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(Placement entrance exam)
(True/False questions)
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:*(wlcm-cloud-00001) Any [[Certified CNM Cyber User]] can (not) have limited access to [[CNM Cloud]], without specific user rights.
:*(wlcm-cloud-00001) Any [[Certified CNM Cyber User]] can (not) have limited access to [[CNM Cloud]], without specific user rights.
:*(wlcm-cloud-00002) [[CNM Cloud]] integrates all the [[system]]s that [[CNM Cyber]] brings you as its services.
:*(wlcm-cloud-00002) [[CNM Cloud]] integrates all the [[system]]s that [[CNM Cyber]] brings you as its services.
:*(wlcm-cloud-00005) [[CNM Cloud Usable]] is the third phase of [[CNM Cloud Project]].
:*(wlcm-cloud-00007) [[CNM Cloud Project]] is divided into five phases.
:*[[CNM Cloud]] is (not) the [[information technology]] that powers [[CNM Cyber]].
:*[[CNM Cloud]] is (not) the [[information technology]] that powers [[CNM Cyber]].
:*[[CNM Cloud]] (does not) integrates/integrate the [[software system|system]]s of [[CNM Cyber]] and the [[computing server|server]]s that provide functionality for these ''systems''.
:*[[CNM Cloud]] (does not) integrates/integrate the [[software system|system]]s of [[CNM Cyber]] and the [[computing server|server]]s that provide functionality for these ''systems''.

Revision as of 11:41, 1 September 2020

What CNM Cloud Is (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the lesson part of the CNM Cloud Essentials lesson that introduces its participants to CNM Cloud. This lesson belongs to the Introduction to CNM Cyber session of the CNM Cyber Orientation.


The predecessor lectio is What Pipeline Is.

Key terms

CNM Cloud. The information technology that powers CNM Cyber.
Cloud. In informational technology, a shared pool of configurable computing resources (both hardware and software, e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that are located at a remote physical location managed by an Internet hosting provider or a vendor rather than on the client's premises.
  • Public cloud. The cloud infrastructure is provisioned for open use by the general public. It may be owned, managed, and operated by a business, academic, or government organization, or some combination of them. It exists on the premises of the cloud provider.
  • Private cloud. The cloud infrastructure is provisioned for exclusive use by a single organization comprising multiple consumers (e.g., business units). It may be owned, managed, and operated by the organization, a third party, or some combination of them, and it may exist on or off premises.
  • Hybrid cloud. The cloud infrastructure is a composition of two or more distinct cloud infrastructures (private, community, or public) that remain unique entities, but are bound together by standardized or proprietary technology that enables data and application portability (e.g., cloud bursting for load balancing between clouds).


CNM Cloud is the computer platform that integrates all the software systems of CNM Cyber and the computing servers that provide functionality for these systems.
In informational technology, the cloud is a pool of computing resources that are located at a remote physical location rather than on their owner's premises.
The CNM Cyber Workforce is a distributed grouping of people. Its headquarters are virtual; its physical premises don't exist. Thus, the cloud is its only option. Which cloud?
The private clouds serve only their owners. Initially, CNM Cloud was a private cloud. That was why it was called the cloud.
Several years ago CNM Cloud was moved to a public cloud primarily to cut costs. Currently, CNM Cloud is hosted with other platforms and systems that other organizations run.
Hybrid clouds combine private and public resources. When the CNM Cyber Team launches training on the cloud, the CNM Cloud may be extended to the hybrid cloud to accommodate hands-on training.

CNM Apps is the successor lectio.


Lectio quiz

The answer is recorded for the lectio completion purpose:

Placement entrance exam

True/False questions

Cloud "User" questions:

Fill in blanks