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[[Introduction to Employment]] (hereinafter, the ''Lecture'') is a lecture introducing the learners to [[employment]] and related topics. The ''Lecture'' is the second of eight lectures of '''[[WorldOpp Orientation]]''' (hereinafter, the ''Orientation'').
The [[Book of Employment]] (hereinafter, the ''Session'') is the learning session that has been created to introduce its participants to [[employment]] and related topics. The ''Session'' addresses general concepts of [[employment]] and how these concepts apply to [[CNMCyber]] work  environment. The ''Session'' consists of five [[lesson]]s, each of which is made of three to six [[lectio]]s. At [[CNMCyber]], a [[lectio]] is a [[lectio|lesson part]].
[[File:Educaship-pipeline.png|400px|thumb|[[WorldOpp Pipeline]]]]The official version of the ''Session'' is published on [[CNM Cert]]. The ''Session'' materials are also published on [[CNM Tube]], [[CNM Wiki]], and various channels for marketing and convenience purposes. The ''Session'' belongs to '''[[EmployableU Concepts]]'''.
''[[Welcome to Friends Of CNM]] is the predecessor lecture.''
===Employment (overview)===
:The predecessor session is [[WorldOpp Orientation]].
:'''[[Employment]]'''. In the workspace, [[employment]] is an [[agreement]] between an [[employer]], who agrees to compensate an [[employee]] in exchange for his or her work time, and an [[employee]], who agrees to follow the [[employer]]'s directions during work hours in exchange for the [[employer]]'s compensation, as well as a process and/or result of that exchange.<div style="background-color:#efefef; padding: 5px; margin: 15px;">
:*'''[[Occupation]]'''. The regular activity that a person undertakes in order to earn his or her livelihood. That activity can be a job, profession, or position that somebody works in. Entrepreneurs may refer their [[occupation]] as [[self-employed]].
:{|class="wikitable" width=100% style="text-align:center;"
:*'''[[Industry]]'''. Any part of an [[economy]], a group of [[enterprise]]s, that creates a particular type of [[product]]s.</div>
|+[[Introduction to Employment]]
![[Employment Essentials]]
|[[What Employment Is]], [[Work Sellers]], [[Volunteer Workers]], [[Student Workers]], [[Employee Remunerations]], [[Labor Relations]]
![[Industries and Specialties]]
|[[What Economy Is]], [[Economy Segments]], [[What Industry Is]], [[Groupings of Employers]], [[Professional Specialties]]
![[Nature of Occupations]]
|[[What Occupation Is]], [[Personalities and Work]], [[Occupational Interests]], [[Core Occupations]]
![[Nature of Work]]
|[[Work Characteristics]], [[Work Arrangements]], [[Job Dimensions]], [[Task Attributes]], [[Workplace Conditions]]
![[Labor Regulations]]
|[[Labor Laws]], [[Protected Groups]], [[Who Whistleblower Is]]
:'''[[Employment role]]'''. One's [[role]] in [[employment]] relationships.<div style="background-color:#efefef; padding: 5px; margin: 15px;">
:*[[File:Employment.png|400px|thumb|right|[[Employment]]]]'''[[Employee]]'''. Any individual employed by an [[employer]] for some compensation that most likely includes [[wages]] or a [[salary]].
:The successor session is [[Introduction to Recruitment]].
:*[[File:Contracting.png|400px|thumb|right|[[Independent contractor]]]]'''[[Independent contractor]]'''. An individual or another [[legal entity]] that provides goods or services to another entity under terms specified in a [[contract]] or within a verbal agreement. Unlike an [[employee]], an [[independent contractor]] does not work regularly for an [[employer]], but works as and when required, during which time he or she may be subject to law of agency. [[Independent contractor]]s are usually paid on a freelance basis. Contractors often work through a limited company or franchise, which they themselves own, or may work through an umbrella organization.
:*[[File:Employee-vs-contractor.png|400px|thumb|right|[[Independent contractor]] vs [[employee]]]]'''[[Self-employed]]'''. The state of working for oneself as a freelance or the owner of a business rather than for an employer.
:*'''[[Apprentice]]'''. Any [[employee]] who is not fully qualified to perform his or her workload, but agreed to work usually for a part of the fully-skilled worker compensation under the condition of educational assistance in order to gain the needed [[work-related competence]].
:*'''[[Volunteer]]'''. A person who does something, especially helping other people, willingly and without being forced or paid to do it.</div>
===Nature of occupations===
==2019 Preview presentation==
:'''[[Occupational nature]]'''. The main characteristic of an [[occupation]]. This characteristic impacts preferences for work environments and [[outcome]]s.<div style="background-color:#efefef; padding: 5px; margin: 15px;">
:The video preview presentation, 1:11 minutes, is published on https://youtu.be/CBuSoaw11cQ. Here is its full text:<blockquote><p>Preview of introduction to employment session. In employment session we will talk about employment in general, we will talk about different industries, we will touch a little bit [[labor law]]. [[Labor law]] can be a separate course, we will touch different employment roles including employees and private contractors, self-employed, apprentice and volunteers, we will talk and classify different [[occupation]]s. We will discuss work environments including employment motivation model, job characteristics model. We will talk about task structures and we will end up with competencies needed at work including [[occupation-required competency|occupation-required competenci]]es, industry related and we will end up with administrative competencies. Next we will go to [[Introduction to Recruitment]] as the successor session.</p></blockquote>
:*'''[[Earth occupation]]''' ([[realistic occupation]]). An [[occupation]] that frequently involves work activities that include practical, hands-on problems and solutions. They often deal with plants, animals, and real-world materials like wood, tools, and machinery. Many of the occupations require working outside, and do not involve a lot of paperwork or working closely with others.
:*'''[[Investigative occupation]]'''. An [[occupation]] that frequently involves working with [[idea]]s and requires an extensive amount of thinking. These occupations can involve searching for facts and figuring out problems mentally.
:*'''[[Artistic occupation]]'''. An [[occupation]] that frequently involves working with forms, designs and patterns. They often require self-expression and the work can be done without following a clear set of rules.
:*'''[[Social occupation]]'''. An [[occupation]] that frequently involves working with, communicating with, and teaching people. These occupations often involve helping or providing service to others.
:*'''[[Enterprising occupation]]'''. An [[occupation]] that frequently involves starting up and carrying out projects. These occupations can involve leading people and making many decisions. Sometimes they require risk taking and often deal with business.
:*'''[[Conventional occupation]]'''. An [[occupation]] that frequently involves following set procedures and routines. These occupations can include working with data and details more than with ideas. Usually there is a clear line of authority to follow.</div>
===Conditions of work===
:'''[[Task structure]]'''. A set of structural job characteristics with which the worker interacts.<div style="background-color:#efefef; padding: 5px; margin: 15px;">
:*'''[[Consequence of error]]'''. How serious would the result usually be if the worker made a mistake that was not readily correctable?
:*'''[[Degree of automation]]'''. How automated is the job?
:*'''[[Freedom to make decisions]]'''. How much decision making freedom, without supervision, does the job offer?
:*'''[[Frequency of decision-making]]'''. How frequently is the worker required to make decisions that affect other people, the financial resources, and/or the image and reputation of the organization?
:*'''[[Impact on enterprise]]'''. What results do your decisions usually have on other people or the image or reputation or financial resources of your employer?
:*'''[[Importance of being exact]]''' (or accurate). How important is being very exact or highly accurate in performing this job?
:*'''[[Importance of repeating same tasks]]'''. How important is repeating the same physical activities (e.g., key entry) or mental activities (e.g., checking entries in a ledger) over and over, without stopping, to performing this job?
:*'''[[Level of competition]]'''. To what extent does this job require the worker to compete or to be aware of competitive pressures?
:*'''[[Structured versus unstructured work]]'''. To what extent is this job structured for the worker, rather than allowing the worker to determine tasks, priorities, and goals?
:*'''[[Time pressure]]'''. How often does this job require the worker to meet strict deadlines? How important is it to this job that the pace is determined by the speed of equipment or machinery? (This does not refer to keeping busy at all times on this job.)
:*'''[[Work schedule]]'''. How regular are the work schedules for this job and what is the number of hours typically worked in one week?
:*'''[[Work virtualization]]'''. The degree to which work is done remotely rather than at some specific physical location.</div>
===Competences required at work===
:[[File:Work-related-competence.png|400px|thumb|[[Work-related competence]]]]'''[[Work-related competence]]'''. [[Competence]] needed to do particular work.<div style="background-color:#efefef; padding: 5px; margin: 15px;">
:*'''[[Occupation-required competence]]'''. [[Competence]] required for a particular [[occupation]].
:*'''[[Administrative competence]]'''. [[Competence]] needed to undertake [[enterprise effort]]s conceptually, regardless specific [[industry]] or [[occupation]]. This competence include:<ol type="a"><li>[[Operational competence]] such as ability to read, write, analyze, use computers, etc.;</li><li>[[Interpersonal competence]] such as ability to listen actively, communicate, understand other's motivation, etc.;</li><li>[[Enterprise competence]] such as ability to administer [[concept]]s.</li></ol>
:*'''[[Industry-related competence]]'''. [[Competence]] related to work in a particular [[industry]].</div>
''[[Introduction to Recruitment]] is the successor lecture.''
===Recorded audio===
===Recorded video===
==Video Text==
===Live sessions===
===Texts and graphics===
===Quiz questions===
:Sample true/false questions:
:#(Not) every employment is paid.
:#Both employee and employer (do not) necessarily enter into an employment agreement.
:#Employment agreements, when are made, should (not) necessarily be written.
:#Employment agreements, when are made, should (not) necessarily be oral.
:#An employer can (not) stop paying an employee without an employee consent.
:#An independent contractor is an entrepreneur him- or her-self.
:#An employer pays (or cannot pay) wages or salaries to an independent contractor.
:#An employer can modify what the employee should accomplish without the employee's consent.
:#An employer can modify how the employee should accomplish his or her work without the employee's consent.
:#An employer can modify what the independent contractor should accomplish without the contractor's consent.
:#An employer can modify how the independent contractor should accomplish his or her work without the contractor's consent.
:#Independent contractors are (not) self-employed.
:#Independent contractors are (not) their own employers.
:#Work environments and outcomes are (not) similar in various occupations.
:#Everyone needs (or does not need) to define his or her own occupation.
:#Earth occupations (do not) deal primarily with plants, animals, and real-world materials like wood, tools, and machinery.
:#Earth occupations (do not) involve primarily searching for facts and figuring out problems mentally.
:#Earth occupations (do not) require primarily self-expression and work without following a clear set of rules.
:#Earth occupations (do not) involve primarily working with, communicating with, and teaching people.
:#Earth occupations (do not) involve primarily starting up and carrying out new developments
:#Earth occupations (do not) involve primarily following set procedures and routines under a clear line of authority.
:#Investigative occupations (do not) deal primarily with plants, animals, and real-world materials like wood, tools, and machinery.
:#Investigative occupations (do not) involve primarily searching for facts and figuring out problems mentally.
:#Investigative occupations (do not) require primarily self-expression and work without following a clear set of rules.
:#Investigative occupations (do not) involve primarily working with, communicating with, and teaching people.
:#Investigative occupations (do not) involve primarily starting up and carrying out new developments
:#Investigative occupations (do not) involve primarily following set procedures and routines under a clear line of authority.
:#Artistic occupations (do not) deal primarily with plants, animals, and real-world materials like wood, tools, and machinery.
:#Artistic occupations (do not) involve primarily searching for facts and figuring out problems mentally.
:#Artistic occupations (do not) require primarily self-expression and work without following a clear set of rules.
:#Artistic occupations (do not) involve primarily working with, communicating with, and teaching people.
:#Artistic occupations (do not) involve primarily starting up and carrying out new developments
:#Artistic occupations (do not) involve primarily following set procedures and routines under a clear line of authority.
:#Social occupations (do not) deal primarily with plants, animals, and real-world materials like wood, tools, and machinery.
:#Social occupations (do not) involve primarily searching for facts and figuring out problems mentally.
:#Social occupations (do not) require primarily self-expression and work without following a clear set of rules.
:#Social occupations (do not) involve primarily working with, communicating with, and teaching people.
:#Social occupations (do not) involve primarily starting up and carrying out new developments
:#Social occupations (do not) involve primarily following set procedures and routines under a clear line of authority.
:#Enterprising occupations (do not) deal primarily with plants, animals, and real-world materials like wood, tools, and machinery.
:#Enterprising occupations (do not) involve primarily searching for facts and figuring out problems mentally.
:#Enterprising occupations (do not) require primarily self-expression and work without following a clear set of rules.
:#Enterprising occupations (do not) involve primarily working with, communicating with, and teaching people.
:#Enterprising occupations (do not) involve primarily starting up and carrying out new developments
:#Enterprising occupations (do not) involve primarily following set procedures and routines under a clear line of authority.
:#Conventional occupations (do not) deal primarily with plants, animals, and real-world materials like wood, tools, and machinery.
:#Conventional occupations (do not) involve primarily searching for facts and figuring out problems mentally.
:#Conventional occupations (do not) require primarily self-expression and work without following a clear set of rules.
:#Conventional occupations (do not) involve primarily working with, communicating with, and teaching people.
:#Conventional occupations (do not) involve primarily starting up and carrying out new developments
:#Conventional occupations (do not) involve primarily following set procedures and routines under a clear line of authority.
:#Work structure refers (or does not refer) to a set of structural job characteristics with which the worker interacts.
:#In one's job, consequence of error refers (or does not refer) to seriousness of the consequences of a mistake that cannot be corrected.
:#In one's job, consequence of error refers (or does not refer) to how automated the job is.
:#In one's job, consequence of error refers (or does not refer) to how much the job offers decision making freedom and work under little-to-no supervision.
:#In one's job, consequence of error refers (or does not refer) to how frequently the worker is required to make decisions that affect other people, the financial resources, and/or the image and reputation of the organization.
:#In one's job, consequence of error refers (or does not refer) to the effect of the worker's decisions on co-workers and/or organizational results.
:#In one's job, consequence of error refers (or does not refer) to the importance of being very exact or highly accurate in performing the job.
:#In one's job, consequence of error refers (or does not refer) to the extent this job require the worker to compete or to be aware of competitive pressures.
:#Consequence of error (or does not assume) the worker determining his or her tasks, priorities, and goals.
:#In one's job, consequence of error refers (or does not refer) to the frequency of meeting strict deadlines.
:#Consequence of error refers (or does not refer) to the degree to which work is done remotely rather than at some specific physical location.
:#Employees should (not) avoid mistakes at all costs.
:#Consequence of error is (not) a structural job characteristic.
:#In one's job, degree of automation refers (or does not refer) to seriousness of the consequences of a mistake that cannot be corrected.
:#In one's job, degree of automation refers (or does not refer) to how automated the job is.
:#In one's job, degree of automation refers (or does not refer) to how much the job offers decision making freedom and work under little-to-no supervision.
:#In one's job, degree of automation refers (or does not refer) to how frequently the worker is required to make decisions that affect other people, the financial resources, and/or the image and reputation of the organization.
:#In one's job, degree of automation refers (or does not refer) to the effect of the worker's decisions on co-workers and/or organizational results.
:#In one's job, degree of automation refers (or does not refer) to the importance of being very exact or highly accurate in performing the job.
:#In one's job, degree of automation refers (or does not refer) to the extent this job require the worker to compete or to be aware of competitive pressures.
:#Degree of automation (or does not assume) the worker determining his or her tasks, priorities, and goals.
:#In one's job, degree of automation refers (or does not refer) to the frequency of meeting strict deadlines.
:#Degree of automation refers (or does not refer) to the degree to which work is done remotely rather than at some specific physical location.
:#Degree of automation is (not) a structural job characteristic.
:#In one's job, duration of typical workweek refers to number of hours typically worked in one week.
:#Duration of typical workweek is (not) a structural job characteristic.
:#In one's job, freedom to make decisions refers (or does not refer) to seriousness of the consequences of a mistake that cannot be corrected.
:#In one's job, freedom to make decisions refers (or does not refer) to how automated the job is.
:#In one's job, freedom to make decisions refers (or does not refer) to how much the job offers decision making freedom and work under little-to-no supervision.
:#In one's job, freedom to make decisions refers (or does not refer) to how frequently the worker is required to make decisions that affect other people, the financial resources, and/or the image and reputation of the organization.
:#In one's job, freedom to make decisions refers (or does not refer) to the effect of the worker's decisions on co-workers and/or organizational results.
:#In one's job, freedom to make decisions refers (or does not refer) to the importance of being very exact or highly accurate in performing the job.
:#In one's job, freedom to make decisions refers (or does not refer) to the extent this job require the worker to compete or to be aware of competitive pressures.
:#Freedom to make decisions (or does not assume) the worker determining his or her tasks, priorities, and goals.
:#In one's job, freedom to make decisions refers (or does not refer) to the frequency of meeting strict deadlines.
:#Freedom to make decisions refers (or does not refer) to the degree to which work is done remotely rather than at some specific physical location.
:#Freedom to make decisions is (not) a structural job characteristic.
:#In one's job, frequency of decision making refers (or does not refer) to seriousness of the consequences of a mistake that cannot be corrected.
:#In one's job, frequency of decision making refers (or does not refer) to how automated the job is.
:#In one's job, frequency of decision making refers (or does not refer) to how much the job offers decision making freedom and work under little-to-no supervision.
:#In one's job, frequency of decision making refers (or does not refer) to how frequently the worker is required to make decisions that affect other people, the financial resources, and/or the image and reputation of the organization.
:#In one's job, frequency of decision making refers (or does not refer) to the effect of the worker's decisions on co-workers and/or organizational results.
:#In one's job, frequency of decision making refers (or does not refer) to the importance of being very exact or highly accurate in performing the job.
:#In one's job, frequency of decision making refers (or does not refer) to the extent this job require the worker to compete or to be aware of competitive pressures.
:#Frequency of decision making (or does not assume) the worker determining his or her tasks, priorities, and goals.
:#In one's job, frequency of decision making refers (or does not refer) to the frequency of meeting strict deadlines.
:#Frequency of decision making refers (or does not refer) to the degree to which work is done remotely rather than at some specific physical location.
:#Frequency of decision making is (not) a structural job characteristic.
:#In one's job, impact of decisions refers (or does not refer) to seriousness of the consequences of a mistake that cannot be corrected.
:#In one's job, impact of decisions refers (or does not refer) to how automated the job is.
:#In one's job, impact of decisions refers (or does not refer) to how much the job offers decision making freedom and work under little-to-no supervision.
:#In one's job, impact of decisions refers (or does not refer) to how frequently the worker is required to make decisions that affect other people, the financial resources, and/or the image and reputation of the organization.
:#In one's job, impact of decisions refers (or does not refer) to the effect of the worker's decisions on co-workers and/or organizational results.
:#In one's job, impact of decisions refers (or does not refer) to the importance of being very exact or highly accurate in performing the job.
:#In one's job, impact of decisions refers (or does not refer) to the extent this job require the worker to compete or to be aware of competitive pressures.
:#Impact of decisions (or does not assume) the worker determining his or her tasks, priorities, and goals.
:#In one's job, impact of decisions refers (or does not refer) to the frequency of meeting strict deadlines.
:#Impact of decisions refers (or does not refer) to the degree to which work is done remotely rather than at some specific physical location.
:#Impact of decisions is (not) a structural job characteristic.
:#In one's job, importance of being exact or accurate refers (or does not refer) to seriousness of the consequences of a mistake that cannot be corrected.
:#In one's job, importance of being exact or accurate refers (or does not refer) to how automated the job is.
:#In one's job, importance of being exact or accurate refers (or does not refer) to how much the job offers decision making freedom and work under little-to-no supervision.
:#In one's job, importance of being exact or accurate refers (or does not refer) to how frequently the worker is required to make decisions that affect other people, the financial resources, and/or the image and reputation of the organization.
:#In one's job, importance of being exact or accurate refers (or does not refer) to the effect of the worker's decisions on co-workers and/or organizational results.
:#In one's job, importance of being exact or accurate refers (or does not refer) to the importance of being very exact or highly accurate in performing the job.
:#In one's job, importance of being exact or accurate refers (or does not refer) to the extent this job require the worker to compete or to be aware of competitive pressures.
:#Importance of being exact or accurate (or does not assume) the worker determining his or her tasks, priorities, and goals.
:#In one's job, importance of being exact or accurate refers (or does not refer) to the frequency of meeting strict deadlines.
:#Importance of being exact or accurate refers (or does not refer) to the degree to which work is done remotely rather than at some specific physical location.
:#Importance of being exact or accurate is (not) a structural job characteristic.
:#Employees should (not) be highly accurate and detail oriented.
:#In one's job, importance of repeating same tasks refers (or does not refer) to the importance of repeating the same physical activities (e.g., key entry) or mental activities (e.g., checking entries in a ledger) over and over, without stopping, to performing this job.
:#Importance of repeating same tasks is (not) a structural job characteristic.
:#In one's job, level of competition refers (or does not refer) to seriousness of the consequences of a mistake that cannot be corrected.
:#In one's job, level of competition refers (or does not refer) to how automated the job is.
:#In one's job, level of competition refers (or does not refer) to how much the job offers decision making freedom and work under little-to-no supervision.
:#In one's job, level of competition refers (or does not refer) to how frequently the worker is required to make decisions that affect other people, the financial resources, and/or the image and reputation of the organization.
:#In one's job, level of competition refers (or does not refer) to the effect of the worker's decisions on co-workers and/or organizational results.
:#In one's job, level of competition refers (or does not refer) to the importance of being very exact or highly accurate in performing the job.
:#In one's job, level of competition refers (or does not refer) to the extent this job require the worker to compete or to be aware of competitive pressures.
:#Level of competition (or does not assume) the worker determining his or her tasks, priorities, and goals.
:#In one's job, level of competition refers (or does not refer) to the frequency of meeting strict deadlines.
:#Level of competition refers (or does not refer) to the degree to which work is done remotely rather than at some specific physical location.
:#Level of competition is (not) a structural job characteristic.
:#Structured versus unstructured work refers (or does not refer) to the difference between little-to-no and comprehensive instructions for the worker to perform his or her job.
:#In one's job, structured work refers (or does not refer) to seriousness of the consequences of a mistake that cannot be corrected.
:#In one's job, structured work refers (or does not refer) to how automated the job is.
:#In one's job, structured work refers (or does not refer) to how much the job offers decision making freedom and work under little-to-no supervision.
:#In one's job, structured work refers (or does not refer) to how frequently the worker is required to make decisions that affect other people, the financial resources, and/or the image and reputation of the organization.
:#In one's job, structured work refers (or does not refer) to the effect of the worker's decisions on co-workers and/or organizational results.
:#In one's job, structured work refers (or does not refer) to the importance of being very exact or highly accurate in performing the job.
:#In one's job, structured work refers (or does not refer) to the extent this job require the worker to compete or to be aware of competitive pressures.
:#Structured work (or does not assume) the worker determining his or her tasks, priorities, and goals.
:#In one's job, structured work refers (or does not refer) to the frequency of meeting strict deadlines.
:#Structured work refers (or does not refer) to the degree to which work is done remotely rather than at some specific physical location.
:#Structured work is (not) a structural job characteristic.
:#In one's job, unstructured work refers (or does not refer) to seriousness of the consequences of a mistake that cannot be corrected.
:#In one's job, unstructured work refers (or does not refer) to how automated the job is.
:#In one's job, unstructured work refers (or does not refer) to how much the job offers decision making freedom and work under little-to-no supervision.
:#In one's job, unstructured work refers (or does not refer) to how frequently the worker is required to make decisions that affect other people, the financial resources, and/or the image and reputation of the organization.
:#In one's job, unstructured work refers (or does not refer) to the effect of the worker's decisions on co-workers and/or organizational results.
:#In one's job, unstructured work refers (or does not refer) to the importance of being very exact or highly accurate in performing the job.
:#In one's job, unstructured work refers (or does not refer) to the extent this job require the worker to compete or to be aware of competitive pressures.
:#Unstructured work (or does not assume) the worker determining his or her tasks, priorities, and goals.
:#In one's job, unstructured work refers (or does not refer) to the frequency of meeting strict deadlines.
:#Unstructured work refers (or does not refer) to the degree to which work is done remotely rather than at some specific physical location.
:#Unstructured work is (not) a structural job characteristic.
:#In one's job, time pressure refers (or does not refer) to the frequency of meeting strict deadlines.
:#Time pressure is (not) a structural job characteristic.
:#Work schedule is (not) a structural job characteristic.
:#In one's job, work virtualization refers (or does not refer) to seriousness of the consequences of a mistake that cannot be corrected.
:#In one's job, work virtualization refers (or does not refer) to how automated the job is.
:#In one's job, work virtualization refers (or does not refer) to how much the job offers decision making freedom and work under little-to-no supervision.
:#In one's job, work virtualization refers (or does not refer) to how frequently the worker is required to make decisions that affect other people, the financial resources, and/or the image and reputation of the organization.
:#In one's job, work virtualization refers (or does not refer) to the effect of the worker's decisions on co-workers and/or organizational results.
:#In one's job, work virtualization refers (or does not refer) to the importance of being very exact or highly accurate in performing the job.
:#In one's job, work virtualization refers (or does not refer) to the extent this job require the worker to compete or to be aware of competitive pressures.
:#Work virtualization (or does not assume) the worker determining his or her tasks, priorities, and goals.
:#In one's job, work virtualization refers (or does not refer) to the frequency of meeting strict deadlines.
:#Work virtualization refers (or does not refer) to the degree to which work is done remotely rather than at some specific physical location.
:#Work virtualization is (not) a structural job characteristic.
==See also==
==See also==
[[Category:WorldOpp Orientation]][[Category:Lecture notes]]
[[Category:Orientation Curriculum]][[Category:Lecture notes]]

Latest revision as of 19:31, 29 October 2023

The Book of Employment (hereinafter, the Session) is the learning session that has been created to introduce its participants to employment and related topics. The Session addresses general concepts of employment and how these concepts apply to CNMCyber work environment. The Session consists of five lessons, each of which is made of three to six lectios. At CNMCyber, a lectio is a lesson part.

The official version of the Session is published on CNM Cert. The Session materials are also published on CNM Tube, CNM Wiki, and various channels for marketing and convenience purposes. The Session belongs to EmployableU Concepts.



The predecessor session is WorldOpp Orientation.


Introduction to Employment
# Lessons Lectios
1 Employment Essentials What Employment Is, Work Sellers, Volunteer Workers, Student Workers, Employee Remunerations, Labor Relations
2 Industries and Specialties What Economy Is, Economy Segments, What Industry Is, Groupings of Employers, Professional Specialties
3 Nature of Occupations What Occupation Is, Personalities and Work, Occupational Interests, Core Occupations
4 Nature of Work Work Characteristics, Work Arrangements, Job Dimensions, Task Attributes, Workplace Conditions
5 Labor Regulations Labor Laws, Protected Groups, Who Whistleblower Is


The successor session is Introduction to Recruitment.

2019 Preview presentation

The video preview presentation, 1:11 minutes, is published on https://youtu.be/CBuSoaw11cQ. Here is its full text:

Preview of introduction to employment session. In employment session we will talk about employment in general, we will talk about different industries, we will touch a little bit labor law. Labor law can be a separate course, we will touch different employment roles including employees and private contractors, self-employed, apprentice and volunteers, we will talk and classify different occupations. We will discuss work environments including employment motivation model, job characteristics model. We will talk about task structures and we will end up with competencies needed at work including occupation-required competencies, industry related and we will end up with administrative competencies. Next we will go to Introduction to Recruitment as the successor session.

See also