EmployableU Concepts
EmployableU Concepts (hereinafter, the Course) is the course that is designed to onboard potential users to CNMCyber. Graduation from the Course grants the KSA Certified Digital Operator (KSACDO) certification.
WorldOpp Orientation is the Course's prerequisite. The Course serves as the prerequisite to CNMCyber Bootcamps for aspiring members of both CNMCyber Team and WorldOpp Fellow Staff.

As a course, the Course is published on CNM Cert. The Course is the second stage of the WorldOpp Pipeline.
- The Course follows WorldOpp Orientation and is made up of several mandatory learning activities, which can be chunked in two modules:
- Career-Overview Sessions, which consist of four sessions that cover employment, recruitment, career administration, and education respectively, and
- CNMCyber Sessions, which consist of four sessions, one of which introduces to CNMCyber and the rest three cover its three suites.
Lessons' outline
Forum for graduates
- The Next Steps Forum is optional; that means one can graduate without it. That activity is more like a bonus -- those who achieved a particular score can ask direct questions about next steps. This is the only part of the Course, which materials haven't been developed at CNM Wiki prior to moving to CNM Cert.
Goals of the Course are:
- To provide the participants with overview to CNMCyber and its services; and
- If the participants are interested in volunteer or employment opportunities, to guide the Aspirants in their further steps.
Educational objectives
- For every participant, educational objectives are providing introductory knowledge about CNMCyber and its services. At the end of the Course, those participants who have decided to use those services, shall be able to use them and navigate through them.
Sought outcomes
- The major outcomes that this Course seeks to find are to:
- Gain commitment of the Aspirants;
- Reduce anxiety of the Aspirants;
- Help the Aspirants understand CNMCyber and its services.
- Main wikipage: Careerprise Literacy
Separate announcements may be created in order to target those promising KSA Certified Digital Operators who speak languages other than English.
Target ad
- The following announcement shall eventually be distributed in order to target promising KSA Certified Digital Operators:
Are you on the job market? Are you going to be? Would you like to be? If so, do you need a powerful and reliable partner? The Friends Of CNM brings its career-enhancement platform, CNMCyber, to you. This platform features dozens of tools such as learning management and project management systems that can empower your job search, hands-on training, networking, and much more. You can use a special Welcome Course in order to unlock those services at no cost to you. When you create an account at opplet.net, you will be assigned a student alias and able to enroll in that course. The course is located at cert.friendsofcnm.org and available 24/7.
Current ad
- The following announcement shall be currently distributed in order to target promising KSA Certified Digital Operators:
Launch or enhance your IT career today! Apprentices are urgently needed! Neither education nor experience is required to start! Create an account (a.k.a. "register") at opplet.net, click on CNM Cert, enter your login and password, and enroll yourself (a.k.a. "Self-enrollment") into the "Welcome Course." Your login name is not significant; the system will assign you a student alias. Your email is not necessary -- you can leave it blank. Alternatively, you can access this course at cert.friendsofcnm.org -- log in and click Site home. Training and other promising employer's services are free of charge.
The complete curriculum, including exam questions, is published on Category: Orientation Curriculum.
- All the examinations are posted at CNM Cert. They include:
- Practice quizzes for every presentation;
- Final examination, which consists of 20 true/false questions, has a limit of 10 minutes, and can be taken unlimited number of times.
- All glossary terms may be viewed at Category: WorldOpp Orientation.
2019 Course presentation
- The video preview presentation, 4:44 minutes, is published on https://youtu.be/uOxbNOFI9E0. Here is its full text:
This is a preview to Careerprise Course. This Course's materials have been published on CNM Wiki.
To access it, launch any web browser. In its address bar, which some also call the URL field, type wiki, dot, k, s, a, certs, once again, it is double-u, ai, kay, ai, dot, kay, ess, a, cee, ee, ar, tee, ess, dot-com. Your request should bring you to the landing page of CNM Wiki. Scroll down a little bit to Collection of learning materials and click on Careerprise Course. This action should bring you to the front page of the course materials.
Careerprise Course is the introduction to Friends Of CNM and its services. The Course is designed for aspiring candidates to learn and work using Friends Of CNM resources.
The Course consists of eight sessions. In its curriculum outline, we may see that the first session is Introduction to Employment. According to the outline, this session contains three presentations, which are CNMC Workforce Essentials, CNM Social Communities, and CNMCyber Essentials. Let's click on the session's title and check. Well, we can see CNMC Workforce Essentials, CNM Social Communities, and CNMCyber Essentials -- here we go.
Let's go back to the course front page. If the Course is taken on the CNM Cert, every presentation is followed by a quiz. Nothing is mandatory; however, only those participants who pass the Course's quizzes should be able to advance to the next stage.
Indeed, Careerprise Course itself is the first stage of WorldOpp Pipeline. Let's open the available image. We can see that the pipeline, besides the Course, consists of CNMCyber Bootcamps, Educaship Fellowship, and Careerprise Employment.
The Course is the place where you can learn what WorldOpp is, what the Friends Of CNM is, what technology will be used, what expectations you can have from Friends Of CNM and what expectations Friends Of CNM will have from you.
Based on your exam success you can be enrolled into CNMCyber Bootcamps, which is a more hands-on activity in comparison with the Course. CNMCyber Bootcamps is the place where you will learn how to use the wiki, how to use other development apps, and, based on CNMCyber Bootcamps, you will be enrolled into the Educaship Fellowship. You can also be placed in a WorldOpp incubator. This is why CNMCyber Bootcamps is called bootcamp.
In the case that you get to the incubator, you can get a monthly stipend while you are learning. This which will allow you to cater for some of your expenses while learning. You will decide how to use the money. Friends Of CNM will never ask you how you spend your stipend. And, of course, no one will ever seriously ask you to return the money.
Educaship Fellowship is actually a pre-employment training. It may take about five or six weeks to finish it; though, this is just an estimate. Based on Educaship Fellowship, you can be promoted to Careerprise Employment, which is the combination of on-the-job training, education, and the job itself.
You are welcome to explore other pages and videos in order to find more information about the Course and review its materials. When you decide to get enrolled, you are invited to go to careerprise -- once again, it is see, a, ar, double ee, ar, pee, ar, ai, ess, ee, dot com and click on "Register".