CNM Cloud Deployment

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CNM Cloud Deployment (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the lesson part of the CNM Cloud Essentials lesson that introduces its participants to Opplet. This lesson belongs to the Introduction to CNM Cloud session of EmployableU Concepts.


The predecessor lectio is What CNM Cloud Is.


In informational technology, the cloud is a pool of computing resources that are located at a remote physical location rather than on their owner's premises.
The CNMCyber Workforce is a distributed grouping of people. Its headquarters are virtual; its physical premises don't exist. Its customers are dispersed around the world as well. Thus, the cloud is its only option. Physically, CNM Cloud is located in data centers in the United States, Germany, and Singapore.
Any cloud shall be deployed using one of three models: private, public, or hybrid. Which cloud is CNM Cloud?
The private clouds serve only their owners. Initially, CNM Cloud was a private cloud. That was why it was originally called the cloud.
Several years ago CNM Cloud was moved to a public cloud primarily to cut costs. Currently, CNM Cloud is hosted with other platforms and systems that other organizations run.
Hybrid clouds combine private and public resources. When CNMCyber Team launches training on the cloud, the CNM Cloud may be extended to the hybrid cloud to accommodate hands-on training for those apprentices and interns who need work experience of cloud administration.

Key terms

Cloud, public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud


Which statement below is correct:
  1. The headquarters of CNMCyber Workforce are virtual
  2. CNMCyber Workforce works as a team at its physical headquarter
  3. Physically, the data center of CNM Cloud is located inside the headquarters of CNMCyber Workforce
  4. All of the other substantive answers are correct.
  5. None of the other answers is correct.

Structure of CNM Cloud is the successor lectio.


Placement entrance exam