CNMCyber Week 2023-07-05

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Revision as of 15:21, 4 July 2023 by Gary (talk | contribs) (Coordinators' reports)
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CNMCyber Week 2023-07-05 is the CNMCyber This Week event on 5 July

The predecessor event is CNMCyber Week 2023-06-28

Coordinators' reports

  • Gary: Committed to several endeavors as follows:
    1. CNMCyber Office Hours. Believes that last events shall serve as prototypes. The participants shall request the events on Wednesdays and Thursdays. The scheduled events shall be posted at CNMCyber Meetup, they shall be recorded, and videos shall be published at YouTube. The missing parts are some scheduling tool and updates of the requirements.
    2. CNM Technology Board. Contacted Muhammad, mostly successfully, since he fixed some issues with existing CNM ProxmoxVE and CNM Jitsi installations. For unknown reasons, though, Muhammad sounds like reluctant to participate in meetings. If this is the case, will try to reach out to other contractors.
    3. Talk:CNMCyber. Understands that the development of CNMCyber occurs slower than expected. Initially late-April was considered as optimistic and late-May as most-likely timing for recruitment campaign. However, it is already July and the timing is still not defined. On another hand, feels like learners should shift their focus on the deliverables rather than on the process. That prompts significant changes. Learning hours will be limited by a hundred and further the participants will be pushed to become contractors working on specific deliverables on fixed-price contracts. So, developed the list of those deliverables.
  • Kevin
  • Rita
  • Erastus
  • Gracey


If you are interested in our topics or have questions, you can write them on the Discussion page.

CNMCyber Week 2023-07-12 is the successor event.

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