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The [[CNM Cyber Entrance Preparation]] (hereinafter, the ''Lesson'') is the second [[learning activity]] of the [[CNM Cyber Welcome Course]]. The ''Lesson'' is following a preview lesson and is followed by the [[CNM Cyber Entrance Exam]].
[[File:Cnm-digital.png|400px|thumb|right|[[CNMCyber suite]]s]]The [[CNM Cert Essentials]] (hereinafter, the ''Lesson'') is the primary [[learning activity]] of [[CNMCyber]] that introduces its participants to [[CNM Cert]]. The ''Lesson'' belongs to the '''[[CNMCyber for Competence]]''' session of [[Cloud Operator Bootcamp]].
The ''Lesson'' is made up of four [[lectio]]s. At [[CNMCyber]], the word, [[lectio]], is used for a lesson part.
==Part 1. What CNM Cert is==
===Part 1 content===
:Official texts of this entrance exam preparation lesson, as well as its preview, are published at [[CNM Cert]]. [[CNM Cert]] is the [[learning management system]] that is brought to you as a service. [[Learning management system]]s commonly transfer knowledge from the instructor to the learners, as well as support assessments whether the knowledge has been transferred.
:The predecessor lesson is [[CNM Wiki Essentials]].
:The target knowledge is ordinarily embedded into [[learning content]]. Because knowledge is in its focus, this type of [[training]] is called [[knowledge-focused training]].
:{|class="wikitable" width=100% style="text-align:center;"
|+[[CNM Cert Essentials]]
!#!!Referred topics
![[What CNM Cert Is]]
|1||[[CNM Cert]], [[quiz activity]], [[course forum]], [[predecessor activity]], [[successor activity]], [[learning management system]] ([[LMS]]), [[survey activity]]
![[CNM Cert Courses]]
|2||[[Course]], [[enrollment tool]], [[prerequisite]]
![[Curriculum at Cert]]
|3||[[Curriculum]], [[prescripted curriculum]], [[CNM Cert Course]], [[CNM Venture Course]], [[CNM Lab Course]], [[CNM Wiki Course]], [[CNM Linkup Course]], [[CNM Mail Course]], [[CNM Page Course]], [[CNM Tube Course]], [[CNM Talk Course]], [[CNM Social Course]], [[individualized curriculum]]
![[Training Mosaic at Cert]]
|4||[[Training Mosaic Principle]], [[dual education]]
![[CNM Cert at Cyber]]
|5||[[Certification]], [[credential]]
:[[Learning content delivery]] usually occurs through lessons like this one, instructor-led [[lecturing]], and other [[narrated teaching]]. As long as you can read/hear these words, you can see/hear that [[CNM Cert]] delivers some content as well. However, the content delivery is not the primary purpose of [[CNM Cert]].
:The successor lesson is [[Action Suite Essentials]].
:A special feature of [[CNM Cert]] is that this service interacts with other services that deliver learning content as well. However, among all those  services, only [[CNM Cert]] can accommodate assessments. The word, Cert, in the service's name stands for certification.
==See also==
:[[CNM Cert]]'s assessments are further used to track your progress and plan your learning path. Thus, one single most important purpose of [[CNM Cert]] is its monitoring of your development and planning of your further learning.
:''-- 203 words, 12 sentences''
===Part 1 review===
:The word, CERT, in the name, [[CNM Cert|CNM CERT]], stands for:<ol type="a"><li>computer education recruitment training</li><li>Computers for Education, Recruitment and Training</li><li>Council of Education, Recruitment and Training</li><li>certification</li><li>None of the other answers is correct</li></ol>
:''-- (wlcm-cert-00001-prvw)''
==Part 2. What CNM Cyber is==
===Part 2 content===
:[[CNM Cert]] is a part of a bigger [[managed learning environment]], which is called [[CNM Cyber]]. [[CNM Cyber]] is the platform that integrates twenty two various services that can possibly function separately as standalone ones. [[CNM Cert]] is designed to track your progress in the other services, the overwhelming majority of which accommodate various types of [[training]].
:Among all the services, only [[CNM Page]] is designed to primarily support [[knowledge-focused training]]. However, this service is not operational yet and, because of that, other services such as [[CNM Cert]] and [[CNM Video]] are currently filling the gap.
:However, just knowing constitutes neither skills nor abilities required to do jobs.
:Most of [[CNM Cyber]]'s services are designed to mainly support [[skills-focused training]], which objectives are to build learner's skills to work especially under instructions.
:Two of the services, [[CNM Lab]] and [[CNM Wiki]], are designed to principally support [[abilities-focused training]]. Its objectives are to build learner's capacity to perform independently, with little-to-no supervision, even beyond instructions. This type of [[training]] particularly include [[project-based learning]] and [[learning by making]].
:Nevertheless, any service may be utilized in many ways. Eventually, [[CNM Cyber]] shall become a career-enhancement platform. All in all, the combination of various services of [[CNM Cyber]] is designed to fully accommodate building of your work skills and preparing you for advanced employment.
:''-- 220 words, 10 sentences''
===Part 2 review===
:Your suggestion for how to improve this very [[welcome course]], if this happens because of some part of our [[training]], would be a result of:<ol type="a"><li>[[Knowledge-focused training]]</li><li>[[Abilities-focused training]]</li><li>[[Skills-focused training]]</li><li>[[Learning content delivery]]</li><li>None of the other answers is correct</li></ol>
:''-- (wlcm-video-00001-prvw)''
==Part 3. What CNM Cabin is==
===Part 3 content===
:One system, [[CNM Cabin]], supports no [[learning activity|learning activiti]]es directly; vice versa, it serves all the other systems while providing federated services. [[CNM Cabin]] transforms various systems of [[CNM Cyber]] into a united platform. Every service of [[CNM Cyber]] utilizes the user data of [[CNM Cabin]]. For instance, [[CNM Cert]] takes [[CNM Cabin]]'s data to track your progress.
:[[CNM Cabin]] is the [[user management system]] of [[CNM Cyber]]. And management of users' data routinely has two sides.
:On the user side, [[user management system]]s help manage users' profiles and preferences. You provided [[CNM Cabin]] with your login name and password. You can also manage those through [[CNM Cabin]]'s dashboard.
:On the administration side, [[user management system]]s help manage access to various resources such as systems, networks, and services. Your access permissions is assigned by the platform administrators. You have started here, at [[CNM Cyber]], as a newbie with minimal rights. The more you learn here, the more accesses [[CNM Cabin]] grants.
:The word, Cabin, in the service name, indicates that this service provides you with a separate and private space where you can interact with [[CNM Cyber]] as a whole.
:To protect your privacy, [[CNM Cabin]] will also assign you a student alias -- it will look like a normal name. [[CNM Cabin]] generates only gender-neutral names. Your real name and other user data will be kept in secret unless you decide to disclose it.
:''-- 234 words, 12 sentences''
===Part 3 review===
:When I take classes at [[CNM Cert]], my peers shall be able to see my:<ol type="a"><li>Name</li><li>Gender</li><li>Location</li><li>All of the other substantive answers are correct</li><li>None of the other answers is correct</li></ol>
:''-- (wlcm-cabin-00001-prvw)''
==Part 4. What CNM Wiki is==
===Part 4 content===
:[[CNM Wiki]] is [[CNM Cyber]]'s [[document collaboration system]]. [[Document collaboration system]]s usually help multiple people work together on single documents to achieve their distinguished latest versions. Before this [[welcome course]] was published at [[CNM Cert]], it was developed at [[CNM Wiki]]. The course texts including its exam questions can still be viewed at the wikipage titled ''CNM Cyber Welcome Course'' there.
:There are two types of [[document collaboration system]]s. [[Collaborative realtime editor]]s such as [[Google Docs]] and other [[web-based]] [[office suite]]s belong to one type.
:[[CNM Cyber]]'s [[document collaboration system]] utilizes another type, [[wiki engine]], because of two reasons. First of all, wiki is more widespread in information technology development. Second, [[wiki engine]]s are robust when it comes to tracking, which is vital in the learning process.
:[[CNM Wiki]] tracks different versions of those textual documents that have been developed there. This feature is called "history." Using that feature, older versions can be accessed and any revision can be "undo" or reversed. ''Wiki'' is a Hawaiian word meaning ''quick'' and refers to fast editing of the content.
:[[CNM Wiki]] is open to the public, but [[CNM Cyber]] utilizes several private wikis as well. [[CNM Lab]], for instance, stores security-sensitive information, which cyber criminals can use to attack [[CNM Cyber]]. So, [[CNM Lab]]'s wiki has to be private. [[CNM Cert]]s features its wiki tool as a learning activity and [[CNM Social]] provides its communities with the private wiki too.
:''-- 237 words, 15 sentences''
===Part 4 review===
:Unofficial, but the most complete scripts of the lecture of this welcome course, all the questions of the final exam, and often direct answers to those questions are published at:<ol type="a"><li>[[CNM Cabin]]</li><li>[[CNM Cert]]</li><li>[[CNM Social]]</li><li>[[CNM Video]]</li><li>[[CNM Wiki]]</li></ol>
:''-- (wlcm-wiki-00001-prvw)''
==Part 5. What CNM Video is==
===Part 5 content===
:[[CNM Video]] is the [[video-sharing system]] of [[CNM Cyber]]. [[Video-sharing system]]s are usually designed to enable their users to upload, convert, store and play back audiovisual content on the [[World Wide Web]]. [[CNM Video]] shares those videos that are or can be used in its learning content delivery and allows its users to upload their videos as well as to comment and ask questions related to the uploaded videos.
:Within [[CNM Cyber]], [[CNM Cert]] and [[CNM Page]] are also able to demonstrate videos, but [[CNM Video]] is designed to be the hub of everything audiovisual. For now, both official lecture videos and remedial ones are published at [[CNM Video]], but this will change when [[CNM Page]] becomes operational.
:The next part of this lesson will introduce you to future [[CNM Page]]. Eventually, [[CNM Page]] shall look and feel more like a traditional website. Both official lecture texts, which temporarily are posted at [[CNM Cert]], and official videos from [[CNM Video]] will be eventually moved to [[CNM Page]]. [[CNM Video]] then will concentrate on learner's projects more.
:However, even now, learners may use [[CNM Video]], so may they use [[CNM Wiki]], not only to gain some knowledge, but also to collaborate on new content creation.
:''-- 207 words, 11 sentences''
===Part 5 review===
#[[CNM Video]] can be best used for:<ol type="a"><li>[[Learning content delivery]]</li><li>[[Learning by making]]</li><li>[[Project-based learning]]</li><li>[[Lecturing]]</li><li>All of the other answers are correct</li></ol>
:''-- (wlcm-video-00002-prvw)''
==Part 6. What Competency Suite Is==
===Part 6 content===
:Up to this point, this lesson has covered only five services of [[CNM Cyber]]. As a friendly reminder, their total number is twenty two. And fifteen of them are grouped into the [[CNM Competency Suite]].
:The [[CNM Competency Suite]] is a collection of [[CNM Cyber]]'s services that is designed to assist in obtaining those [[KSA]]s that [[CNM Cyber]] users need. This [[CNM Competency Suite|suite]] includes three services that the lesson has already covered. They are [[CNM Cert]], [[CNM Wiki]], and [[CNM Video]]. This lesson parts touches [[CNM Page]] and eleven services hosted by [[CNM Next Server]].
:[[CNM Page]] is [[CNM Cyber]]'s future [[content management system]]. For now, its software has been installed, but the system lacks any content and cannot serve the customers. When [[CNM Page]] is launched, it shall become the official website of [[CNM Cyber]].
:Finally, [[CNM Next Server]] supports those versions of [[CNM Cyber]]'s systems that are used in hands-on training of their future administrators and users. Every regular system of [[CNM Cyber]] has its training version. The word ''Next'' is included in the training version's names; for instance, [[CertNext]] is a training version of [[CNM Cert]], and so on.
:''-- 191 words, 13 sentences''
===Part 6 review===
:Those systems of [[CNM Cyber]] that have two versions, one of which is delivered to [[CNM Cyber]]'s users as a regular service, and another is designed to be used for [[hands-on training]] of its future administrators, are:<ol type="a"><li>[[document collaboration system]]</li><li>[[user management system]]</li><li>[[learning management system]]</li><li>All of the other substantive answers are correct</li><li>None of the other answers is correct</li></ol>
:''-- (wlcm--prvw)''
==Part 7. What Action Suite is==
===Part 7 content===
:The [[CNM Action Suite]] is a collection of [[CNM Cyber]]'s services that is designed to assist in [[job search]] and other career enhancement activities. This [[CNM Action Suite|suite]] includes five services. Four of them, [[CNM Linkup]], [[CNM Mail]], [[CNM Social]], and [[CNM Venture]] have already been up and running. The last service, [[CNM Talk]], which will accommodate [[teleconferencing]], still needs to be launched.
:[[CNM Mail]] shall handle emails of [[CNM Cyber]] users. Every user of [[CNM Cyber]] in a good standing shall get his or her own email account.
:[[CNM Linkup]] is an [[customer relationship management system]], which its users can particularly utilize in their job searches. Its database shall be populated with recruiter and other relevant contact information.
:[[CNM Venture]] is an [[enterprise resource planning system]], which users of [[CNM Cyber]] in a good standing shall use in their personalized way. In the nutshell, [[CNM Venture]] shall equip its customers to handle their marketing actions, budgeting, and/or everything that regular enterprises do. Its [[project management system]] shall empower the [[job-search management]]. If the user chooses to launch his or her own business, he or she can use [[CNM Venture]] for [[e-commerce]].
:The next lesson part will touch [[CNM Social]] in better details.
:''-- 201 words, 14 sentences''
===Part 7 review===
:Which of the following statements is correct:<ol type="a"><li></li><li></li><li></li><li></li></ol>
:''-- (wlcm--prvw)''
==Part 8. What CNM Social is==
===Part 8 content===
:[[CNM Social]] is the [[social networking system]] of [[CNM Cyber]] and a part of its [[CNM Action Suite|Action Suite]]. [[Social networking system]]s are usually designed to help people build relationships with other people who share similar activities, backgrounds, interests, or real-life connections.
:[[CNM Social]] facilitates a [[social network]] of those people who use [[CNM Cyber]]. Those people can participate in this network through online communities called "spaces." [[CNM Social]] provides every community space with its announcement board and messaging feature. Each community space can also have its private wiki.
:Some spaces are open to everyone and you are welcome to join any of those in order to post your questions, share your experiences, or get in touch with someone else. If you don't know where to start, you can take advantage of the "Welcome Space". To discuss anything related to [[CNM Cyber]] and/or to access its administrators, you can join the special space called ''CNM Cyber User Community''. If you speak not only English, you can also explore those spaces that are designed for those users who speak languages rather than English.
:''-- 173 words, 10 sentences''
===Part 8 review===
:If you have tried to pass the CNM Cyber entrance exam, and your grade is not failing, but not enough to complete the course, you can:<ol type="a"><li>Assuming that [[CNM Social]] facilitates the community space called Welcome Course Re-Takers, join that space</li><li>Find the answers published at [[CNM Wiki]]</li><li>Try the exam again at [[CNM Cert]]</li><li>All of the other substantive answers are correct</li><li>None of the other answers is correct</li></ol>
:''-- (wlcm-social-00001-prvw)''
==Part 9. What CNM Cloud is==
===Part 9 content===
:Basically, [[CNM Cyber]] provides its users with various systems as services. [[CNM Cloud]] is the software behind those systems.
:[[CNM Cloud]] is the [[information technology]] that supports [[CNM Cyber]]. Every service of [[CNM Cyber]] is powered by one [[end-user application]], which is a [[CNM app]]. For instance, [[CNM Wikiware]] powers [[CNM Wiki]], [[CNM Videoware]] powers [[CNM Video]], [[CNM Cabin]], as a federated service, is powered by [[CNM Middleware]]. All [[CNM app]]s are installed on one of [[CNM Servers]].
:There are four [[CNM Servers]]. [[WorldOpp Federated Server]] host [[CNM Middleware]]. All other regular systems of [[CNM Cyber]] are installed on the [[CNM Fellow Server]]. The [[CNM Next Server]] hosts those systems that are used in [[hands-on training]] of [[CNM Cyber]] administrators. The [[CNM Trial Server]] is used for training of [[CNM Cloud]] administrators and their experiments.
:Temporarily, all the servers are based on the third-party cloud, but eventually they shall be returned to the private one.
:The [[CNM Cloud Project]] is the endeavor that is undertaken in order to develop [[CNM Cloud]]. That endeavor is divided into five phases and has just entered into its third phase called [[CNM Cloud Usable]]. The overall completion of [[CNM Cloud]] is estimated at 45% as of early 2020. 80% of the cloud completion is estimated to be needed in order to launch the complete [[CNM Cyber]] platform.
:''-- 225 words, 14 sentences''
===Part 9 review===
:Which of the following statements is correct:<ol type="a"><li>The complete [[CNM Cyber]] platform is now available to those who pass this welcome course.</li><li>The overall completion of [[CNM Cyber]] is estimated at 45% as of early 2020.</li><li>Developers, project coordinators, and other contributors, both paid and volunteer, are wanted in order to complete [[CNM Cyber]].</li><li>[[CNM Cloud]] must be completed prior to [[CNM Cyber]] completion.</li><li>None of the other answers is correct.</li></ol>
:''-- (wlcm--prvw)''
==Part 10. What CNM Lab is==
===Part 10 content===
:Up to this point, this lesson has covered two suites. The [[CNM Competency Suite]] grouped 15 services and [[CNM Action Suite]] grouped 5 services of [[CNM Cyber]]. The remaining two services belong to the last suite called [[CNM Platform Suite]]. One of them, [[CNM Cabin]], has already been covered. [[CNM Lab]] is the last service that this lesson touches.
:[[CNM Lab]] is the primary service for those developers who work on [[CNM Cyber]]'s software. This service is provided through three systems, which are [[project management system|project management]], [[version control system|version control]], and [[file-sharing system|file-sharing one]]s.
:[[CNM Lab]]'s [[project management system]] treats every development as a [[project]]. For instance, only those developers who actively work on [[CNM Cert]]'s development can assign, re-assign, or report on the project tasks, as well as can access its private details published by the secure [[wiki engine]] that is embedded in this system and get the update notifications.
:[[CNM Lab]]'s [[file-sharing system]] contains all the [[web document]]s, [[source code]] and other files that have been used in [[CNM Cyber]]'s development. [[CNM Lab]]'s [[version control system]] allows for the management of all the changes to every of them.
:''-- 225 words, 14 sentences''
===Part 10 review===
:Which of the following statements is correct:<ol type="a"><li></li><li></li><li></li><li></li></ol>
:''-- (wlcm--prvw)''
==Part 11. CNM Cyber on the Web==
===Part 11 content===
:Until [[CNM Cyber]]'s mobile app is developed, every user of [[CNM Cyber]] must use a [[web browser]] such as [[Apple Safari]], [[Mozilla Firefox]], or any other, in order to access this platform.
:In the [[World Wide Web]], [[CNM Cyber]] is temporarily located at the [https://friendsofcnm.org/ friendsofcnm.org] [[hostname]]. [[Friends Of CNM]] is an alias name of a commercial company that sponsors [[CNM Cyber]]. This company covers all the expenses associated with [[CNM Cyber]], employs its staffers, and, generally speaking, executes the requirements of [[CNM Cyber Team]]. Accordingly, [[CNM Cyber Team]] is a team of volunteers of the [[Career Network Ministry]], which is alternatively known by its acronym [[CNM]]. [[CNM]] is a non-profit group that the [[Friends Of CNM]] supports.
:Various systems of [[CNM Cyber]] are available at sub-domains such as [https://cabin.friendsofcnm.org/ '''cabin'''.friendsofcnm.org] for [[CNM Cabin]], [https://cert.friendsofcnm.org/ '''cert'''.friendsofcnm.org] for [[CNM Cert]], [https://social.friendsofcnm.org/ '''social'''.friendsofcnm.org] for [[CNM Social]], [https://video.friendsofcnm.org/ '''video'''.friendsofcnm.org] for [[CNM Video]], or [https://wiki.friendsofcnm.org/ '''wiki'''.friendsofcnm.org] for [[CNM Wiki]].
:Those versions of [[CNM Cyber]] systems that are installed on the [[CNM Next Server]] have the <code>.next.</code> field added to their [[hostname]]s such as [https://cert.next.friendsofcnm.org/ cert.'''next'''.friendsofcnm.org], [https://social.next.friendsofcnm.org/ social.'''next'''.friendsofcnm.org], [https://video.next.friendsofcnm.org/ video.'''next'''.friendsofcnm.org], or [https://wiki.next.friendsofcnm.org/ wiki.'''next'''.friendsofcnm.org].
:One exception is [[CNM Cabin]]; it is temporarily located at [https://opplet.net/user/register opplet.net]. The [[Friends Of CNM]] also reserved a separate [[hostname]], [http://cnmcyber.com/ cnmcyber.com], for [[CNM Cyber]]. One day, [[CNM Cyber]] shall be found on the [[World Wide Web]] under its own [[hostname]].
:''-- 218 words, 10 sentences''
===Part 11 review===
:To change your password at [[CNM Cyber]], you need to go to:<ol type="a"><li>[https://cabin.friendsofcnm.org/ cabin.friendsofcnm.org]</li><li>[https://cert.friendsofcnm.org/ cert.friendsofcnm.org]</li><li>[https://social.friendsofcnm.org/ social.friendsofcnm.org]</li><li>[https://wiki.friendsofcnm.org/ wiki.friendsofcnm.org]</li><li>[https://cnmcyber.com/ cnmcyber.com]</li></ol>
:''-- (wlcm-cabin-00002-prvw)''
==Part 12. Who develops CNM Cyber==
===Part 12 content===
:Two teams develop [[CNM Cyber]]. You don't have to, but are welcome to join any of them.
:The [[WorldOpp Fellow Staff]] represents employees of the [[Friends Of CNM]]. This team hires independent software developers too. If you choose to join that team, you should take the [[WorldOpp Orientation]] upon your completion of this welcome course.
:The [[CNM Cyber Team]] is a group of volunteers of [[CNM]]. The [[CNM Cyber Orientation]] is the prerequisite for its candidates.
:Whichever, if any, team you choose, you would start out as a project coordinator. You didn't feel like [[CNM Cyber]]'s registration is perfect, did you? Software developers are available. However, coordinators first shall describe what needs to be developed. Second, developed software, like [[CNM Pageware]], needs to put to work.
:Our volunteer graduates become [[CNM IT Project Coordinator]]s; [[CNM Cloud Project Coordinator]]s are entry-level titles of our apprentices.
:The [[CNM Cyber Team]] administers the [[CNM Trial Server]] and all [[CNM app]]s installed on the [[CNM Next Server]], as well as creates technical requirements for the rest of [[CNM Cyber]]. With regard to technical support, the [[WorldOpp Fellow Staff]] fills in all the gaps that the [[CNM Cyber Team]] may leave.
:Your possible choice of the team can be changed many times; any transition between those teams can be accommodated later in your career journey. Good luck on that!
:''-- 224 words, 12 sentences''
===Part 12 review===
:Upon successful completion of this welcome course, your choice is:<ol type="a"><li>join the [[WorldOpp Fellow Staff]] as a prospective apprentice and/or work as a contractor</li><li>join the [[CNM Cyber Team]] as a prospective volunteer</li><li>not join any team of [[CNM Cyber]] developers at all</li><li>All of the other substantive answers are correct</li><li>None of the other answers is correct</li></ol>
:''-- (wlcm--prvw)''

Latest revision as of 20:38, 29 October 2023