Live streaming

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Revision as of 20:08, 28 June 2023 by Gary (talk | contribs) (Needs)
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Live streaming (hereinafter, streaming) is the ongoing transmission and viewing of audio and/or video content on the internet. Without first downloading the complete file, consumers can access and enjoy digital material in real-time.

CNM Board is seeking to integrate CNM Jitsi with YouTube, OBS Studio, and or AVideo for streaming. And wants to add a "Start Live Stream" button to Jitsi instance.

Draft solutions

  • Establishing a reliable and stable connection between CNM Jitsi and YouTube and/or Avideo to ensure a smooth live streaming experience for our users.
  • Customize the CNM Jitsi user interface to incorporate a "Start Streaming" button that initiates the streaming process and ensures the video and audio feeds are transmitted accurately to YouTube Live.
  • Create comprehensive documentation that outlines the setup and configuration process for future reference. Provide clear instructions for maintaining and troubleshooting the streaming integration.

Short-term streaming alternative

Before the above streaming solution is attained. As a temporary solution, below are steps of how to stream Jitsi meeting on YouTube using OBS Studio as an encoding tool.

  1. you should be the Youtube channel editor;
  2. open OBS Studio on your computer
  3. select the window that you want captured
  4. choose manage broadcast, a window will appear. Add your meeting information;
  • title,
  • description,
  • privacy,
  • category, and
  • thumbnail then select create broadcast and start streaming
  1. open your YouTube channel and from the top right corner, select create and then Go live.
  2. click Create on the right side of the top panel and choose Go Live. If you do it the first time, Youtube will ask you to wait 24 hours before you can start streaming;
  3. then you get to YouTube Live Control Room and should choose when you want to go live: Right now and Later date. Let's start right now;
  4. choose Streaming software and press Go and after press "No, it's not made for kids";
  5. you can see the stream setting here: press Edit to choose the title, description, visibility, category, and other settings you need for the stream. After you've set everything up press Save;
  6. on this page you should see the stream key and copy it;
  7. open Jitsi and start the meeting as moderator;
  8. press the three-dot button;
  9. press the Start live stream;
  10. choose the name of live stream and paste the stream key from Youtube and press Start live stream;
  11. end the live stream on Youtube by using End Stream button at the top right and end the meeting on CNM Jitsi;
  12. after that you can edit the video of the meeting in Youtube Studio, so you don't need any additional software to record the conference
  13. you can also schedule streams on the stream setting page in the left sidebar.

See also