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CNM Cert for Course Managers (hereinafter, the Course) is a brief course designed to introduce its learners to CNM Cert, which a learning management system (LMS) that is build on one instance of the Moodle software.


Moodle is open-source modular e-learning software written in PHP and distributed under the GNU General Public License. Developed on pedagogical principles, Moodle is used for blended learning, distance education, flipped classroom and other e-learning projects in schools, universities, workplaces and other sectors.

The name is an acronym for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment. With customizable management features, it is used to create private websites with online courses for educators and trainers to achieve learning goals.

In this course we are going to look at roles available in moodle and learning activities. Under learning activities, we are also going have a look at course set up, course enrollment, progress tracking, access restriction and how to create and manage quizzes on CNM Cert.


To become a CNM Cert User, one needs to submit their credentials to CNM Cabin.


This Course is made up of several learning activities sectioned as :
  1. Set up and Manage Course - including various activites related to Setting up a course in Moodle and all of the operations that could be performed to Manage a course . In addition, operations are also specified in terms of corresponding Roles
  2. User Management- This section is concerned with activities related to each instance of user at CNM CERT. It also describes setting certain constraints and permissions accordingly
  3. Advanced Features-This section discusses operations related to Advanced System Features which are accessible to privileged roles i.e. Administrators and Managers.
  4. Other Activities-This section discusses other available user activities at CERT. These are mostly productive such as users interaction at the platform

# Learning Activities Lessons
0 Set up and Manage Course Add course, Edit Course, Delete Course
1 User Management Course Enrolment, Enrol users to the site, Access Restriction
2 Advanced Features Add Badge, Certificate,Grading System,Progress Tracking
3 Other Activities Create and Manage Quizzes, Assignments,Survey,Forum,Workshop,Wiki,Glossary,Cohorts,Chat,Choice,Database,Feedback, Groups


Primary Goals this course are:
  1. To give Users a full knowledge of activities available at the platform and to find activities of their interest. It is helped by comprehensive texts and demonstrations for ease of learning.

Moodle Roles

In Moodle, a role is a collection of permissions defined for the whole system that can be assigned to a CNM Cert user. The combination of roles define a user`s ability to make changes to pages on CNM Cert. The most common role is the student`s and teacher`s role in the context of a course. In this course we are going to look at five roles available in Moodle these are;

  1. Admins
  2. Managers
  3. Course Creators
  4. Teachers
  5. Students


Administrator or Site Administrator is the highest rank a user(designated user) can be assigned in Moodle. A User (designated user) is assigned the administrator role by another administrator using;

  • Site administration > Users > Permissions > Site administrators.

The site administrator role cannot be edited or deleted. The site administrator created when the site was constructed is the primary site administrator, he/she cannot be removed from site administrator role. Site admin can literally do anything within the system. Part of the main responsibilities of an admin is to manage overall responsibilities using;

  • Administration > Site administration > Users > Permissions > Define roles tool.

Define roles tool is the place to add custom roles or add existing ones. The "Manage roles" tab, allows the site administrator to edit any one of the numerous different capabilities associated with any role. The "Allow role assignments", "Allow role overrides" and "Allow role switches" contain a matrix which give the ability for a specific role to work with other specific roles. Roles and permissions are specified by default but can be modified by administrators and managers.


Manager role, is a default role found in roles tab at CNM Cert with many capabilities that can be edited by the site admin. This role is much safer to use compared to side admin since it doesn't give access to sensitive areas of the site such as Plugins, Security, Server, Appearance or Advanced Features. These are normally reserved for Site administrators. Manager`s role is assigned site wide through: Site Administration>Users>Permissions>Assign system roles. It can also be assigned at the category level through: Site administration > Courses > Add/edit courses > (select a category) > Edit this category > Administration block: Assign roles > Manager > (select user) Add.

NetConsumers assigned to this role are able to;

  • Access courses and modify them
  • Enroll users
  • Develop grading systems as well as grade students.

Course Creator

As the name suggests, a course creator is a CNM Cert user who has the ability to create a course on CNM Cert. The course creator role is assigned by the system Administrator.

  • The course creator by default is enrolled into the course they have created as a teacher and is able to enroll students into the course.
  • As a teacher, a course creator is able to view hidden courses and those that are in progress.
  • Consequently, the course creator is able to develop quizzes and grading system, view student progress and restrict student’s enrollment into a course.
  • A course creator can act as as a program coordinator and can delete a course and restore course backups.The backup function would,however, be limited only to the course they have created unless otherwise defined.
  • Course Creator can edit the course settings and enroll new users.
  • The role of course creator could typically be assigned to a master teacher, department head or program coordinator.


The teachers` role is assigned by the system administrator to a CNM Cert user (designated user). As a teacher, a CNM Cert user is granted permission to:

  • Enroll students and determine method of enrollment, create quizzes, add activities and set up a grading system as well as grade students.
  • A teacher can also assign non-editing teacher`s role and student`s role to other CNM Cert users.
  • A non-editing teacher is granted permission to grade students but cannot alter or delete any of the materials within the course.

A teacher`s role is limited to one course at a time, same applies to student`s role and non-editing teacher`s roles. It is to note that CNM Cert user when enrolled as a teacher to a course is granted permission to do almost anything within the course but not outside the course while a non-editing teacher is able to teach within the course assigned but not make changes to the course or create quizzes or activities.


By default, CNM Cert gives the name student to a NetConsumer enrolled to a course at CNM Cert. The default name can be changed to trainee. When a NetConsumer first joins CNM Cert, he/she is able to see all available courses but once a NetConsumer enrolls or is enrolled into a course is able to only see the course he/she is enrolled in at the navigation block or at the dashboard. Once enrolled at CNM Cert, a NetConsumer is named student and is able to:

  • Participate on course activities, access to resources and view their own grade book if allowed by the teacher but not that of others.
  • A student`s view of CNM Cert is different from the teacher`s or administrator`s view. A student is not able to alter anything in the course but this may vary depending on the context.
  • In a certain context a student may grade other students, correct other student`s work and interact with other students while in some other context a students is not able to grade other student`s or correct nor interact with other students but limited to a teacher`s instructions and guidelines.

Methods a NetConsumer may use to enroll into a course may include;

  1. Manual Enrollment,
  2. Self Enrollment,

Manual Enrollment This option enables course creators and site administrators to enroll students into a course on CNM Cert but this option has to be enable by the system administrator through: Settings>Site administration>plugins>enrollments>Manual enrollments.

Self Enrollment Self enrollment a method where NetConsumers can choose to enroll themselves into a course. For instance by clicking 'Enroll me into this course' or using an enrollment key provided by the system administrator or teacher. This option has to be enable by the site administrator in enrollment plugins as well as in the course itself. This is done through: Administration > Course administration > Users > Enrollment methods: In the plugin provided using the above steps a site administrator or course creator may choose to select 'Self Enrollment' or put an Enrollment key.

See also