What CNM Social Is

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What CNM Social Is (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the lesson part of the CNM Social Essentials lesson that introduces its participants to CNM Social. This lesson belongs to the CNM Cyber for Action session of the CNM Cyber Orientation.


The predecessor lectio is What CNM Mail Is.

Key terms

CNM Social. The social networking system of CNM Cyber that is delivered to its end-users as a service.


CNM Social is the social networking system that CNM Cyber brings to you as a service. Social networking systems are usually designed to help people build relationships with other people who share similar activities, backgrounds, interests, or real-life connections.
CNM Social may resemble other social networking systems such as Facebook or LinkedIn. You can post, comment, follow, like, and connect with others at CNM Social.

CNM Social Spaces is the successor lectio.


Lectio quiz

The answer is recorded for the lectio completion purpose:
  1. Are you interested in working on CNM Social? --Yes/No/I'm not sure/Let me think/Let's move on

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