Educaship fellow

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Revision as of 02:14, 28 August 2020 by Gary (talk | contribs) (Development cycle)
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Any WorldOpp fellow (hereinafter, the Fellow) is the apprentice who works as a CNM Cyber Project Coordinator and a learner, who is enrolled in the WorldOpp Pipeline.

Accessibility requirements

The Fellow shall need to:
  1. Be ready to be paid through PayPal or Payoneer. The Fellow can also choose some freelance marketplaces, but, in that case, he or she shall be willing to pay their fees and compensate other possible expenses.
  2. Have an access to the Internet if he or she works remotely.
  3. Use his or her computing device such as a desktop computer, laptop, and/or smart phone. No software is needed to be installed in order to work on the Project; however, some freelance marketplaces such as Upwork may require to install time-tracking software.


Gary Ihar (herein, above, and after, the Customer) is the customer and, currently, product owner of CNM Cyber. That means that he authorizes the work of the Fellow and pays his or her bills.

Financial procedures

To be paid, the Fellow should follow the procedures as follows.


The Fellow is expected to bill the Customer. Unless another payment method is agreed on, the Fellow must request the pay through PayPal or Payoneer. The request must include the sum and link to the Billable items report.

Billable items

The Fellows can be paid for completed Sprints only. That means that any Fellow shall start and finish one Sprint in order to be paid. Those DevOps instruments that the Fellow may produce outside those Sprints that he or she claimed must be bulked as a Miscellaneous Sprint. All the work to be billed for shall be included in the report.
For any SBI, the report shall include the Sprint version, the number of hours worked, a brief description of work done, the overall completion rate of the SBI after the work, and the challenges that have been discovered during the work and need to be further addressed.

Pay rates

The Coordinitor's work is paid according to one of two types of rates:
  • Hourly rate, which must be negotiated with Customer individually until an WorldOpp incubator has been developed. In order to be paid, any hourly work must be authorized.
  • A half of profits from the activities, which are paid by third parties. Third parties are entities different from the Friends Of CNM and the Fellows. For instance, if the Fellow organizes an event, which has generated $60 in sales with $10 of expenses, this Fellow will receive ( $60 - $10 ) * 0.5 = $25. Or, if the Fellow mentors a client for 10 hours on a subject of passing the CNM Cyber Welcome Session and the client pays $10 per hour, the Fellow will receive $10 * 10 * 0.5 = $50.

Weekly basis

The Fellows are paid on the weekly basis. That means that all the payments are processed on a weekly basis. Any other period must be negotiated and agreed on in advance. Working without billing is considered volunteering, which fits into the CNM IT Project Coordinator's category.

Work authorization

To be authorized, any work shall meet two requirements:
  • Be stated in one of primary backlogs; and
  • Not be actively claimed by any other Fellow. To claim the work, the Fellow shall follow the Sprint Zero procedures.
Only authorized work is budgeted; that means that the Fellow can be paid while only working on the authorized work.


In CNM Agile, every CNM Agile Sprint is a project that consists of three project phases:

  1. Sprint Zero Phase is an endeavor undertaken to prepare and plan for the Shippable Sprint.
  2. The goal of Shippable Sprint Phase is to create a deliverable that aims to complete, partially or fully, one SBI.
  3. The last phase, Billable Sprint Phase, is an endeavor undertaken to bill the Customer for a completed work within the whole CNM Agile Sprint. Billing the Customer closes that Sprint.

Unless other duration is agreed on, every CNM Agile Sprint lasts up to one week. Every Sprint must have one or more phases, each of them may consist of several DREPD cycles. During every Sprint, the Fellow must follow the Any time, any phase's guidelines.

Sprint Zero Phase

In CNM Agile, Sprint Zero Phase (or, simply, Sprint Zero) is a project phase undertaken to prepare and plan for work on a deliverable that addresses one SBI. To prepare and plan, the Fellow must follow the Any time, any phase's guidelines and shall:
  1. Pick up one unclaimed SBI. The SBIs can be found in three Sprint backlogs, which are requirements', DevOps instruments', and shippable deliverables' backlogs.
  2. Type the date in the 2-digit-month/2-digit-day/4-digit-year format name after the text of the SBI that the Fellow picked up. For instance, 04/12/2020 would indicate the twelfth of April, 2020. This action would claim the SBI.
  3. If the SBI doesn't contain its wikipage link, link the SBI to the wikipage.
  4. Go to the discussion page paired with the linked wikipage.
  5. On that discussion page, add the Sprint Zero version in the Service-name X0.x format as a new topic. The Service-name is the one-word name of one of CNM Cyber's 12 services: Cabin, Cert, Lab, Linkup, Mail, Page, Servers, Social, Venture, Talk, Tube, Wiki. The uppercase X should be substituted with the Sprint phase letter and the lowercase x should be substituted with the ordinary number of a new Sprint Zero. The concept of Sprint versions is detailed at the Development cycle section. The Sprint phase letter shall be one of six options: A, B, C, D, E, or F. If no Sprint Zero has occurred, the ordinary number shall be substituted with 1. For instance, Cert B0.1 would indicate the first Sprint Zero undertaken to plan one's creation of a user story out of the CNM Cert product epic.
  6. Prior to interviews, conduct preliminary research on the claimed SBI. The Fellow must study any relevant content on CNM Cyber, especially CNM Wiki, and browse the World Wide Web.
  7. List possible stakeholders and reach out to them to collect their requirements. According to the Any time, any phase requirement, this activity can iterate several times at various points of the Sprint.
  8. Estimate the work on the claimed SBI and, particularly, suggest what the Fellow is going to do and what completeness of the claimed SBI the Fellow expects at the end of the whole Sprint.
  9. Publish the Sprint Zero version and its link in the Sprint log section of the CNM Cloud Usable wikipage as a part of the next CNM Cyber standup in the Standup Sprint-Zero-version format. If no standup is scheduled or a scheduled standup's time frame doesn't work for the Fellow or doesn't fit the Sprint schedule, contact the Customer and schedule a personal standup.
  10. Participate in a CNM Cyber standup as a part of the research.
  11. Shape the vision of the product epic that is the Sprint deliverable, as well as other plans and estimates based on results of the research.
  12. Add the Sprint version in the Sprint Xx.y format as a new topic on the discussion page paired with the wikipage that serves as a product epic. The uppercase X should coincide with the Sprint Zero letter, the lowercase x should coincide with the Sprint Zero number, and the lowercase y should be substituted with the ordinary number of a new Sprint. If no Sprint has occurred, substitute with 1. For instance, Wiki A1.3 would indicate the third Sprint undertaken to plan one's improvement of the CNM Wiki wikipage as the product epic for this service.

Shippable Sprint Phase

In CNM Agile, Shippable Sprint Phase (or, simply, Shippable Sprint) is a project phase undertaken to create a deliverable that aims to make real, partially or fully, one SBI. To work out an SBI, the Fellow must follow the Any time, any phase's guidelines and shall:
  1. Work on the claimed SBI according to or close to the plan developed in the Sprint Zero.
  2. When any new data emerges and/or any changes are needed, get back to the Sprint Zero to update its documentation.

Billable Sprint Phase

In CNM Agile, Billable Sprint Phase (or, simply, Billable Sprint) is a project phase undertaken to bill the Customer for the work within the whole CNM Agile Sprint. To bill, the Fellow must follow the Any time, any phase's guidelines and shall:
  1. Publish the Sprint version and its link in the Sprint log section of the CNM Cloud Usable wikipage as a part of the next CNM Cyber roundtable in the Retrospective Sprint-version format. If no standup is scheduled or a scheduled standup's time frame doesn't work for the Fellow or doesn't fit the Sprint schedule, contact the Customer and schedule a personal standup.
  2. Participate in a CNM Cyber roundtable as a part of the Sprint retrospective session.
  3. Report the work at CNM Wiki using the format described in the Billable items section above.
  4. Mark the completion rate of the SBI after the Sprint Zero date at the end of the SBI. If the just-finished Sprint made the whole SBI 100% real, enter 100%.
  5. Request the payment from the Customer.

Any time, any phase

At any time, in any phase, the Fellow must:
  1. Ask the Customer as many questions as the Fellow needs.
  2. Conduct the Fellow's work at CNM Wiki unless the work occurred on the shippable deliverables other than CNM Wiki.
  3. Document all the Fellow's work at the discussion page paired to the wikipage that serves as a product epic for the claimed SBI about the topic that shall reflect the Sprint or Sprint Zero version.
  4. State the reason why that SBI is no longer attractive to work on after the Sprint Zero or Sprint version if the Fellow decides to no longer work on the claimed Sprint.
  5. Update the list of SBI stakeholders and reach out to them to collect their requirements. Listing and reaching out may occur many times in any sequence. All updates must be indicated in the reports after the SBI text (or user story in SBI Sprints).

Recruitment process

Sourcing of potential candidates is an ongoing endeavor, which cannot be limited to the following channels and tools.


Freelance marketplaces are the only channel for now; the other channels are yet to be developed. The CNM IT Project Coordinator wikipage may or may not be taken as a starting point.

Legacy announcement

The following announcement was developed to source the Fellow candidates at freelance marketplaces, but wasn't successful:

IT Project Coordinator (Agile) is needed -- no tech skills are required to start

Do you want to know what exactly you need to do? Do you want to know your tasks? Are you a detail-oriented freelancer willing to do everything accurately, patiently, and on time? Please stop this reading here and do something else. The incumbent of this position will work on various deliverables and perform those tasks that are required in order to deliver those deliverables. And, because no one has done those tasks before, there is no chance to accomplish those unknown yet tasks accurately or on time.

Hey, guys, we need an IT Project Coordinator (Agile) -- no education, no experience is fine, but curiosity, willingness to take risks and make errors, as well as love to document are the musts. Although this role is not just about writing, yes, the incumbent of this role may do some technical writing for the project -- this is an opportunity to learn information technology if one needs to. That also means that no IT skills are required in order to start, but you should be willing to learn on your job.

On-the-job training will be provided through our mentor-to-protege program if you are hired. You will not be hired unless you start asking meaningful questions and, factually, perform as a tester.

The most detailed and up-to-date job description is published at (please visit that page).

We have no preference with regard to your schedule of work; at the end of the day, all we need is the developed technology. Technology development is not your task; documenting the technology, organizing team's meetings, as well as hiring and/or managing other developers might be yours. Your upwork contract is a-la-carte -- you should choose what part you would like to work on and establish your tasks. No priorities are established. This project is agile -- when you accomplish one tasks, you should move to some others; correct -- the work you should do most of time may not possibly exist.

No further instructions, particular tasks, nor details would be available unless you or another candidate ask specific questions about what needs to be done and what is available. No one can tell you what your next step should be; vice versa, you can always expect my response whether your proposed actions would be funded. And, of course, you are welcome to ask any number of questions about your job description or expected deliverables.

You are welcome to create your own schedule if you decide that you need one.

Current announcement

Launch or enhance your IT career today! Apprentices are urgently needed! Neither education nor experience is required to start! Create an account (a.k.a. "register") at, click on CNM Cert, enter your login and password, and enroll yourself (a.k.a. "Self-enrollment") into the "Welcome Course." Your login name is not significant; the system will assign you a student alias. Your email is not necessary -- you can leave it blank. Alternatively, you can access this course at -- log in and click Site home. Training and other promising employer's services are free of charge.

Onboarding process

Any training path concentrates on general methodologies in product ownership and project management such as CNM Agile rather than specific instructions. If a candidate is able to use CNM Agile, or any other topic, he or she can skip that part.
The promising Fellows shall reach three milestones in order to get onboarded:
  1. Pass the Welcome Session, which is designed to introduce promising Fellows to CNM Cyber and CNM Cloud.
  2. Get graduated from the CNM Cyber Orientation, which is designed to introduce promising Fellows to career administration, the Career Network Ministry and the Team.
  3. Start producing deliverables listed in the target deliverables while being enrolled into the CNM Cyber Placement. This training literally places a Fellow candidate in the job. Because of variety of the Fellow's activities, no unified placement training exists. This seminar can be described as an individualized combination of learning and hands-on training, which shall include a deal of guided self-study and experiments.
When an aspiring candidate is prepared theoretically, he or she is placed on the job as an apprentice first. He or she becomes a protégé and shall be assigned one or more mentors through the mentor-to-protege program. The Fellow is welcome to attend weekly meetings with his or her mentor, which can last up to one hour, and request more time and/or mentors when they are needed.

See also

Frequently asked questions

The discussion page publishes both frequently asked questions and the answers.

Related lectures