What the Team Is

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What the Team Is (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the first lesson part of the CNMCT Essentials lesson that introduces its participants to the CNM Cyber Team. This lesson belongs to the CNM Cyber Welcome Session.


The predecessor lectio is The Session at Cyber.


CNM Cyber is both the virtual workplace and signature product of the CNM Cyber Team. The Team can also be called by its acronym, CNMCT.
CNMCT is a part of of the Career Network Ministry or CNM, which is a non-profit group that is dedicated to helping people in career transitions. The Team is also the central part of the CNM Cyber Workforce. CNMCT designs and sustains CNM Cyber. The rest of the Workforce mostly executes the requirements that the Team creates.
CNMCT is made up of four divisions.
The CNM Technology Board supervises other divisions and defines the strategy of the whole CNMCT.
The CNM Cyber Corps groups those more competent others who help staffers of CNM Cyber Office. CNM Cyber mentors and consultants of the Corps are willing to combine two unique functions: career development and social support. The mentors advise, criticize constructively, instruct, share technical expertise, keep lines of communication open, and would let their protégés, like you, go and prove what you can do when helped at the beginning. Members of the Board can serve at the CNM Cyber Corps as well.
The CNM Cyber Office groups those staffers who have settled in their positions within the Office and target industries. Those staffers who haven't settled in their positions yet serve as CNM Cyber Project Coordinators at the CNM Cyber Taskforce. Every staffer of the Team must start here.
All members of CNMCT are volunteers. They altruistically donate their time to benefit the protégés and/or users of CNM Cyber. Here, you will never be required to pay for anything. All services of CNM are free-of-charge. So are services of the Team.
You cannot owe anything while using CNM Cyber; you also don't have to do anything. However, as a volunteer-driven group, we at CNMCT always strive to have more volunteers. We will welcome you as our part if you are ready and if you willfully choose so.


Would you be interested in information about becoming a mentor at CNM Cyber Corps? --Yes/No/I'm not sure/Let me think/Let's move on

Key terms

CNM Cyber Team (CNMCT or CNMC Team), CNM Cyber Corps, CNM Cyber mentor, CNM Cyber consultant

What Tech Board Is is the successor lectio.


User data

The answer is recorded for the lectio completion purposes.

Placement Entrance Exam

Short answers