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*In your job search, what skills would like  to learn?  
*In your job search, what skills would like  to learn?  
===Lectio 4- Recruiter`s Essential===
===Lectio 4- Recruiter`s Essential===
*Have you used the services of a recruiter? What were the outcome?
*Are you familiar with placement fee?
=== Session 3- [[Introduction to Careers]]===
=== Session 3- [[Introduction to Careers]]===

Revision as of 08:22, 22 April 2020

Survey Questions to consider

Session 0- Orientation Preview

  • Through the services of CNM, what would you like to achieve?
  • CNM offers a variety of Services, which of these services would you like to take advantage of?

Session 1- Introduction to Employment

Lectio 1-Employment Essentials

  • Have you ever been employed?
  • Are you currently employed?
  • As an employee, what was/is your major role?
  • Have you ever delivered a service or services as a contractor?
  • Between being an employee or a contractor, which of the two do you prefer?
  • Have you ever been self-employed?
  • Would you like to offer your services to CNM as a volunteer?

Lectio 2- Industries and Specialties

  • Between the two major aspects of the economy. Which are production and consumption, which of these do you impact more?
  • Which of the named economy sectors have you worked under?
  • Have you ever worked in any of the primary sectors of the economy, if yes, mention which sector between extraction from nature, renewal, and pre-processing?
  • Have you ever been involved in the extraction or renewal or pre-processing of raw materials?
  • If yes. Which raw material did you extract or renew or pre-process?
  • Do you still continue with this production, if not indicate reasons?
  • Have you ever worked in the quaternary sector?
  • Which industry have you ever worked in?
  • To which profession do you belong?
  • What is your current/previous occupation?

Lectio 3- Nature of Occupations

  • Which personality would you classify yourself in?
  • How would you classify your problem solving skills?
  • How would you classify your idea generation skills?
  • How would you rate your artistic capabilities?
  • Between working in environments where there is minimal interaction with people and an environment with maximum interaction with people which environment would you prefer?
  • Would you consider yourself as an entrepreneur?
  • Between a structured (daily routine) job and an unstructured job, which of the two do you prefer?
  • Which two set of dimensions would you prefer between: a. working ideas verses data and b. people verses things
  • What have you learned from this lesson?

Lectio 4- Work Environments

  • What is your ultimate motivation?
  • In a job there are five dimensions of motivation; which are skill varieties, task identities, task significance and autonomy and feedback. Which of these motivate you the most?
  • In job core dimensions, which of the core dimension would consider as key dimension for your ultimate performance in a job?
  • In the event that you are employed to work virtually, what would be your major challenge?

Lectio 5- Work Competences

  • Which of the three competency domains do you belong to?
  • What occupation are you competent in?
  • From your previous answer, which industry can you relate your competency?
  • Which of the following competencies do you posses?

a.) Administrative Competence b.) Operational Competence c.) Interpersonal Competence d.) Enterprise Competence

Session 2- Introduction to Recruitment

Lectio 1- Recruitment Essentials

  • How did you land your current/previous job?
  • Are you familiar with interviews?
  • Have you ever taken part in onboarding as a job recruitment process?

Lectio 2- Recruitment Needs

  • Which job needs do you think you satisfy, give reasons/reasons.
  • In your quest to search for employment, have you ever been a victim of credential creep?
  • Have you missed out on a job opportunity because of credential creep? if yes, state the qualification that you you lacked.
  • Briefly mention the KSA`s that you posses.

Lectio 3- Search for Job candidates

  • State methods that you use in your job search.

Lectio 3- Screening of job candidates

  • What screening process have you undergone in your search for employment?
  • Other than job interviews state any other screening tool that you know or have experienced.
  • In your job search, what skills would like to learn?

Lectio 4- Recruiter`s Essential

  • Have you used the services of a recruiter? What were the outcome?
  • Are you familiar with placement fee?

Session 3- Introduction to Careers

Lectio 1- Career Essentials

  • What do you prefer? Job under an employer or entrepreneurship?

Lectio 2- Career Projects

  • What would you prefer ? Career waterfall or Agile Job search?
  • Have you been successful in identifying your “vocation” clearly?

Lectio 3- Job Search Map

  • For your job search, would you like to have a one-on-one going through Agile job search map with CNM?
  • As a quick analysis, where do you think you are currently lying on Effectiveness vs Efficiency matrix?

Lectio 4- Employment Credentials

  • Have you ever been issued with a professional credential?

Lectio 5- Directories of Credentials

  • What would you prefer presenting your employer? Resume or Credential Portfolio?

Section 4- Introduction to Education

Lectio 1 - Education Essentials

  • Have you ever been unsuccessful in getting your desired job just because you were lacking in required formal education?

Lectio 2 - Educational Methods

  • Which educational method would you prefer for your learning activities at CNM?

Lectio 3 - Learning Environments

  • How would you rate Learning Management system at CNM?

Lectio 4 - Educational Credentials

  • After completion of your learning activities at CNM, would you like to be awarded with an Educational credential by CNM?

Lectio 5 - Educational Service Providers

  • Are you satisfied with the career advancement opportunities CNM offers?
  1. yes
  2. no
  3. I can't decide

Section 5- Welcome to CNM

  • Are you satisfied with opportunities at CNM to apply your talents and expertise?
  1. yes
  2. no
  3. I can't decide
  • Are you satisfied with the job-related training CNM offers?
  1. yes
  2. no
  3. I can't decide
  • If interested, how would you like to offer your services to CNM?
  • Which CNM Cyber service would you like to work at?