CNMCyber Welcome

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CNMCyber Welcome (or, simply, welcome seminar; also stylized as welcome-seminar; hereinafter, the Seminar; formerly known as CNM Cyber Welcome Webinar) is the CNM Cyber seminar that is conducted online as a webinar to welcome its attendees to WorldOpp Orientation. The Seminar is open to the general public.


Target audiences


Marketable titles

Marketable titles are used for marketing. Depending on the target customers, any of the marketable titles and subtitles can be used:
  • Get futureproof-employable. Start with CNMCyber and go anywhere.
  • Stay futureproof-employable. Your competitiveness on tomorrow's market.
  • Get well employed from scratch. No experience in IT industry? Will train!
Other ideas for marketable titles are sought. More formal titles for single Webinars shall be used at CNM Wiki.

Organizer and speakers

Ideally, there shall be two speakers, but one Webinar's organizer is totally fine to deliver all the work products.


Ideally, the participants shall easily access the technology on mobile, tablet and desktop devices.
The detailed instructions for what technology access is available and how to access should be included in the Announcement.

Sales pitch

Elevator pitch

Talking points: What CNMCyber offers:

  1. Pre-entry-level jobs. We at CNMCyber develop and market pre-entry-level jobs. What is "pre-entry"? Entry-level jobs are for those who have got professional knowledge, but have no experience. So, "pre-entry-level" jobs are for those who start from scratch.
  2. In-house preparation. To fully prepare its workforce, CNMCyber features in-house training. CNMCyber is not a training company per say; we train for our pre-entry-level jobs only. When you start working, we can connect you with professional training providers.
  3. Career opportunity. Pre-entry-level jobs are introductory ones. They are not the long-term, stable jobs to work for a life and retire from. They are rather first steps of career ladders than the last ones. They are your opportunity to discover your work preferences, obtain professional experience, and land better jobs. We call our pre-entry-level jobs "practice" to distinguish them from professional jobs.
  4. Is that for you? Only you can decide whether our practice is for you. What we say is that you can get hired here. If you can land stable or even entry-level jobs, go for those. If you cannot get hired there, practice jobs that you can land are available here.
  5. Female-friendly offer. Our practice jobs are tailored to ladies' needs; schedules at CNMCyber are flexible. Whether you are a willing-to-work girl, mother-to-be, or home-stay mom, we are hiring folks like you.
  6. Knowledge transfer. Three courses are designed to supply you with the knowledge sufficient to start practicing. The first explains CNMCyber, the second teaches how you can use CNMCyber services, the third prepares you for our practice jobs in full.
  7. Human touch. CNMCyber is not just computers. Another part of the training is one-on-one help. You will be given two mentors. One mentor would be formal, another -- informal. Ladies mentor other ladies.
  8. Useful for vocation. Our practice jobs don't present any particular profession. You will develop websites first, organize events second, and we will stop when we find your professional calling and job match.
  9. No fees. In-house training and everything that CNMCyber provides is free of charge. Vice versa, pre-entry-level practice can generate pre-entry-level compensation.
  10. No fear. Our practice jobs are for learning. Errors and mistakes are necessary and even encouraged. You don't need to fear that you will not succeed. As long as you do something, you have already succeeded. If you don't like how you have started, you can re-start.
  11. No obligations. No obligations are required on your side. You can hide your identity and leave at any time. No questions are asked.
  12. Community for you. You will have questions and face some issues -- you can access the community or watch the videos, which links you can find at You are also welcome to come back to be helped.

How to start. Are you ready to start? Open an account at, login into and find the Orientation course. No email is needed; leave the field blank and will register without it. More detailed instructions are published --

Legacy pitch

The legacy draft is:

We at CNMCyber Team develop a collection of career services called CNMCyber. CNM stands for Career Network Ministry.

Our career consultants and mentors offer career development and social support in person, mainly, one on one.

If you decide to use CNMCyber to its fullest, we at CNMCyber will introduce you to those things that make you employable, assess your current credentials, identify your potentials, and help to land your next meaningful job. You are welcome to use all of CNMCyber services or just few of them.

CNMCyber can also be used to get professional experience in any industry that you may choose.

All the services are free of charge and are offered or can be offered online to accommodate users at any location. To get started, go to

Some modifications of the elevator pitch shall be incorporated in all of the contents to reflect interests of the target audiences.

Actionable items

The Seminar shall address all the requirements for any CNM Cyber seminar.


Prior to the Seminar, the event host shall:
Pre-Webinar actionable items
Timing Action Deliverable
One week before Webinar's date Invite one or more of the target audiences at CNMCyber Meetup to attend. Announcement
After announcement Address the participants' concerns if they emerge and where they emerge. If the concerns emerge, meetup chat thread, pre-event part
5-15 minutes before the Seminar begins Check the webconferencing platform and, if needed, switch:
  1. video quality to High definition,
  2. speaking option to Everyone starts muted since the attendees shall address any concerns via meetup comments or webinar chat, and
  3. video enabling option to the participant's choice.
Avoiding any sort of noise and inconvenience
2-5 minutes before the Seminar begins Start recording. Recording to be used for marketing and reviewing

During the Seminar

During the Seminar, the event host shall:
Webinar-live actionable items
Timing Action Deliverable
At any time Adjust technical settings, for example, to mute any noise. If the Seminar goes out of its rails, post the announcement that high-quality recording will be available after the event in the chat. Overcoming technical issues
First 2-5 minutes Greet the attendees, while introducing the speaker and inviting the audience to drop questions and comments about any issues, including those that are related to connectivity, sound clarity, display or any technical considerations. If the feedback emerges, additional chat entries
Next minute Disclaim that the Seminar is recorded and recording will be available. Legal obligation
Next minute Credit CNM Wiki as the source of texts and images Possibly, additional users of CNM Wiki
Next 15-20 minutes Deliver first two lessons of WorldOpp Orientation, a lectio by lectio. Learning content delivery
Next 10 minutes Announce the Q&A section and answer questions of the attendees. Meetup chat thread, live-event part
Last minutes Close the Webinar while inviting the attendees to get enrolled in WorldOpp Orientation. Potentially, announce further events and/or the event, as well as demonstrate how to access the Tube and Wiki, to create an account and enroll in WorldOpp Orientation at Cabin & Cert. Possible Session enrollments


After the Seminar, the event host shall:
Post-Webinar actionable items
Timing Action Deliverable
2-5 minutes after the Seminar ends Stop recording. Avoiding unnecessary recording time
1-2 hours after the Seminar ends Publish the recording at CNM Tube, add the date to the clean title of the previously posted welcome webinar, and change the clean title of the just published recording to "welcome-webinar". CNM Tube's video
One day after the Seminar ends Upload the recorded file to the Seminar project at CNM Lab. Video file to be edited
One week after Webinar's date Create a title of the Seminar archive in the ===the webinar date like 10-26-2020=== format in the Archive section on the Talk page attached to this wikipage. Document there all the communications, concerns, proposals, ideas, as well as copy the chat. Enabling Webinar's stakeholders to improve the Seminar



Webinar's poster sample
Are you figuring out how your next employment would look like? Are you choosing your career path? Are you navigating your job search process in the era of COVID-19? Any of those tasks sounds challenging.
That's why we at CNMCyber Team are building a wide bundle of career services from brief consultations to comprehensive employability.
On October 8th, we will be hosting a webinar to introduce our Team and invite you to learn about our services more. We'll also be saving a few minutes at the end of the presentation for live Q&A.
The Webinar will occur at -- you are welcome to RSVP or just show up. No download, no account is needed if you use your web browser. If you access via mobile, you would need to install the app when prompted.
You can also watch the recording after the webinar -- the video will be posted at
Would you like to get more details? You can preview the Webinar and frequently-asked questions at
And, just in case, this Webinar, as well as all the career services at CNMCyber are free. CNMCyber services are offered or can be offered online to accommodate users at any location.


The announcement poster shall be displayed on the screen. A sample of the greeting script is:

Hello there,

Thank all of the participants to join us for this webinar. My name is Gary and I am a volunteer for CNMCyber Team. In the next 30-35 minutes, I will to introduce you to our Team and invite you to learn about our services more. We'll also be saving a few minutes at the end of the presentation for live Q&A.

Please use the chat to ask any questions or drop comments about any issues, including those that are related to connectivity, sound clarity, display, or any technical considerations.

Recording disclaimer

The screen image shall switch to the CNM Tube during the recording disclaimer. A sample of the disclaimer script is:

This webinar is being recorded and the recording will be available at -- you are also welcome to watch other recordings there.

Wiki crediting

The screen image shall switch to the Welcome Seminar wikipage. A sample of the wiki crediting script is:

In this presentation, I will use CNM Wiki's illustrations. You are welcome to access them while typing in the address bar of your browser and search for Welcome Seminar.


All the lectios of the Welcome Session Essentials and CNMCT Essentials, one by one, while displaying their slides that are published on CNM Wiki.

Q&A opening

The screen image shall switch to the frequently asked questions section at the beginning and, later, by default. The session will be until the first break or 10 minutes long, whichever comes first. A sample of the Q&A session's opening script is:

Let's move to the Q&A session. If you haven't submitted any questions to the chat yet, it is the right time to do so.

If no questions are asked, 2-3 questions from FAQ can be used.


What is the difference between Welcome Webinar and Welcome Session? Aren't they the same?
Regardless of the fact that the webinar uses some learning content of the session, they are not the same. WorldOpp Orientation is the course which completion enrolls CNM Cyber patrons in EmployableU Foundation. The Welcome Seminar is one of CNMCyber events which goal is to elevate enrollments in the Welcome Session.
If I have more questions after the webinar, how should I ask?
Please use the meetup chat for now.
What does CNMCyber stand for?
CNMCyber stands for "Career Network Ministry's Cyber". Initially, CNMCyber services were offered through a non-profit group called "Career Network Ministry". Later, it moved to The Economic Group, but kept the initial name.
What kind of IT knowledge does one need to possess to start?
As long as you know the difference between a smartphone and desktop computer, you are qualified.
Do you need to be a tech guru in order to access CNMCyber services?
No, you do not need to be a tech guru/genius.
What is WorldOpp? Is that for the learners who want to enroll for the programs?
WorldOpp stands for "World Opportunity". CNMCyber and Careerprise are parts of it. CNMCyber is free of charge and Careerprise is paid.
What is Opplet? This name emerges during the registration process.
Opplet is middleware. It serves various end-user applications such as CNM Wiki and CNM Talk. For you at this moment, it is the only place to create a CNMCyber account.
Is there any payment one should make to register and start learning?
There courses are free of charge and no one at CNMCyber Team should ask you for any form of payment
Who should I ask for help incase I get stuck while registering?
You can reach out to the CNMCyber Team in case you get challenges.
What should I expect to get from the program?
Employable skills, training and work experience added to your CV or resume.
Can I get all my friends or relatives to register with CNMCyber ?
Yes, you can get anyone and everyone.
Does one need to be a certain age, be in working class, student or unemployed in order to join?
No, anyone can join and start learning.
What if I fail to continue with the programs?
Anyone is free to leave at any time in the program, no questions asked. Moreover, if you decide to come back, you will pick up from where you left off.


WorldOpp Orientation's enrollment links
The screen image shall switch to the thank-you image published on the Welcome Seminar wikipage. A sample of the closing script is:

So, (since there are no questions or since our 10 minutes are over) let's close our webinar now. If you come up with new questions, you are welcome to submit them in the meetup group.

In one-two hours, the recording of this session will be posted at

All the texts and images are published on -- please search for Welcome Webinar.

If you are interested in using CNM Cyber, you are invited to enroll in the Welcome Session; you can find it at -- if you have no account yet, you would need to create it at first.

Our webinar is officially closed, but now I will demonstrate you how to access these links.

Tube demonstration

The screen image shall switch to demonstrator's desktop. A sample of the tube demonstration script is:

To access the video, I will open my web browser, type in its address bar. Press return or enter.

This action brought me to CNM Tube. Now, I will type "welcome webinar" in the search field -- I can start the webinar video now.

Wiki demonstration

The previous browser application shall be closed before the demonstration. A sample of the wiki demonstration script is:

To access the wiki-page, I will open my web browser again, type in its address bar. Press return or enter.

This action brought me to CNM Wiki. Now, I will type "welcome webinar" in the search field -- I can review all the webinar drafts now.

Cabin & Cert demo

The previous browser application shall be closed before the demonstration again. A sample of the cabin and cert demonstration script is:

To create an account, I will open my web browser again, type in its address bar. Press return or enter.

This action brought me to CNM Cabin. Now, I click on "register," type my new user name, type the password. You can either type your email address, it will help to recover your password if you lose it, or just to leave the email field blank.

I click "register" -- my account has been created.

Next, I will go to CNM Cert. I type, click return, enter, or go, and type the user name and password that I have just created.

Now, I am in the Cert. I click on "home," browse the list of the courses, find the "welcome session" and click on "enroll." I have just been enrolled in.

Thanks so much for your time today and good luck with your everything! Have a great time!

Follow-up communications

Answering the questions on the Meetup.

Delivery criteria

Event acceptance

  • The Seminar is accepted when all deliverables from the Actionable items have been delivered.

Organizer acceptance

  • To organize the Seminar, any organizer must successfully complete a prototype, "dry run" event with members of CNMCyber Team as the audience.


The development of the Seminar is a living project. If you have any ideas or proposals for improvements, please document them in the Developments section on the Talk page attached to this wikipage. Some directions for improvements may include:


Contents include texts, illustrations, and videos of both the Seminar and WorldOpp Orientation, which the Seminar features.


CNMCyber Meetup group and WorldOpp fb-page may be good outreach vehicle for the beginning, but not sufficient in long run.

Organizer onboarding

When the Webinar's organizer is selected, he or she will receive:
  • CNM Lab account with access to the Welcome Seminar project. All the drafts such as an announcement are posted there.
  • Promotion to the event organizer at the CNMCyber Meetup group. The organizer needs to join the group on his or her own.

Streaming & video sharing

Streaming using CNM Tube and video sharing via YouTube may also be added in the future.

See also

Related lecture