CNMCyber for Competence

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CNM Cyber for Competence (hereinafter, the Session) is a learning session introducing its participants to CNM Competency Suite. The Session consists of four lessons, each of which is made of three to five lesson parts, called lectios. Every lectio includes a presentation and a quiz.

The official version of the Session is published at CNM Cert. Its materials are also published at CNM Page, CNM Talk, CNM Wiki, and various channels for marketing and convenience purposes. The Session is the second of four sessions of the CNM Cyber Welcome Course.



The predecessor activity is the Introduction to CNM Cyber.


CNM Cyber for Competence
# Lessons Lectios
1 Competency Suite Essentials What Competency Suite Is, Focus on Knowledge, Focus on Abilities, Focus on Skills, Inter-Relatedness of Training
2 CNM Tube Essentials What CNM Tube Is, Functions of CNM Tube, What Metadata Is, Tube at CNM Cyber
3 CNM Wiki Essentials What CNM Wiki Is, Collaboration on Documents, Wiki Version Control, Wiki Knowledge Base, Wiki at Competency Suite

CNM Cert Essentials

Main wikipage: CNM Cert Essentials
CNM Cert Essentials
Lectios # Referred topics
What CNM Cert Is 1 CNM Cert, learning management system; learning activity, lesson, quiz, course forum
CNM Cert Enrollments 2 Learning sequence, predecessor activity, successor activity; course, enrollment tool, prerequisite
Standard vs Individual Courses 3 Curriculum, prescripted curriculum, individualized curriculum
Cert at Competency Suite 4 Credential, competence


CNM Cyber for Action is the successor session.

See also