CNM Tech Board 2023-06-22

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CNM Tech Board 2023-06-22 is the meeting of CNM Technology Board‎ that occurred on June 22th, 2023. CNM Tech Board 2023-06-15 is the predecessor event; CNM Tech Board 2023-06-29 is the successor event.

Board report

  • Gary: Emailed the selected Jitsi contractor was dismissive. It was decided we do not need a Jitsi contractor at the moment.
  • Natalia: Experimented with ProxmoxVE, and is expected to finish within a week.
  • Kevin : Created Live streaming wiki page and developed some requirements that the board envisions how the streaming should be done. As a temporary solution, did some experiment on streaming Jitsi meeting on YouTube using OBS Studio as an encoding tool. The results were not as expected since the video appeared to be blurry and in the case of sharing documentation, participant will not be able to read what is bein presented.


Subject: CNM Technology Board

  1. Opening remarks
  2. Discussions (including past action reviews) on state of:
  3. Report from Gary on progress made with Educaship Jitsi and Educaship Proxmox contractors.
  4. Any Other Business
  5. Next Steps and Closing Remarks

Progress and action items

  • Educaship Jitsi:
    1. The selected Jitsi contractor exhibited dismissive behavior, leading to the decision that a Jitsi contractor is currently unnecessary.
  • Educaship Proxmox:
    1. Natalia to review Muhammed's credentials for access and to update Gary via email.
    2. Based on Natalia's update, Gary to invite Muhammed to review the farm and attend a meeting to present the progress made.
  • CNM Tube/live streaming:
    1. Kevin to organize a focused meeting with the sole purpose of gathering streaming requirements and brainstorming innovative approaches to streaming including CNM Talk.
  • Educaship Odoo:
    1. The board has a vision to function like a normal company, incorporating a time-tracking solution using Educaship Odoo, as well as utilizing HR and recruitment modules. While this implementation is not currently urgent, it will be kept on the board's agenda and addressed when the board is prepared to proceed.
  • Educaship HumHub:
    1. The board has a vision of utilizing Educaship HumHub as a means to facilitate communication between contractors and coordinators, as well as an event organizing tool. Although this implementation is not currently time-sensitive, the board will ensure it remains on their radar and actively considered.

Video (27:14)


okay so let's begin 0:02 um we are on the technology board 0:04 meeting of 0:06 June 22. 0:09 in this call we have Gary and Natalia 0:12 and we're going to look at a report that 0:15 was created and the action items that we 0:18 decided upon on the previous meeting and 0:22 then also we are going to also look at 0:24 what do 0:26 uh the one that we can you scroll down 0:30 please again 0:33 so from the previous meeting we decided 0:36 that Odo and 0:38 this other one if they scroll down 0:42 it will be our agenda for this week so 0:49 um I'd like to maybe Gary can present 0:52 your report and then or maybe I can 0:55 begin 0:57 I can begin with 0:59 with my reports yeah I scroll down yeah 1:02 so yeah 1:06 those are a bunch of origin is that we 1:09 we say that you'll start doing this week 1:11 as well as the previous action items 1:14 that we decided upon 1:20 so 1:24 um we can go back to the previous 1:26 meetings action items and then go 1:28 through those and then we can come back 1:31 to this this meeting today's meeting 1:33 agendas 1:41 um 1:48 so let's review let's go back kind of 1:54 Tim yeah 2:09 we started kind of to 2:11 promise 2:15 yeah we need to get we need to step 2:19 there first yes yes 2:23 kind of we I wrote to this contractor 2:27 not aspiring but selected right we 2:31 selected a gentleman 2:34 foreign 2:39 but what he kind of he answered didn't 2:43 make any sense he said like oh give me 2:46 requirements 2:48 I said our requirement is that we need 2:51 to have a meeting because we don't know 2:53 how to how your contract because you 2:56 withdrew your application and she 2:59 answered oh it's your decision kind of 3:01 completely out of touch and I decided 3:05 that we're done you know we don't need 3:08 we don't need a contractor at the moment 3:16 nothing the second we decided to 3:19 postpone because like our Jitsu is 3:22 related to proximix ve and since we 3:26 haven't figured out ranked Max why 3:29 should we expedite Gypsy we need to 3:31 finish the proximate first okay on the 3:35 Proxima Natalia 3:38 said that she will review like 3:40 Muhammad's access details or credentials 3:44 and she will update me via email but 3:48 Natalia didn't Natalie did you review it 3:50 or not 3:53 hmm 3:56 I 3:58 uh Michael some book of this this box 4:02 and today I set up a boxman's box server 4:07 in another way that 4:09 uh 4:14 so do you do you want to give Tim to 4:16 Mohammed to review or no yes of course 4:20 yes 4:22 so will you email me 4:27 I 4:30 I will I'll know you today and 4:34 and send credential 4:38 yeah I I changed credential 4:43 like those in on climate with the file 4:50 and 4:53 and send you 4:55 that 4:57 he can can work 5:01 okay 5:03 so I I didn't get it kind of you want to 5:06 you send to him directly or you will 5:09 send to me and I will send it to him or 5:12 what what will be 5:14 uh 5:16 I I sent him 5:18 okay cool 5:20 and since Natalia when I tell them like 5:24 emailed me I will email Muhammad and 5:28 then when Muhammad 5:30 is done we will also 5:33 kind of put like a Java Joseph to take a 5:36 look another look 5:37 cool 5:39 so the next thing was media Wiki right 5:43 yes 5:45 Natalia said like she will 5:51 experiments 5:54 Natalia did you experiment of course I 5:58 uh I moved 6:00 in roxmox and and try 6:06 this 6:08 those points 6:10 and I 6:12 [Music] 6:14 I 6:16 didn't finished yet 6:23 basically you created kind of uh like a 6:26 separate like virtual machine right on 6:29 products and and you are trying to set 6:32 up similarly as we did to 6:36 uh our like selected contractor right 6:39 like did you use the same machines or 6:43 you kind of set up another machine 6:46 oh um 6:50 you can you can make snapshot of uh 6:55 of 6:58 know this works 7:01 and 7:02 and 7:03 give another and to give another contact 7:09 information 7:12 you can you try to say something now 7:20 no okay 7:22 continue please 7:25 work 7:49 okay so we uh we so where we are there 7:55 like we are waiting for you 7:57 thank you 8:00 but do you expect kind of to finish this 8:03 experiments 8:05 um 8:06 let's say within a week 8:08 in this week I finished 8:13 cool 8:15 that would be good 8:25 and you play with uh 139 version right 8:32 yes yes 8:39 right 8:53 yeah 8:54 I I jumped to 8:59 I created a 9:01 live streaming wiki page where I 9:04 described some uh some details of how to 9:08 Envision this streaming will be able to 9:11 do so from this um 9:14 uh 9:15 Solutions I'll be able to create a job 9:18 requirement for airport so that we can 9:22 get proposals and people who can can 9:25 come in and be able to 9:27 to 9:29 help us achieve this 9:33 solutions for streaming agency to 9:37 YouTube 9:39 I also did some experiments with hobby 9:42 Studio 9:43 um I tried streaming 9:48 the results weren't uh 9:51 the resulting video was Larry and one 9:54 kind of stream they taxed if they are 9:58 sharing the screen like you are right 9:59 now 10:01 um this tree we're not able to read the 10:03 text since the video is not bad 10:09 kind of the name of this page is not 10:11 correct so let's say you put like here 10:13 live streaming but you are talking about 10:16 not live streaming but live streaming 10:19 within like 10 m cyber right yes so it's 10:22 not like live streaming but Simmons 10:26 it's it's more like yeah more like 10:28 General thing 10:33 and here we are looking for details 10:37 I'm not sure why why like a gypsy expert 10:42 um also I feel like what 10:46 I feel what genius than this 10:50 project 10:51 you miss kind of to talk to me 10:54 to collect more requirements 10:57 so you did something but you did on your 10:59 own 11:00 and because you started doing on your 11:03 own 11:04 uh you missed some requirements and we 11:07 discussed like last meeting I mentioned 11:10 that let's say you put here a video but 11:13 I said maybe we need to change a video 11:16 we are not going to change certain Dipsy 11:19 but we may change a video 11:23 um 11:25 maybe we need to create kind of some 11:28 room like on like a virtual machine 11:31 where we can like I don't know 11:35 the videos and on the same machine maybe 11:39 we can call it kind of CNM studio video 11:42 Studio something like that 11:46 so you did something which is good 11:52 what is this short-term streaming 11:54 alternative 12:00 the solution 12:02 before you get that solution 12:05 before you're able to stream directly on 12:07 YouTube 12:11 yeah I would say we need to seek Jesus 12:15 verbs I don't really like how the Gypsy 12:20 is working 12:22 um 12:25 we need to fix this first 12:28 and kind of it's no point right now to 12:31 make like a temporary solution 12:34 because we kind of we 12:36 agree to fix the Gypsy first yes 12:41 so this is after again with this like 12:44 with this live stream and 12:46 let's do this way I don't want to bother 12:49 on Natalia 12:51 but you kind of work you need we need to 12:55 schedule our 12:57 separate top on stream 12:59 how we will do it and 13:02 and get requirements and decide what we 13:05 need to do because what you have done 13:13 but 13:15 again you are missing some details 13:18 particularly especially 13:21 that we want to 13:24 see whether 13:26 alternatives to a video exit so you put 13:30 like short 13:32 terms 13:34 eternity but we need to 13:37 decide the composition how we will 13:40 generally use 13:43 what software with another software 13:48 okay so kind of we need to schedule a 13:51 meeting 13:52 a separate meeting 13:54 it will be like office hour dedicated to 13:57 our 13:58 let's say send them to nothing nothing 14:01 else live stream yes 14:05 okay but I I jumped in uh maybe Natalia 14:09 won't say something if not so let's go 14:12 further 14:18 do you have anything to contribute 14:31 I don't hear the last question 14:36 do you want to save anything or 14:41 uh or we we will go to Odo and 14:55 no no you go uh 15:01 okay let's go 10 10. 15:05 Okay so 15:06 so my previous meeting we decided that 15:12 this meeting 15:15 I'd like you again to tell us our 15:17 position with these two and what what 15:21 should we can Envision 15:24 yeah why why I didn't include it yeah 15:28 okay good so let's say with ODU uh 15:32 right now 15:34 all our like how the system is 15:37 structured we have several 15:39 people in the program right like Rita 15:43 and very Gracie and you and 15:47 uh and me in Italian whomever and 15:52 for now we 15:55 just kind of deal or say oh I did work 15:58 like this hours that's it and Bill right 16:01 it is not how normally companies operate 16:06 normal companies 16:08 you have some 16:12 like 16:15 how to say I I forgot the good word 16:22 so basically what I want like us to use 16:27 or do HR 16:30 and we can use recruitment 16:35 modules 16:37 and we try to say 16:41 to kind of to use them several times I 16:44 remember Carolina was the last one who 16:47 tried 16:48 and I remember that 16:50 Natalia set up like a module 16:53 or I set up a module I don't remember 16:57 but we I remember we added like this 17:00 modules HR and recruitment 17:03 and at least try to do something 17:07 and then we didn't finish 17:10 we just kind of abandoned the project 17:12 but for normal people who are joining 17:16 our like practice 17:18 if we want people to 17:22 feel like they are working in the 17:25 company like kind of emulate a normal 17:28 working environment we need to create 17:31 some like second time tracking solution 17:35 so in the best way people will apply 17:40 uh I will put salsa track and 17:46 not Time Track and maybe kind of not not 17:48 I don't mean like uh 17:51 electronic time tracking uh I mean like 17:55 just to track like a work time 17:57 so they can when they work they put okay 18:01 I'm working right now on these 18:03 and they 18:05 do like how many hours depends on on on 18:08 different things in normal company I I 18:11 remember for instance I work 18:14 let's say 18:16 we don't do it in the college 18:19 but in let's say when I work for 18:24 for instance for 18:27 the Marine Corps right you we had like a 18:31 system where at the end of the day I put 18:35 like 8.2 hours that I worked like during 18:38 the day and they kind of paid me for my 18:41 hours right so we need to create 18:44 something kind of fun with this audio 18:46 it is not like urgent solution 18:50 I would say that now like 18:54 streaming is more important 18:56 but we need to think about this we need 18:58 to put it there so for now it's no kind 19:02 of a point but we need to get we don't 19:05 we we need to keep it kind of keep it in 19:07 our agenda to think about that and as 19:11 soon as we have a chance 19:14 we need to start looking for other 19:17 contractors and puts like under audio 19:21 is a good way because in home crab 19:26 come help for us right now is this like 19:30 hung up is a tool 19:32 to stay in touch with the say 19:34 contractors so for instance what is 19:37 going on 19:39 let's say uh 19:44 even under the project let's say let's 19:46 take like media Wiki project 19:49 you 19:51 work as a kind of help us with the 19:53 recruitment which was good 19:55 we have someone 20:00 started working 20:02 as soon as he accepted your contract 20:06 you 20:08 cannot express communication with this 20:11 contractor right yeah 20:13 so technically right now this project 20:16 has no coordinator 20:18 no one kind of understands what is going 20:22 on so Natalia personally is working was 20:25 working with 20:26 kind of Clovis and 20:29 [Music] 20:30 um 20:32 and she kind of knows something but 20:36 she's not a coordinator 20:38 she 20:39 she's supposed to do her job so like 20:43 this project technically right now has 20:45 no coordinator 20:47 and no one can say what is kind of what 20:50 is 20:50 what is going on no one pitches pictures 20:53 like clothes clothes where are we 20:57 what way you want us to do 20:59 kind of what is going on because you 21:03 have no chance 21:05 to put you as a manager on like upwork 21:10 I don't feel like I'm comfortable 21:13 I'm comfortable to do this like with 21:15 Natalia but not with every of our let's 21:20 say contractors right more like our 21:23 participant program 21:25 so 21:27 some concept sounds like 21:30 it's like two competitors in my view I'd 21:35 like to 21:36 accommodate this kind of experience with 21:39 the contractors 21:41 and the second thing with whom cab 21:44 we have this like welcome page right 21:48 we need to have some page to send people 21:51 you have we had this discussion 21:54 yesterday right yeah 21:57 then I'm cyber 22:00 .com space 22:03 fresh welcome 22:07 right now this page kind of Sonia did 22:11 something on this page 22:13 and Rita did something on this page I 22:17 believe this is Sonia yeah I guess it's 22:20 Sonia yeah 22:22 yeah but this page is not updated since 22:24 March 21st right today is what what 22:28 month now it's like June 22:32 and also like find the orientation 22:34 course we don't have orientation course 22:36 there 22:38 log it in sir we know that kind of this 22:42 right now the model is not workable 22:46 so this page is outdated 22:48 but we need kind of we need to have 22:52 kind of this page there 22:55 also 22:57 whom have also has events scheduling by 23:02 the way 23:04 which is another thing which we never 23:06 kind of did 23:11 it's a paid 23:13 Event Event organizing 23:18 event schedule 23:22 module 23:24 which we never use 23:26 with kind of recently 23:29 but 23:31 before Natalia came I worked with Roman 23:34 and Roman 23:35 like he promoted this idea to to kind of 23:41 to install this like event schedule 23:42 module 23:44 and as far as we searched at that time 23:49 it may make salute it kind of 23:53 then 23:54 it will be no need to schedule a Meetup 23:57 we can set up so like events which will 24:01 be scheduled on homegrab 24:03 will automatically 24:05 schedule on as well 24:09 so it was kind of a solution to kind of 24:11 to 24:12 to reorganize and we will have like 24:16 events in our own schedule instead of 24:18 sending people to meet up we can send 24:21 people to Comcast and people who are 24:24 interested in they can stay in touch 24:27 uh 24:29 so whom have can be a good solution for 24:34 those people who are just kind of want 24:37 to stay in touch and we want we want to 24:41 to work on this 24:43 and it is not like urgent solution not 24:47 urgent task not immediate but we need to 24:50 we need to keep it up kind of in our 24:53 Loop too okay okay keep it now look 24:57 okay 25:01 yeah okay 25:04 so I you know I want to make kind of 25:07 like a hard stop and let's say in like 25:10 three minutes 25:12 um 25:20 yeah I kind of I I want to make just 25:23 like a hard stuff whatever whatever we 25:25 didn't discuss kind of move to 25:29 to the next week 25:31 um 25:32 it's good again back to our experience 25:35 first experience it's really good that 25:38 you did the script 25:40 and we will talk to you 25:43 how to make it in like the script is 25:45 Norm 25:46 the action items I will continue my kind 25:51 of revising but it must be kind of good 25:55 like track 25:56 what we did and what like what what is 26:00 going on 26:02 uh 26:03 uh in this way our work will be more 26:06 structured 26:09 uh that's it from my side 26:11 generally we kind of we are we're going 26:14 we're moving in the right direction and 26:16 uh and like just keep going 26:20 and what else 26:24 did you want to do you want to ask 26:27 anything or 26:29 to updates or 26:33 no 26:34 no okay 26:35 [Music] 26:37 so then talk to you Natalia tomorrow uh 26:41 Kevin whatever I'm 26:44 I'm waiting for your contact 26:48 uh and we will have a separate session 26:52 on live streaming yes 26:55 um 26:57 anything else 27:04 okay thank you so much thank you 27:07 thank you so much