Product intro copy

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A product intro copy (alternatively known as introduction copy or, simply, intro copy; with reference to a tagline, also known as a tagline slogan, tagline content, tagline phrase, tagline text, tagline pitch, and description content; hereinafter, the Text) is a brief textual description of a market exchangeable that is used in order to introduce this product in various media. In other words, the Text is a reiterated phrase identified with the market exchangeable that the Text introduces.


The Text can make any market exchangeable more or less attractive on the market.


By default, the length of the Text shall be as short as possible, but long enough to describe and, preferably, distinguish the product the Text introduces.


Simple, plain, key words.



The Text is one of several critical elements that make up a website. Along with the page title, the Text provides website visitors with with the page context. Ideally, the Text shall let its visitors know exactly what they will find on the webpage they are about to visit.
The Text also serves as the description of a webpage when web search engines crawl the page info. Thus, the Text can either optimize or weaken the page for search. The algorithms of web search engines shall also be tested while defining the Text length.

Social media communities

The Text is one of several critical elements that make up a community within a social media. The Text provides community visitors with with the community context. Ideally, the Text shall let the community visitors know exactly what they will find in the community they are about to join.
The Text also serves as the description of a community when the media search engine crawls the community info to compose a search results and/or news feed. Thus, the Text can either optimize or weaken the community for searches. The algorithms of news feeds shall also be tested while defining the Text effectiveness. For instance, the Facebook algorithm tends to favor content from friends and family over content from publishers or businesses.


