Privacy at CNMCyber

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Privacy at CNM Cyber (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the lesson part of the Cyber Security Essentials lesson that introduces its participants to CNM Cabin. This lesson belongs to the Introduction to CNM Cyber session of Employableu Foundation.


The predecessor lectio is User Data in Cyber.


CNMCyber Team strives to protect your sensitive data as much as the data can be protected.
On the policy side, the Team tries to adopt very strict protocols to ensure data security, confidentiality, and privacy. Particularly, your sensitive data shall be encrypted whether the data is at rest or in transit. In that way, those who work on CNM Cloud can get only logical access to the data.
On the technology side, the administrators of CNM Cyber are required to follow general cyber-security rules -- all its software is regularly updated, new patches are timely applied, constant monitoring is in place, and so on.
On the human side, each administrator and bureaucrat who works on CNM Cloud is required to pass security clearance and sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). This agreement legally binds this associate to keep your user data in secret.
However, some of your data cannot be private. For instance, CNMCyber Team cannot secure your posts at CNM Social, comments at CNM Page and CNM Tube, as well as anywhere where the other users can see openly them.
Although the texts of your posts at CNM Cert and CNM Wiki cannot be private, CNMCyber Team may attempt to protect your identity, while assigning you a user alias and using that alias other than your username.
To add, apprehensions about data theft and privacy are obvious since CNM Farms uses a public cloud. This may change when the Team deploys a new hybrid cloud, but some data would still be stored remotely rather than on the Team's premises.

Key terms

Non-disclosure agreement (NDA)


Would you be interested in knowing more about your data privacy at CNM Cyber?--- Yes/No/I'm not sure

What CNM Cloud Is is the successor lectio.


Placement entrance exam