Educational Formats

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Educational Formats (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the second lesson part of the Learning Management lesson that introduces its participants to learning environments and related topics.

This lesson belongs to the Introduction to Education session of the CNM Cyber Orientation. The Orientation is the second stage of the WorldOpp Pipeline.


The predecessor lectio is Environments for Study.

Key terms

Educational format (study mode or mode of study). The layout of one's education. This layout include organization of roles, functions, technology, and other arrangements for the educational process.


Educational formats are layouts of one's education. These layouts include organization of roles, functions, technology, and other arrangements for the educational process.
Traditional classroom refers to a classroom in which a teacher narrates educational topics while using some board or display for demonstrating.
On the contrary, in flipped classrooms, the students are supposed to review pre-recorded lectures or use other learning tools outside of the classroom. The teacher usually facilitates learning activities such as practical instruction, cognitive research, and/or experiential learning in the classroom.
On-the-job training is provided at the workplace. This training can be anything from time to think on work problems and/or use related learning tools and up to one-on-one mentoring.
One-on-one mentoring encompasses a relationship between one mentor and one student, who is called protégé.
A study group is a group of students that gathers to learn specified topics. Study circles use a similar format, but their topics are more vague.
Residency-based study refers to one's study of a particular subject and/or skills and abilities related to that subject in real-world environments under the direct or indirect supervision of a more competent other.
Finally, one's study of a particular subject and/or skills and abilities related to that subject under the guidance of a more competent other is known as guided independent study.

Learning Tools is the successor lectio.


Lectio quiz

The answer is recorded for the lectio completion purpose:
  1. Is the concept of educational format explained well? --Yes/No/I'm not sure/Let me think/Let's move on

Placement entrance exam