What Competency Suite Is

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What Competency Suite Is (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the lesson part of the Competency Suite Essentials lesson that introduces its participants to CNM Competency Suite. This lesson belongs to the CNM Cyber for Competence session of the CNM Cyber Welcome Course.


The predecessor lectio is What CNM Talk Be.

Key terms

CNM Competency Suite. The web-based managed learning environment (MLE) that the CNM Cyber Team designs and the Friends Of CNM delivers to the general public as a collection of services in education.
  • Managed learning environment (MLE). A computer-based ecosystem that supports core learning activities such as assessment, authoring, communication, learner progress tracking and, possibly, more advanced options.
KSA (knowledge, skills, and abilities). The combination of the competencies that are required for a particular position or, on another end, one's proficiency applied to this position. The United States Federal Government uses KSAs as a series of narrative statements to describe its job openings. KSAs are used to determine, along with résumés, who the best applicants are when several candidates qualify for a job.


The CNM Competency Suite is a managed learning environment that collects those CNM Cyber's services that are designed to accommodate the building of those knowledge, skills, and abilities that employers need. The knowledge, skills, and abilities are often abbreviated as KSA. Accordingly, their training can be divided in three types: knowledge-focused, skills-focused, and abilities-focused.

Focus on Knowledge is the successor lectio.


If you have tried to pass the CNM Cyber entrance exam, and your grade is not failing, but not enough to complete the course, you can:
  1. Assuming that CNM Social facilitates the community space called Welcome Course Re-Takers, join that space
  2. Find the answers published at CNM Wiki
  3. Try the exam again at CNM Cert
  4. All of the other substantive answers are correct
  5. None of the other answers is correct
-- (wlcm-social-00001-prvw)