Project management software

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Project management software is an end-user application that is able to back a project management system.

Deployment models

The Software can be implemented using various deployment models. Self-managed software usually deployed on the World Wide Web, on premises, or, while being called "hybrid," on both. The web-based software that a vendor manages is commonly offered as SaaS. Some vendors also manage the Software that is hosted on premises.


Web-hosted Software refers to the Software that its owner deploys as a web application. This application can be accessed via a web browser. Another adjective, web-based, refers to both web-hosted and SaaS.
Most of COTS Software can be hosted on the Web; few exceptions include Microsoft Dynamics AX and ProjectLibre.

Hosted on premises

Most of COTS Software may be deployed on premises. Few packages that cannot be hosted on premises include Launchpad, Trello, and Zoho Projects.

Project features

Collaboration support

Issue tracking


Portfolio management

Document management

Workflow management

Reporting and analyses

Monetary features

Resource management

Budget management


Iteration features

Agile story features

Agile task features

Time tracking