CNM App Groups

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CNM App Groups (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the lesson part of the CNM App Essentials lesson that introduces its participants to Opplet. This lesson belongs to the Introduction to CNM Cloud session of EmployableU Concepts.


The predecessor lectio is CNM Apps.


With regard to their target audiences and content, any CNM app belongs to one of three groups.
First of all, CNM EndUser Apps combine those CNM named apps that power those CNMCyber services that regular end-users utilize. These services include CNM Cert, CNM Page, CNM Wiki, and so on. The end-users are regular people who are on the job market, are going to be, or would like to be.
Secondly, CNM HandsOn Apps combine those CNM named apps that are used in practical instruction. For instance, any learner who is enrolled in CNM Cert Course is granted his or her access to a CertHandsOn instance, so he or she can practice on. Thus, the services that CNM HandsOn Apps power include CertHandsOn, PageHandsOn, WikiHandsOn, and so on. Their end-users are those learners who study how to use CNM apps.
Eventually, CNM Next Apps combine those CNM apps, both named and unnamed, that are used in experiential learning. For instance, the member of CNMCyber Team who plays the product owner role for CNM Cert is granted his or her access to a CertNext instance, so he or she can experiment on. Thus, the services that CNM Next Apps power include CertNext, PageNext, WikiNext, and so on. Their end-users are WorldOpp fellows who practice how to administer CNM apps.

Key terms

CNM EndUser Apps, CNM NextApps, CNM HandsOn Apps


Which statement below is correct:
  1. CNM Next Apps combine CNM apps used in experiential learning
  2. If you are a learner enrolled in CNM Cert Course, you will be granted access to your instance of CertNext
  3. The target users of CNM HandsOn Apps are administrators of Opplet
  4. All of the other substantive answers are correct.
  5. None of the other answers is correct.

How Apps Are Built is the successor lectio.


Placement entrance exam