WorldOpp Pipeline

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WorldOpp Pipeline is the four-stage process that a not-job-ready individual goes through in order to land his or her job using Careerprise services.


  1. WorldOpp Orientation (its target length is from one day to one week)
  1. WorldOpp Placement Seminar (its target length is from one week to one month): Graduates from WorldOpp Bootcamp are placed as WorldOpp fellows. These fellows are employees of local companies that support the programme. Their compensation depends on the employer's payroll schedule; however, the fellows often receive some portion of what skilled workers are paid. Traditionally, the fellows are placed in project manager, business analyst, Scrum master, product owner, and tech lead jobs.
  2. WorldOpp Bootcamp (its target length is from six weeks to three months): Graduates from WorldOpp Placement Seminar are offered to start out as WorldOpp Fellow Candidates. Later, one of three candidates shall be promoted to WorldOpp Lead Candidate roles. All candidates usually receive a small stipend from $80 to $320 and are enrolled in the WorldOpp Bootcamp usually on a full-time basis. Administration of information technology (IT) is the major theme of this bootcamp.
  3. WorldOpp Employment (its target length is from nine months to six years): The fellows are not committed to the fellowship; everyone can leave the fellowship at any time. If the fellow chooses to earn a 4-year degree, the fellowship can last four or more years. When the fellows get fully employed, they can still receive accounting, administrative, financial, legal, managerial, marketing, and technology support.


Main wikipage: WorldOpp Sourcing

WorldOpp Sourcing is an endeavor to attract new WorldOpp candidates. Everyone who is interested in our employment opportunities is invited to take WorldOpp Placement Seminar, which is absolutely free and available to any graduate from WorldOpp Orientation, which is absolutely free and available to the general public.



What is the difference between your vendor, partner, and employee?
Indeed, the roles are different, but please be aware that one person can play more than one role. Any WorldOpp fellow can switch his or her roles at any time, so there is no need to choose the role in advance.
RolesCareerprise vendorCareerprise partnerEmployment candidate or employee at WorldOpp
DefinitionsAnyone who sells its products to Friends Of CNMAnyone who does business with Friends Of CNM, while sharing possible risks and benefits
ExamplesInternet cloud providers, financial banks, external consultants, etc.Training providers, educational institutions, etc.
CompensationsAmounts and schedules of payments are determined by contracts, which arrive from Careerprise business opportunityAmounts and schedules of payments are subject to separate agreements and contingent on sales of joint services to third parties
  • Employee compensations start from US$500 a month
  • A limited number of employment candidates shall be paid WorldOpp stipends
LengthsWhile being dependent on separate contracts, vary greatly
  • Unlimited for the employees.
  • Shall last for no more than 9 months for full-time employment candidates; usually, they get employment offers earlier.
Where are you located?
Friends Of CNM is a virtual organization, which would like to team up with various local organizations around the world. Legally, Friends Of CNM is an assumed name of Educaship Alliance LLC, which is headquartered in Northern Virginia, the United States.


How much does it cost to join?
Friends Of CNM does not charge any WorldOpp fellow for anything. You may be responsible for costs of your smartphone or other device and/or Internet access.
How much will I earn?
Those graduates who are authorized to work in the United States usually earn more than US$5,000 a month. Those graduates who are not authorized to work in the United States shall earn at least US$500 a month. Please note that Friends Of CNM does not sponsor work visas and/or provide any services related to work authorization and/or relocation. Moreover, the earned amounts vary significantly since they depend on many other factors such as your motivation, learning capacity, and, simply, luck as well. At the end of the day, it is possible not to earn anything at all. You shall be given a better estimate upon your graduation from WorldOpp Bootcamp; based on our experience, this course is crucial in determining your earning capacity.
How do I get paid / or mode of payment?
Friends Of CNM tends to use Payoneer for the payments to Careerprise vendors and its employment candidates. Its employees shall be given ATM cards to withdraw their money every week. Modes of payments to Careerprise partners are subject to a separate agreement.


Who is your target group?
Anyone who is (1) interested in boosting his or her earning potential, (2) available to work on his or her potential, and (3) motivated enough to succeed.
Do I need experience to join/work?
Experience may be somewhat important for Careerprise vendors and Careerprise partners, but no experience is needed for employment candidates or employees.
What are the qualifications for joining?
No qualifications are need in order to become a WorldOpp candidate.
What do I need to start?
Any computing device such as a smartphone or laptop, Internet access, and time.
How do I start?
Soon, you shall be able to get enrolled into WorldOpp Orientation while clicking here. You are welcome to reach out to Gary Ihar if you want to be a Careerprise vendor to develop Careerprise services for now.


What kinds of work do you offer?
We offer three kinds of work involvement:
  1. Careerprise vendor. You are welcome to review our Careerprise business opportunity and suggest what part of WorldOpp Project you can accomplish.
  2. Careerprise partner. You are welcome to suggest ideas to team up with Friends Of CNM in order to offer new services or other products to CNM patrons.
  3. WorldOpp Employment. You are welcome to become a WorldOpp fellow. Upon your graduation from WorldOpp Bootcamp, you will start working as a business analyst, account manager, partner liaison, systems engineer, solution architect, information architect, product designer, product owner, content manager, UX designer, usability analyst, graphic designer, procurement manager, contracts administrator, business buyer, project manager, team lead, Scrum Master, configuration manager, DevOps engineer, business administrator, or operations manager. Equally importantly, you shall be supported both financially and methodologically if you decide to start your own business.
What time is the training and work?
You can always set up your own schedule.
How long is the training?
It depends on many factors. If you ask about a university degree, that formal training lasts for more than 4 years. Usually, 6 weeks are enough in order to start working. 9 months should be enough in order to get a full-time job.
What is a combination of training and work?
It depends on many factors. The combination of formal training and work for WorldOpp fellows can be expressed by the following table:
Week #ActivitiesStudent hoursWork hours
1WorldOpp Orientation, WorldOpp Placement SeminarNot defined0
2‑6WorldOpp Bootcamp40
7WorldOpp Employment: (a) 81 hours of work as a business analyst, account manager, and/or partner liaison and (b) 279 hours of relevant training355
16WorldOpp Employment: (a) 80 hours of work as a systems engineer, solution architect, and/or information architect and (b) 120 hours of relevant training2614
21WorldOpp Employment: (a) 82 hours of work as a product designer, product owner, and/or content manager and (b) 78 hours of relevant training2119
25WorldOpp Employment: (a) 72 hours of work as a UX designer, usability analyst, and/or graphic designer and (b) 48 hours of relevant training1723
28WorldOpp Employment: (a) 81 hours of work as a procurement manager, contracts administrator, and/or business buyer and (b) 39 hours of relevant training1426
31WorldOpp Employment: (a) 90 hours of work as a project manager, team lead, and/or Scrum Master and (b) 30 hours of relevant training1129
34WorldOpp Employment: (a) 65 hours of work as a configuration manager, DevOps engineer and (b) 15 hours of relevant training832
36WorldOpp Employment: (a) 69 hours of work as a business administrator and/or functional manager and (b) 11 hours of relevant training634
38 and furtherIndividualized activities within WorldOpp Employment
What is Careerprise?
There are two ways to explore every term related to Friends Of CNM and their services. First of all, you are welcome to explore this very CNM Wiki, let say, while typing any term into the search box located in the upper right corner of this very page and clicking "Enter" or similar buttons ("Return" on Macs, "Go" on some mobile devices, etc.). Secondly, everyone is welcome to take a brief course called WorldOpp Orientation.

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