Talk:CNMCyber Week 2023-04-19

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welcome uh and 1:57 if you if you can't yeah so we need a web page 2:03 we need like um to solve this like Wiki problem 2:12 because people who registered kind of cannot work on the weekend yeah I hope that we will discuss today with Natalia 2:18 how to will solve it then Kevin did you check the courses yes 2:26 you know the courses are available are they good or or you didn't have a chance 2:31 or other courses are kind of uh 2:37 available yes I checked the courses they are available 2:44 yeah so that was part of my work this week um I checked the welcome 2:50 session Essentials in CNM sets so I found out that like um 90 of the links 2:57 are updated they do not lead to to any page this uh I think this needs to be updated 3:04 as well as the text like there's a reference of CNM tube and 3:09 we moved already to name a video should we move like Rita to the course 3:19 or someone else or because they will probably have kind of their 3:25 take yeah but they probably I'm not sure how 3:32 because we need to kind of like testers are kind of the best way to to to develop yeah so again we 3:41 need the the page we need the courses we need 3:47 um videos we need events yeah like this 3:52 week to continue uh move recording to like automatic 3:58 recording yeah uh we need to develop welcome events uh 4:05 two weeks or like bi-weekly or twice a week I don't 4:11 know it depends how much kind of people maybe maybe to do like like once 4:18 the months and per requests yeah like faster maybe I don't know yeah for now 4:25 I'm not sure and what else and we need assignments we need 4:32 people like start moving to the 4:37 kind of to the job yeah but for now we don't have it's impossible for some because we 4:44 don't have any kind of materials so my goal is to start to set up this sort of 4:49 the questions Sonya will say oh I don't understand how to start okay I 4:56 will say pick a project and and we will go from there yeah 5:03 and in this case we will develop the courses to the moment when people will be able 5:10 to start working yeah and 5:16 in this case in this case it will be so like the result will be someone started 5:21 working 5:27 okay so you you started you didn't start with Kevin yeah I've already started I 5:33 think I jumped yeah so welcome everybody to this week's 5:40 CNM cyber meeting um my name is Kevin 5:46 um I'll be your your host for today yes so I'm happy to see you 5:52 um let's begin I think we should start with Sonia and 5:59 then Gary will go next 6:07 okay hi uh this week I haven't had much 6:13 opportunity to do work unfortunately so the 6:20 documentation hasn't progressed yet but I had meeting with Natalia so I hope 6:27 with this meeting after this meeting the documentation will progress faster 6:34 uh also we said about it finally with Natalia we made groups on CNM social 6:42 public um I will see about content but I didn't know with the 6:50 problem is Rita we worked awesome we discussed 6:58 Wilton video and um another draft 7:05 I will send it to Gary 7:11 um I have managed to 7:16 publish on one video from CNM cyber the two medium series on YouTube 7:25 I I don't have a lot of work with this video and subtitles 7:32 uh and it will be my plan to to next week and also 7:40 I will do all the things as that I didn't have time to do this week 7:54 thank you [Music] unless Gary have any questions 8:01 I don't have questions Sonia do you know how to check whether it's public or not 8:08 because I technically kind of easily no 8:14 yeah so I have several browsers so let's say right now on this laptop I have like 8:21 this Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome Google Chrome installed because of our 8:27 GC meetings it works best with their with the Chrome uh as far as I understand and my college 8:36 uses like Microsoft so I put like Microsoft Edge 8:42 and I use with them so so for instance 8:48 and on this laptop I didn't register anything so I go like to 8:56 for instance normally I check on One browser and then I check to another route so it's if it's kind of you have like 9:03 two browsers if you have one normal browsers have incognito 9:10 option so you can kind of go Incognito and 9:18 just to see how it goes and also you can just log out it's kind of another option 9:24 but yeah it's not no public content yet and normal I would say 9:32 like this is my new laptop on my old laptop I have 12 browsers so it's so I 9:41 can check like on on different browser 9:46 that's called blue blood um a company which developed like 9:54 mobile applications there is a special service you can call 9:59 a company and they will bring you 300 browsers and you can see how it will play no 10:06 so yes it should the page should be like on the content the page should look like 10:12 at least it will not look like a web page here but it should has 10:17 should have every characteristic links video 10:24 so the kind of someone who can just get started kind of can plug in and look so this 10:31 page will send everything so 10:37 yeah okay thanks and me I I work mostly on the pitch 10:46 what do we offer it's kind of right now I finished it and 10:53 the basic idea I'm repeating it but like still it was not clear the basic idea is 11:00 that under CNM cyber we will not will not promote any Career Services we 11:09 shouldn't promote any Career Services because initially I promoted oh we have 11:16 like a Consultants we have like everything people are coming 11:21 and they expect it's free and then they'll say no you need to work for it and people kind of uh don't understand 11:28 why they are coming so and if we under synonym cyber we will advertise only 11:36 jobs so we can recruit and normal like Services Career Services when they're 11:43 available will advertise as career price and again career prices paid CNM cyber 11:50 is free but for those who who participate this is kind of I I like 11:57 this apparition and it will be completely different buckets 12:03 um with cinem cyber we will not hide like Career Services on the web website 12:10 when it will be available we'll say we have Network we have this we have that we can possibly advertise uh let's say 12:18 volunteers will say oh if you want to help like some less experienced people come to 12:25 volunteer for us as a mentor and we and we had one volunteer Michael 12:32 um I didn't contact him but he used to be active maybe he doesn't know that we restarted 12:40 um what else pretty much that's it and I talked to Kevin for uh I responded all the 12:48 questions of Kevin had Sonia Rita 12:53 everyone who contacted me and I had like this week I had a good content but 12:59 mostly again I did this pitch synonym cyber pitch I don't know how to 13:05 call it but it will be mostly like for jobs explaining 13:10 like what we have that like this is not a normal job 13:16 it's like your starter job you can start this job and look for another job and 13:22 and so on so forth I finished 13:28 okay thank you yeah so me I I worked on the welcome Essentials uh I reviewed the courses and 13:35 CNM sales specifically they will come uh session Essentials 13:42 um and I found out that that just like I've said 90 of the links do not lead to 13:49 any page as per say they refer to friends of scenes friends of CNM not uh 13:56 not the website that you're using right now so I find that like this I made a 14:04 challenge maybe if you really can give me the [Music] um 14:09 the editor writes on on on on sites I can update the links as I review them 14:17 I don't think much I I didn't I didn't know that you don't 14:24 have it I didn't know that you didn't have it oh no no I don't have I don't have 14:32 do you know the account that I'm using right now 14:38 no um Kevin 2023. I don't 14:45 Kevin 2023 15:07 please to resolve this issue with their with their home page because the home page should 15:14 show immediately 15:27 yeah so uh I also noticed that some texts are outdated like um CNN tube is 15:34 referenced on onsats as whereas we have moved to cnma video 15:42 um just some observations it must be updated it cannot be not updated it 15:50 should be yeah 15:55 and then I worked on the CNM cyber marketing campaign and finally I posted uh raw scripts on 16:03 our last meeting it is not edited 16:10 so I see Kevin 2023 right yeah 16:19 wow Ita someone tried to come here 16:26 yeah so you want to roll like what manager teacher 16:31 um as long as I have a teacher okay and then we will see yeah 16:41 so you if it's not enough then kind of let me 16:46 yeah no okay I will 16:51 yeah so that's it from so you are both right now okay 17:14 when like when what like when we will be able to 17:21 kind of to start like recruitment risk recruitment or you want to check the 17:27 courses first yeah what the plan is do you have a plan you have a plan yeah 17:34 there's uh there's a plan maybe we can uh just like we did it Rita but this uh 17:40 we can't use it for recruiting many people it's it's will be gradual like one person at a time 17:46 we can do that with maybe the new participants that we we have in our meeting right now we can 17:53 take them through um give them their 18:00 any training that they require and then they can start something 18:07 by the way I made you it teacher on the second in this 18:13 first course do you want 18:20 yeah you probably won't yeah 18:26 the third course is just generally is out of everything 18:34 I don't see any kind of the third course at all it shouldn't be there oh it has kind of 18:42 a third course I just said and 18:48 orientation 18:59 okay yeah we can continue continue all right yeah so I'm done and I'd like to welcome 19:06 our guests I don't I don't I don't see you in the 19:13 second course at all you never access the course so I cannot make you kind of a teacher 19:19 okay I think see you 19:26 never access the course let me 19:31 it's the orientation right I guess so okay 19:39 okay yes right now it's called orientation but it must be kind of free renamed 19:48 because right now the fir the first course will be called the Irene taste I 19:53 don't see you neither in the third course no in the second chorus 19:59 you probably you couldn't make it kind of so like the first course is very outdated but yeah 20:05 at least we can we can start using this yeah so so I think I'll do that after the 20:12 meeting so uh like I was saying um we have 20:19 guests you know in our meeting um I think this is their second time joining us 20:24 um I'd like to welcome them to speak to us I ask questions if they have 20:45 um do I start or Grace you uh continue continue just continue great 20:56 you can start 21:13 again [Music] 21:19 a meeting we can't hear you well 21:27 you can't hear me yeah is that 21:32 you you kind of your voices break you know but kind of but the picture is good 21:40 yeah maybe you can try with no picture maybe it will be kind of better 21:47 yeah hope I'm key enough right now yeah yeah 21:52 that was better um what I was saying is uh 21:59 throughout the week I have tried to review uh watch cnm's all about 22:08 um with the help of Kevin I've been able to go through some of the things uh 22:14 I I can actually say I have gone through the 22:19 CNM stuff and I have done the first uh 22:24 bit that is a welcome session or welcome Essentials 22:29 um that helps a little bit in understanding what pnm side by Zola 22:38 about point of concern uh if there is a way uh you guys are able to 22:46 reduce the number of links there's so many links leading up to 22:52 different things for someone who is a new kind of confusion there's a a lot of 22:59 confusion because I I need differently to get to different things so that one 23:05 was a little confusing um also I feel like uh maybe the person 23:11 who is the working on the welcome session I feel like it's a little bit out of date maybe 23:19 put it as a some text in there even 23:24 uh say during this covet era I think 23:30 it's safe to say that we are past covered a little bit so maybe just 23:35 change some texts to be more up to date 23:42 uh what are the observation have I made but basically I I feel like I've worn 23:47 that to CNN cyber it's a really beautiful space and um 23:55 I'm looking forward to helping make it even much better uh to the best of my 24:02 capacity yes and also that to be part of the team 24:08 platform for now thank you thank you do you have any questions for us 24:14 foreign 24:44 so I don't know who is in charge of that maybe you can have a page that 24:51 demonstrates how you get to do something maybe if you are a coordinator or a web 24:58 developer something like that um another thing is there 25:03 a way you can possibly get the 25:11 whatever the videos are really really helpful the 25:19 ones that Gary had uploaded but they are way out of the state so is there a way 25:25 for you to update and come up with a shorter version there's so many short 25:32 videos can we have like a few short videos that summarizes CNM cyber for 25:38 someone who is new so that now after that maybe we can have more that are for 25:43 something I think that's all for now 25:49 okay thank you thank you maybe Gary if you want to respond to any 25:55 of findings yeah so again again we kind of it like 26:04 what what she said it's completely confirms everything so like they're the 26:10 first course the second course are highly outdated no one touched it like 26:17 in last two years at least right yeah so and the links are outdated too we can 26:25 possibly make up the links uh uh let's say we can 26:32 ask Natalia to create redirects from 26:38 friends of CNN if it's still available again [Music] 26:44 it's not I I might be get rid of this I might might be get rid of this domain 26:52 name at all is the domain name is kind of is in our 26:58 another system 27:03 um friends of sin and 27:19 friends of sin and snow but the best course the first course is 27:28 made in so this is why I took it Russian course much better and it has many 27:35 features which which uh old I'll outdated in this course 27:45 doesn't have but at the same time I it might be a problem 27:51 because let's say we have a glossary there and 27:58 um we have a glossary there and I'm not sure that we have a glossary here 28:05 because the glossary you cannot just like no you probably you can you you can make 28:11 kind of food this goes through it again we need to kind of decide what to do 28:18 and go farther the second course shouldn't be kind of 28:24 dirty only a part um 28:30 um because the second course should concentrate only on 28:36 one career and the rest of stuff should be moved to the third course 28:45 I don't know how to do it it's a lot of work but I that is why we're hiring people yeah 28:54 it's a lot of work that is why we need people we need people who can see and kind of 29:01 suggest 29:10 anything else do you feel like I I miss this yeah okay it's a good suggestions everything what you said it's a good 29:16 suggestion when you just like to move on 29:23 all right Gracie you may proceed um 29:31 yeah I I I I I I deleted this the main name we can adjust we cannot 29:39 just ask Natalia to change the links because we kind of or make like 29:45 redirects because I give up so it's not no longer available 29:51 so but on the Russian version there is no links by the way in the Russian version there is no links 29:58 we get rid of Links at all okay 30:03 foreign page there are links 30:14 or kind of it also could be moved like to the website eventually yeah 30:25 okay um you don't care 30:33 okay um I'll request to Gracie to proceed 30:39 okay so good evening guys this is giving a good evening 30:46 ah okay so okay I've been looking at the 30:51 at the link that Kevin had sent to me about the CNM thing and 30:59 okay I agree with you there's some things that that should be updated I would also like to comment that when I 31:06 looked at what you had sent me that is Kevin it it looked too busy 31:14 so like someone can be confused because even when you just you know like where 31:19 our welcome page you should just look at it and then you feel welcomed but this one you looked at it but 31:26 like they want you to be confused that fast because there are many things 31:31 going on you are explained every pig from this 31:36 that I think and then the part of League there are too many links too many links 31:46 and then there are too many big ones to me okay so I was thinking maybe it should 31:53 be simpler so that when you're just when you just enter it you just get the welcome page and then 32:00 and then maybe when you proceed further from there is when you are appreciated with these big big ones 32:06 like I don't know whether it's I saw coordinator I saw okay some of them have 32:13 even forgotten oh and I looked at them just this week this plastic and I've 32:19 already forgotten some of them so like if there's a way we can cut back on those 32:25 I think it would be greater that yeah okay okay I think I think that's 32:38 it I got a question do you do you realize that we we are kind of uh bringing you on the 32:44 board in order to make it up right okay 32:52 okay yes yes yes so I believe since we have already seen 32:58 the problems it will be easier to work on them now mm-hmm 33:04 so we kind of we we're recruiting people to cast 33:10 make a trade okay 33:19 yeah so um 33:25 I I think I think with that um we can we can conclude this meeting unless anyone else has anything to add 33:35 yeah so again like we how to process right now like we have people who at 33:42 least like thank you thank you Kevin for like bringing them on the board and it's 33:48 good that someone is trying to do something but it's going right now in the right 33:56 direction what what what what is your plan with regard to these people we can like 34:01 we can connect them with Rita and Rita kind of can work with them or how how 34:09 you feel like it will be it's okay right now they are doing this courses okay 34:15 they are doing something but what are the next it's like even you didn't get 34:20 to the second course the first course is outdated we have no longer part of CNN it's no longer career 34:28 Network Ministry the whole core the whole like lesson I remember it was about career Network Ministries no any 34:35 career Network Ministry and um what is kind of what what is the next 34:42 what do you feel how they can kind of start working as 34:47 their website coordinators or we can join them like our events because I I'm 34:55 about to start this like lectures and if 35:03 they are there they can ask the questions and they can um and based on on their questions we 35:10 will kind of be able to proceed and create the instructions right yeah my idea was 35:20 um as we we had talked about in our last meeting that uh currently we do not have 35:25 anyone functioning fully as a coordinator so to try as much as possible to plug them 35:33 in as coordinators we can um 35:39 yeah no okay no one no one will start working 35:45 as a coordinator it's impossible I kind of I never seen anyone because it's so 35:52 complicated like let's say for instance let's take Sonia Sonia is kind of she's doing great 35:58 job right yeah but I don't see for instance like for coordinator is very important important to track like their 36:06 the kind of their the progress of the project and so on so forth and because 36:13 we didn't create kind of this part she doesn't do it so like no one for now 36:21 will be able to work as a coordinator again website developer people develop something and both of them by the way 36:28 both of your like ladies they talk about this development yeah and I will say 36:33 website development is much easier to get started the second part is event 36:39 organizer it's basically what you do but a little bit faster also I don't see the 36:46 scripts all all our our events are have a 36:51 scripts or no we didn't post at least above 50 up scripts so clearly you 36:58 kind of but why not every kind of put it there 37:06 post it on YouTube you took a script copy paste done yes 37:14 important thing how to record the sessions put in or on our kind of in our 37:22 instruction got there so event organizer so let's say event organizers are good 37:29 skills web developer is a good skill because if they are not they don't know 37:35 how what developer does how they will coordinate right the project yeah no 37:41 it's better for them to try and to do something and then it will be like Cloud operator 37:48 so basically this is working with technical documentation is literally 37:55 like a lot of what right now Sony is doing she is doing as a I would say 38:01 cloud operator more because she is testing she's looking she tries to 38:08 understand she talks to our technical lead you know Talia asking her questions 38:14 so she is right now much closer to this like cloud of the river and when people 38:21 know how to develop how to organize events meetings how to deal with technical 38:28 documentation and then they are ready to be coordinators no 38:34 I would say they need to be like website developers website developer page is 38:39 pretty much ready right yeah and foreign 38:48 [Music] yeah yeah yeah so so 38:54 um okay I think um I agree to start I don't know 39:01 what time is good I I agree to start let's say at my time like 11 A.M every 39:08 day I can start like kind of classes and whomever comes and and we will go and we 39:14 will study and maybe kind of to try to do at least like the 39:21 Trend them to work as a website developers yeah so we have Rita we have 39:28 other people I don't know who know how to pronounce the names well 39:33 you need you need to teach me okay so how to pronounce ruita 39:42 it's Rachel Brito 39:51 okay yeah we have written we have Rita okay cool and Gracie is probably it's 39:59 easier her grace is just fine okay aggressive okay 40:07 got it so yeah so maybe you'll connect them with me or like and we can get 40:15 started maybe I will do like like every day yeah so and we will as as yeah I I'm 40:24 not I'm not interested in doing this with no recording but if we can do it 40:30 with the recording and to process kind of to put it there yeah yeah we can do 40:35 it like as many times as possible yeah I'm done all right okay so um I'm seeing 40:41 our time is not spent um I'd like us to complete this meeting and we we are 40:47 remaining behind with Gary and Rita and Chris 40:56 so yes okay that's it we're done yeah yeah we are done but we are remaining for the 41:01 next meeting oh okay have another meeting 41:08 yeah okay yeah all right okay so but who do you want to 41:15 be the next meeting me yeah you Rito is remote as well and Gracie 41:24 okay so basically we we say goodbye yeah we we say goodbye to Sonia right 41:32 yeah okay bye-bye 41:41 if she wants she already left okay 41:51 okay