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|rowspan="12"|[[Lesson]]s (exam preparation)
![[CNM Cyber and Services]]
![[CNM Cyber Essentials]]
|[[CNM Cyber Essentials]], [[CNM Cyber Services]]
|[[CNM Cyber Essentials#What CNM Cyber Is|What CNM Cyber Is]], [[CNM Cyber Essentials#CNM Cyber Suites|CNM Cyber Suites]], [[CNM Cyber Essentials#CNM Cyber Projects|CNM Cyber Projects]], [[CNM Cyber Essentials#What CNM Page Be|What CNM Page Be]], [[CNM Cyber Essentials#What CNM Conferencing Be|What CNM Conferencing Be]]
![[CNM Cyber Services]]
![[CNM Cyber for Competence]]
|[[CNM Cyber Services#CNM Cyber Hostname|CNM Cyber Hostname]], [[CNM Cyber Services#CNM Cyber Subdomains|CNM Cyber Subdomains]], [[CNM Cyber Services#Future of CNM Cyber DNS|Future of CNM Cyber DNS]]
|[[Competency Suite Essentials]], [[CNM Tube Essentials]], [[CNM Wiki Essentials]], [[CNM Cert Essentials]]
![[Competency Suite Essentials]]
![[CNM Cyber for Action]]
|[[Competency Suite Essentials#What Competency Suite Is|What Competency Suite Is]], [[Competency Suite Essentials#Focus on Knowledge|Focus on Knowledge]], [[Competency Suite Essentials#Focus on Abilities|Focus on Abilities]], [[Competency Suite Essentials#Focus on Skills|Focus on Skills]], [[Competency Suite Essentials#Inter-Relatedness of Training|Inter-Relatedness of Training]]
|[[Action Suite Essentials]], [[CNM Social Essentials]], [[Who Develops CNM Cyber]]
![[CNM Tube Essentials]]
![[CNM Cyber for Experience]]
|[[CNM Tube Essentials#What CNM Tube Is|What CNM Tube Is]], [[CNM Tube Essentials#Functions of CNM Tube|Functions of CNM Tube]], [[CNM Tube Essentials#Tube vs Wiki|Tube vs Wiki]], [[CNM Tube Essentials#Tube vs Lab|Tube vs Lab]], [[CNM Tube Essentials#Tube vs Cert vs Page|Tube vs Cert vs Page]]
|[[CNM Cabin Essentials]], [[CNM Cloud Essentials]], [[CNM Lab Essentials]]
![[CNM Wiki Essentials]]
|[[CNM Wiki Essentials#What CNM Wiki Is|What CNM Wiki Is]], [[CNM Wiki Essentials#Collaboration on Documents|Collaboration on Documents]], [[CNM Wiki Essentials#Wiki's Version Control|Wiki's Version Control]], [[CNM Wiki Essentials#Wiki's Images and Talks|Wiki's Images and Talks]], [[CNM Wiki Essentials#Wiki at Competency Suite|Wiki at Competency Suite]]
![[CNM Cert Essentials]]
|[[CNM Cert Essentials#What CNM Cert Is|What CNM Cert Is]], [[CNM Cert Essentials#CNM Cert Enrollments|CNM Cert Enrollments]], [[CNM Cert Essentials#Standard vs Individual Courses|Standard vs Individual Courses]], [[CNM Cert Essentials#Cert at Competency Suite|Cert at Competency Suite]]
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|[[Action Suite Essentials#What Action Suite Is|What Action Suite Is]], [[Action Suite Essentials#What CNM Venture Is|What CNM Venture Is]], [[Action Suite Essentials#CNM Linkup vs Venture|CNM Linkup vs Venture]], [[Action Suite Essentials#CNM Venture vs Lab|CNM Venture vs Lab]], [[Action Suite Essentials#What CNM Mail Is|What CNM Mail Is]]
![[CNM Social Essentials]]
|[[CNM Social Essentials#What CNM Social Is|What CNM Social Is]], [[CNM Social Essentials#CNM Social Spaces|CNM Social Spaces]], [[CNM Social Essentials#Social at Action Suite|Social at Action Suite]]
![[Who Develops CNM Cyber|Who Develops CNM Cyber]]
|[[Who Develops CNM Cyber#Teams of CNM Cyber|Teams of CNM Cyber]], [[Who Develops CNM Cyber#Cyber Teams' Workloads|Cyber Teams' Workloads]], [[Who Develops CNM Cyber#Cyber Entry-Level Positions|Cyber Entry-Level Positions]]
![[CNM Lab Essentials]]
|[[CNM Lab Essentials#What CNM Lab Is|What CNM Lab Is]], [[CNM Lab Essentials#Systems of CNM Lab|Systems of CNM Lab]], [[CNM Lab Essentials#CNM Lab vs Wiki|CNM Lab vs Wiki]], [[CNM Lab Essentials#Cyber-Security at Lab|Cyber-Security at Lab]]
![[CNM Cabin Essentials]]
|[[CNM Cabin Essentials#What CNM Cabin Is|What CNM Cabin Is]], [[CNM Cabin Essentials#Managers of User Records|Managers of User Records]], [[CNM Cabin Essentials#System-User Roles|System-User Roles]], [[CNM Cabin Essentials#CNM Cyber SSO|CNM Cyber SSO]], [[CNM Cabin Essentials#Student Aliases|Student Aliases]], [[CNM Cabin Essentials#Cabin's vs System's Roles|Cabin's vs System's Roles]]
![[CNM Cloud Essentials]]
|[[CNM Cloud Essentials#What CNM Cloud Is|What CNM Cloud Is]], [[CNM Cloud Essentials#CNM Apps|CNM Apps]], [[CNM Cloud Essentials#CNM Servers|CNM Servers]], [[CNM Cloud Essentials#CNM Cloud Project|CNM Cloud Project]]

Revision as of 23:04, 13 April 2020

The CNM Cyber Welcome Course (or, simply, Welcome Course; formerly known as CNM Cyber Welcome Session; hereinafter, the Course) is a set of learning activities designed to onboard potential customers to the CNM Cyber. The Course serves as the prerequisite to both the CNM Cyber Orientation for aspiring members of the CNM Cyber Team and WorldOpp Fellow Staff.

Currently, the Course is published at CNM Cert; however, its preview lesson shall be also available at CNM Page when that content management system is available. The Course offering is a vital part of WorldOpp Sourcing.


The Course is made up of several mandatory learning activities, which can be chunked in three modules:
  1. Preview lesson, which consists of three lectios
  2. Twelve preparation lessons, every of which consists of from three to five lectios. The preparation lessons are following a preview lesson and are followed by the CNM Cyber Entrance Exam, and
  3. Entrance exam, which consists of twenty questions.
One optional activity, the Next Step Q&As forum, is available for those learners who successfully completed the mandatory Course activities.

Lessons' curriculum

# Sessions Lessons
0 Preview CNM Cyber Welcome Course Preview
1 CNM Cyber and Services CNM Cyber Essentials, CNM Cyber Services
2 CNM Cyber for Competence Competency Suite Essentials, CNM Tube Essentials, CNM Wiki Essentials, CNM Cert Essentials
3 CNM Cyber for Action Action Suite Essentials, CNM Social Essentials, Who Develops CNM Cyber
4 CNM Cyber for Experience CNM Cabin Essentials, CNM Cloud Essentials, CNM Lab Essentials

Certification quiz

Main wikipage: CNM Cyber Entrance Exam
The certification quiz consists of 20 multiple-choice and true/false questions; the number of attempts is unlimited; the feedback is minimal.

Forum for graduates

The Next Steps Forum is optional; that means one can graduate without it. That activity is more like a bonus -- those who achieved a particular score can ask direct questions about next steps. This is the only part of the Course, which materials haven't been developed at CNM Wiki prior to moving to CNM Cert.


Goals of the Course are:

  1. To provide the participants with overview to CNM Cyber and its services; and
  2. If the participants are interested in volunteer or employment opportunities, to guide the Aspirants in their further steps.

Educational objectives

For every participant, educational objectives are providing introductory knowledge about CNM Cyber and its services. At the end of the Course, those participants who have decided to use those services, shall be able to use them and navigate through them.

Sought outcomes

The major outcomes that this Course seeks to find are to:
  1. Gain commitment of the Aspirants;
  2. Reduce anxiety of the Aspirants;
  3. Help the Aspirants understand CNM Cyber and its services.


Main wikipage: WorldOpp Sourcing

Separate announcements may be created in order to target those promising users of CNM Cyber who speak languages other than English.

Target ad

The following announcement shall eventually be distributed in order to target promising users of CNM Cyber:

Are you on the job market? Are you going to be? Would you like to be? If so, do you need a powerful and reliable partner? The Friends Of CNM brings its career-enhancement platform, CNM Cyber, to you. This platform features dozens of tools such as learning management and project management systems that can empower your job search, hands-on training, networking, and much more. You can use a special Welcome Course in order to unlock those services at no cost to you. When you create an account at opplet.net, you will be assigned a student alias and able to enroll in that course. The course is located at cert.friendsofcnm.org and available 24/7.

Current ad

The following announcement shall be currently distributed in order to target promising users of CNM Cyber:

Launch or enhance your IT career today! Apprentices are urgently needed! Neither education nor experience is required to start! Create an account (a.k.a. "register") at opplet.net, click on CNM Cert, enter your login and password, and enroll yourself (a.k.a. "Self-enrollment") into the "Welcome Course." Your login name is not significant; the system will assign you a student alias. Your email is not necessary -- you can leave it blank. Alternatively, you can access this course at cert.friendsofcnm.org -- log in and click Site home. Training and other promising employer's services are free of charge.