Digital Transformations

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Digital Transformations (hereinafter, the Lesson) is the primary learning activity of CNM Cyber that introduces its participants to where CNM Cyber is located at the World Wide Web. The Lesson is the eleventh of twelve activities that are designed to prepare its participants to the CNM Cyber Entrance Exam. All of those activities belong to the CNM Cyber Welcome Course.

The Lesson is preceded by the CNM Cloud Essentials and succeeded by CNM Cyber Workforce. The Lesson is made up of five lectios. At CNM Cyber, the word, lectio, is used for a lesson part.


Digital Transformations
Lectios # Referred topics
CNM Cloud Endeavor 1 CNM Cloud Project, CNM Cloud Usable
What CNM Agile Is 2 CNM Agile, project management, Agile methodology; development hub, document, computer file, software
What Requirements Are 3 Requirement, product epic, user story; requirements specification, CNM Cyber requirements, CNM Cloud requirements
What CNM Page Be 4 CNM Page, content management system (CMS), single source of truth
What CNM Talk Be 5 CNM Talk, Talk Next, webconferencing, webconferencing software, commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)


To change your password at CNM Cyber, you need to go to:
-- (wlcm-cabin-00002-prvw)



The predecessor lesson is CNM Cloud Essentials.


Activities Lectios (if any) # Referred topics
Digital Transformations CNM Cyber Hostname 1 Mobile app, web browser, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, World Wide Web,, hostname, Friends Of CNM, CNM Cyber Team, Career Network Ministry (CNM)
CNM Cyber Subdomains 2 Subdomain, Next Apps, CNM Next Server
Future of CNM Cyber DNS 3 Domain Name System (DNS),

|- |CNM Cyber Projects||3||CNM Cloud Project |- |What CNM Page Be||4||CNM Page, content management system, single source of truth |- |What CNM Conferencing Be||5||CNM Talk, Talk Next


The successor lesson is CNM Cyber Workforce.

Legacy presentation

The video preview presentation, 1:31 minutes, is published at Here is its full text:

This is a preview to introduction to carrier price services session and in this session we will touch carrier prices and what services are called carrier price services. We will introduce you to WorldOpp program, including its two parts, WorldOpp Financing and WorldOpp Fellowship. We will touch WorldOpp Pipeline which includes orientation where you are here and which will be followed by placement seminar and then WorldOpp bootcamp and it will lead to WorldOpp Employment, we will talk more about employment, how it will look like if you registered in the program and it will touch development of work because it is more like an idea at the moment with some results but it is not fully developed program so WorldOpp project will be touched or discussed as a part of this development and WiorldOpp events.

Hopefully we will be ready to jump to CNM Cloud.