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Educaship is the career ecosystem that The Economic Group (hereinafter, #The Group) envisions, enables, and promotes. This ecosystem shall facilitate structured learning, career services, and hands-on training delivered simultaneously.

#The Group neither develops nor sustains services behind #Educaship on its own. In #The Group's domain, #Educaship encompasses all the output generated from collaborations with strategic partners (hereinafter, #The Partners). is the official website of #Educaship.

In the nutshell

The term

#The Group pioneered the educaship term, which can be interpreted in several ways, each of which indicates the amalgamation of academic learning (the 'edu-' prefix) with career services (the '-ca-' infix) and hands-on experience (the '-ship' suffix):
Edu‑ The 'edu-' prefix signifies the emphasis on formal, structured education.
‑ca‑ The '-ca-' infix stands for career and indicates career services.
‑ship The complementing '-ship' suffix encompasses apprenticeships, internships, and akin professional fellowships.

The Partners

#Educaship encompasses all the Group's collaborative endeavors yielding work products through strategic alliances with its diverse partners, which can be divided in several categories:
  1. Educational institutions
  2. Career service providers
  3. Employers

Product lines

#Educaship can be described as a professional and career development ecosystem". Its various components such as #Career mentorship, #Exchange programs, #Hands-on training, #Industry certifications, #Startup ecosystem, and #Work experience emphasize the interconnectedness and holistic approach to nurturing individuals' careers and skills development.

A term to describe the services of a career development ecosystem could be "Career Enrichment Hub" or "ProfessionForge." These terms convey the idea of a central place or platform where individuals can access a variety of services and resources aimed at enhancing their careers, including mentorship, training, certifications, and networking opportunities.

Absolutely! "Career Ecosystem" is a concise and effective term that encapsulates the various elements involved in supporting individuals' careers. It highlights the interconnectedness of different components, such as mentorship, training, experience, and networking, within the broader context of a holistic ecosystem designed to foster professional growth and success.

EmployableU Camp In2Job Career Day WorldOpp Orientation EmployableU Concepts CNMCyber Bootcamps Educaship Fellowship CITPMA

Career mentorship

Yes, "career mentorship" would be an appropriate term to describe the service provided by a career mentor. It denotes the process of receiving guidance, support, and advice from a mentor to help individuals navigate their careers, prepare for work, secure employment, and succeed in the workplace. "Career mentorship" effectively communicates the focus and purpose of the service, making it clear to potential clients what they can expect from the program.

Absolutely! "Career mentor" succinctly captures the essence of someone who provides guidance, support, and advice to individuals seeking to advance in their careers, including preparing for work, landing a job, and succeeding in the workplace. This term is clear and straightforward, making it an effective descriptor for the role you described.

Exchange programs

Hands-on training

"Hands-on experience" refers to practical learning or skill development gained through direct participation, interaction, or application rather than through observation or theoretical study alone. It involves actively engaging with tasks, projects, or activities that require physical involvement, problem-solving, decision-making, and real-world application of knowledge or skills. Hands-on experience often allows individuals to develop a deeper understanding, mastery, and proficiency in a particular subject, field, or task by actively engaging with it in a tangible and experiential way.

Own Fellowship To accommodate apprenticeships for those participants who would like to join the Group as a staffer, the Group created Educaship Alliance LLC.

Stage of the Pipeline Educaship Fellowship is the fourth stage of WorldOpp Pipeline.

Industry certifications

Professional networking

Startup ecosystem

"Startup Ecosystem" could work as a concise and straightforward name for the service. It effectively communicates the focus on supporting startups within a broader ecosystem that provides mentoring, financial aid, technology support, and investments. This name is clear and easy to understand, making it a suitable choice for branding the service.

Work experience

Website content drafts

Maybe​ ​a​ ​ticker​ ​of​ ​apprentice/business​ ​testimonials​ ​in​ ​the​ ​future Add:​ ​What​ ​We​ ​Do WorldOpp​ ​works​ ​with​ ​educational​ ​partners​ ​to​ ​offer​ ​driven,​ ​self​ ​starting​ ​individuals​ ​the​ ​opportunity​ ​to discover​ ​their​ ​true​ ​occupation,​ ​further​ ​training​ ​in​ ​the​ ​form​ ​of​ ​apprenticeships,​ ​and​ ​placement​ ​into​ ​their new​ ​career​ ​field​ ​through​ ​partnering​ ​organizations.​ ​​ ​WorldOpp’s​ ​international​ ​focus​ ​is​ ​within communities​ ​experiencing​ ​incredible​ ​hardship,​ ​such​ ​as​ ​poverty,​ ​war,​ ​or​ ​a​ ​high​ ​unemployment percentage.​ ​​ ​However,​ ​we​ ​also​ ​assess,​ ​train,​ ​and​ ​place​ ​individuals​ ​worldwide​ ​who​ ​display​ ​exceptional motivation,​ ​goal​ ​setting,​ ​and​ ​communication​ ​skills.​ ​​ ​We​ ​are​ ​committed​ ​to​ ​finding​ ​your​ ​true​ ​occupational calling,​ ​and​ ​work​ ​within​ ​your​ ​target​ ​area​ ​to​ ​give​ ​you​ ​the​ ​ability​ ​to​ ​use​ ​your​ ​skills​ ​in​ ​changing​ ​your​ ​life​ ​and community.

Do​ ​You​ ​Qualify​ ​For​ ​an​ ​Apprenticeship?

(Simple​ ​Checklist) Do​ ​any​ ​of​ ​these​ ​apply​ ​to​ ​you?

  • No​ ​GED
  • No​ ​college​ ​degree
  • No​ ​experience
  • Some​ ​education​ ​or​ ​experience​ ​in​ ​any​ ​field
  • Self-starter​ ​and​ ​very​ ​motivated
  • Driven​ ​to​ ​complete​ ​goals
  • Exceptional​ ​communication​ ​skills
  • Willing​ ​to​ ​be​ ​trained​ ​in​ ​a​ ​profession​ ​you​ ​would​ ​excel​ ​in​ ​(assessments​ ​given​ ​to​ ​determine)
  • Reside​ ​in​ ​an​ ​area​ ​that​ ​experiences​ ​poverty,​ ​war,​ ​or​ ​high​ ​unemployment​ ​percentage

If​ ​any​ ​of​ ​these​ ​apply​ ​to​ ​you,​ ​you​ ​are​ ​exactly​ ​who​ ​we​ ​are​ ​looking​ ​for!

Contact​ ​form​ ​for​ ​those​ ​individuals​ ​who​ ​would​ ​like​ ​more​ ​information​ ​or​ ​to​ ​enroll

Be​ ​a​ ​Mentor/Partner How​ ​You​ ​Can​ ​Get​ ​Involved ∙(Bulleted​ ​list​ ​of​ ​ways​ ​educators,​ ​organizations,​ ​or​ ​individuals​ ​can​ ​get​ ​involved​ ​to​ ​offer apprenticeships​ ​or​ ​placement​ ​opportunities)

Contact​ ​form​ ​for​ ​those​ ​businesses​ ​who​ ​want​ ​to​ ​train​ ​or​ ​hire

Sponsor​ ​an​ ​Apprentice​ ​/​ ​Donate​ ​/​ ​Be​ ​a​ ​Sponsor​ ​​(choose​ ​applicable​ ​phrase) (Brief​ ​description​ ​of​ ​where​ ​donations​ ​are​ ​religated​ ​within​ ​WorldOpp...if​ ​you​ ​would like​ ​to be​ ​transparent,​ ​post​ ​previous​ ​year's​ ​tax​ ​graph​ ​when​ ​available) Secure​ ​e-payment​ ​form

(Notes)​ ​in​ ​Contact​ ​Us,​ ​bottom​ ​of​ ​pages,​ ​and​ ​email​ ​link​ ​box​ ​(fix) What​ ​will​ ​be​ ​included​ ​in​ ​the​ ​Sign​ ​In​ ​and​ ​Terms/Conditions?

Key terms

The Group

See also

Related lectures