CNM app

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A CNM app (also known as CNM application; hereinafter, the App) is any end-user application of the CNM Cloud.


There are three types of the Apps:

CNM app Description Software
Apps for developers Enables developers Redmine
Apps for everyone Supports knowledge management, backup, recovery, quality assurance Clipbucket, Moodle, MediaWiki, Odoo
Apps for employees Enables operations RoundCube, BigBlueButton, WordPress, Bootstrap- and HTML5-based websites

Applications for developers

To empower developers, CNM Cloud offers the following Apps:
The App Resource URL Description Primary software
Productware Fixett Classified Project management software, which enables development work and particularly includes help-desk software Redmine, SVN

Applications for everyone

To empower knowledge management, backup, recovery, and quality assurance, CNM Cloud offers the following Apps:
The App Resource URL Description Primary software
Courseware Campus Learning management software, which enables learning process Moodle
Enterpriseware Portal Enterprise resource planning software, which not only enables enterprise operations, but also empowers business intelligence and particularly includes customer relationship management software and help-desk software Odoo
Videoshareware Video Video-sharing software, which enables management of videos ClipBucket
Wikiware Wiki Knowledge management software, which enables knowledge management MediaWiki

Applications for employees

To empower operations, CNM Cloud offers the following Apps:
The App Resource URL Description Primary software
Mailware Mail Email software, which enables emails RoundCube
Talkware Talk Webconferencing software, which enables digital meetings BigBlueButton
Usernetware FriendsOfCNM.Net User interface of CNM middleware Eventtune, Opplet
Websiteware Websites Website, which officially represents Friends Of CNM in the World Wide Web Undecided; either WordPress or based on HTML5 or Bootstrap

Availability of CNM resources

App type Resource Available to:
Everyone Everyone registered Customer Student Partner or Vendor Employee Developer Admin
The Apps for developers CNM Container Library No No No If needed If needed If needed If needed Yes
Fixett No No No No If needed If needed If needed Yes
The Apps for everyone CNM Campus No Partially Partially Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
CNM Portal Partially Partially Partially Partially Partially Partially Partially Yes
CNM Video Partially Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
CNM Wiki Partially Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
The Apps for employees CNM Talk No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
CNM Mail No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
CNM websites Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
FriendsOfCNM.Net Partially Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Requirements for applications

Main wikipage: CNM app requirement

New end-user applications may be included in CNM Cloud on request if they comply with requirements as follows:

  1. Open-source
  2. The last stable version
  3. Implementation of reasonable safety recommendations
  4. Ability to switch user management from an app native system to OpenStack Keystone

All of the applications above shall also comply with these requirements.