CNM MediaWiki IAM

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CNM MediaWiki IAM is the system that empowers identity and access management (IAM) of CNM MediaWiki (hereinafter, Soft). Within CNM Cloud, user credentials are stored at CNM LDAP.

Known issues

For a few years, the stable version of the Soft has not been updated due to new versions' conflict with CNM LDAP. Currently, the Soft uses an outdated, 1.26.4 version of MediaWiki, because the extension used to connect to its OpenLDAP does not support newer versions. At some period of time, CNM Technology Board considered three options: (1) to find or create a new extension, (2) to find another way to connect without using the extension, or (3) keep things as they are.

  • At that time, the Board decided to keep things as they were since the current architecture was temporary. The Board believed that when a new private cloud based on OpenStack would be launched in the fourth phase of CNM Cloud Project, its Keystone solution would be used for authentications and authorizations. Plus, the Soft never contained any private information; all of its users' data was stored in
  • Later, the Board also considered migration to the WSO2 IS-based integration and wasn't sure whether LDAP would remain necessary.
  • However, some when in early 2023, the even historic LDAP integration stopped functioning properly, possibly, because of outdated PHP-support. Here is a screenshot of the current issue:
    Error wiki.png
Symfony\Component\Ldap\Entry Object ( [dn:Symfony\Component\Ldap\Entry:private] => cn=natly0909_rou=applet,dc=career prize,dc=com
[attributes:Symfony\Component\Ldap\Entry:private] => Array ( [uid] => Array ([0] => natly0909_r ) [0] => Array ( [0] => Zina ) [I] => Array ( [0] => Sinih ) [gecos] => Array
[0] )))
So, the urgent solution should allow for smooth work with our OpenLDAP-powered CNM LDAP. The team will provide the hired expert with full access to the virtual machine on which Soft's instance is installed and look for complete documentation on what have been done.
In the future, the team would also love to integrate it with a WSO2 IS-powered system as a separate project.