image files, but any type of single files and even software development project deliverables.

Cyber-Security at Lab is the successor lectio.


Lectio quiz

The answer is recorded for the lectio completion purpose:
  • Which statement below is correct:
    1. Those who develop CNM apps need to get their requirements at CNM Wiki and submit the developed software code at CNM Lab.
    2. Everyone, including you, is able to see the work at CNM Wiki.
    3. Only administrators and developers can access the apps' projects at CNM Lab.
    4. All of the other substantive answers are correct
    5. None of the other answers is correct

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