Developments at the Wiki

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Developments at the Wiki (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the lesson part of Wiki Editing Essentials lesson that introduces its participants to wiki edit concepts. This lesson belongs to the CNMCT Entrance section of the CNM Cyber Placement.


The predecessor lectio is What Wiki Categories Are.


CNM Wiki is a development hub. Here, the CNM Cyber Team develops requirements for future CNM Cyber services and CNM apps. The software and some other deliverables are further developed at another hub called CNM Lab.
Two types and two categories of wikipages are used in the development.
First, those pages that belong to the Category:Product Epics are utilized for product epics. The attached Talk pages are used for user stories.
The Category:Software Epics is reserved to develop requirements for CNM apps such as CNM Wikiware, while the Category:Service Epics is reserved for requirements for CNM Cyber services such as CNM Wiki. Both categories are subcategories of the Category:Product Epics.
Secondly, those pages that belong to the Category:Work Sprints are utilized to express the results of Sprint Zeros. The attached Talk pages are utilized for development iterations or sprints.
At CNM Wiki, a Talk page is any wikipage that is attached to a content page. Talk pages can be used for discussions related to the "content page" matters; Talk pages can be accessed via the "Discussion" tab in the page type menu.
The Talk pages of CNM Wiki may be used to publish any notes about the content pages, any wikitext drafts, and requirements.
Any development starts with a vision of what needs to be developed. Somebody imagined what CNM Cyber and

In CNM Agile, any target deliverable, its part, or feature, as well as all the other deliverables that need to be developed for the Project, are going to be developed in a few Sprints, which will continue until the particular target deliverable, its part, or feature is completely developed. These Sprints make up the development cycle as follows:

   Product epic Sprints (Sprints A0+) that aim to produce a product epic or a general description of the service or any product such as a software application that supports that service.
   User story Sprints (Sprints B0+) that aim to produce a user story or a specific description of the desired function from the end-user point of view. Product epics may serve as a source for user stories.
   SBI Sprints (Sprints C0+) that aim to produce a Sprint backlog through including user stories as PBIs into a product backlog and grooming that backlog.
   Prototype Sprints (Sprints D0+) that aim to produce a prototype of a future deliverable based on a SBI that is taken out of the Sprint backlog.
   MVP Sprints (Sprints E0+) that aim to produce a minimum viable product (MVP) out of the tested prototype.
   Marketable product Sprints (Sprints F0+) that aim to produce a marketable product as an improved MVP.

Key terms

Talk page, Category:Product Epics, Category:Software Epics, Category:Service Epics


The successor lectio is What Project Work Is.


