Careerprise bizopp

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Careerprise bizopp stands for Careerprise business opportunity (hereinafter, the Opportunity) that is an opportunity for independent contractors to become Careerprise contractors and/or Careerprise partners. CNMCyber Customer (hereinafter, the Customer) constantly look for the sellers of a variety of services.

ToFU deliverables

Careerprise's ToFu

To attract developers to the program, the following deliverables are sought:

Topic Code Target deliverable Draft Progress
Careerprise's top of the funnel or ToFu (overall) DS01 Plan for Careerprise's market presence Careerprise Presence 5%
DS02 Target audience for Careerprise Careerprise persona‎‎ 0%‎‎
DS03 Sales pitch for Careerprise Careerprise pitch 5%
DS04 List of media for Careerprise Careerprise media 0%
Partnership DP01 Partnership RFP Careerprise partner 5%
DP02 Partner solicitation, selection, and onboarding plan

CNMCyber's ToFu

To attract adult participants to CNMCyber jobs, the following deliverables are sought:

Topic Code Target deliverable Draft Progress
CNMCyber's top of the funnel or ToFu (overall) CS01 Plan for CNMCyber's market presence CNMCyber Presence [[Talk:CNMCyber Presence
CS02 Target audience for CNMCyber CNMCyber persona‎‎ [[Talk:CNMCyber persona‎‎
CS03 Sales pitch for CNMCyber CNMCyber pitch [[Talk:CNMCyber pitch
DS04 List of media for CNMCyber CNMCyber media [[Talk:CNMCyber media
CNMCyber Meetup CM01 Description of the group to be CNMCyber Meetup [[Talk:CNMCyber Meetup
CM02 Group-managing subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
CNMCyber YouTube Channel CY01 Description of the channel to be CNMCyber YouTube Channel [[Talk:CNMCyber YouTube Channel
CY02 Channel-managing subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
CNMCyber Facebook Page CF01 Description of the page to be CNMCyber Facebook Page [[Talk:CNMCyber Facebook Page
CF02 Page-managing subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement

iDosvid's ToFu

To attract school students to the program, the following deliverables are sought:

Topic Code Target deliverable Draft Progress
iDosvid's top of the funnel or ToFu (overall) SS01 Plan for iDosvid's market presence iDosvid Presence [[Talk:iDosvid Presence
SS02 Target audience for iDosvid iDosvid persona‎‎ [[Talk:iDosvid persona‎‎
SS03 Sales pitch for iDosvid iDosvid pitch [[Talk:iDosvid pitch
DS04 List of media for iDosvid iDosvid media [[Talk:iDosvid media
Partnership SP01 Partnership RFP iDosvid partner [[Talk:iDosvid partner
SP02 Partner solicitation, selection, and onboarding plan

MoFu deliverables

Careerprise's MoFu

To attract developers to the program, the following deliverables are sought:

Topic Code Target deliverable Draft Progress
Careerprise's middle of the funnel or MoFu (overall)   Plan for Careerprise's product education Careerprise Literacy [[Talk:Careerprise Literacy
Website for Careerprise DW01 Description of the website to be [[
DW02 Wiki-based prototype Home (prototype) and descending pages [[ Home (prototype)
DW03 Graphic/UX design RFP
DW04 Designer solicitation, selection, and onboarding plan
Courses (pre-employment)   Orientation course; overview of WorldOpp Pipeline WorldOpp Orientation [[Talk:WorldOpp Orientation
  Awareness course; overview of employment EmployableU Foundation [[Talk:EmployableU Foundation

CNMCyber's MoFu

To attract adult participants to CNMCyber jobs, the following deliverables are sought:

Topic Code Target deliverable Draft Progress
CNMCyber 's middle of the funnel or MoFu (overall)   Plan for CNMCyber's product education CNMCyber Literacy [[Talk:CNMCyber Literacy
Website for CNMCyber CW01 Description of the website to be [[
CW02 Wiki-based prototype Home (prototype) and descending pages [[ Home (prototype)
CW03 Graphic/UX design RFP CNMC landing design [[Talk:CNMC landing design
CW04 Designer solicitation, selection, and onboarding plan
CNMCyber event EE01 General description of the events to be CNMCyber event [[Talk:CNMCyber event
EE02 Workable recording SOP
EE03 Workable event-scheduling SOP
EE04 Working scheduling tool at CNM Social
CNMCyber This Week ET01 Description of the series to be CNMCyber This Week [[Talk:CNMCyber This Week
ET02 Event-organizing subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
ET03 Newsletter-production subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
ET04 "CNMCyber Patrons" space at CNM Social CNMCyber Patrons [[Talk:CNMCyber Patrons
CNMCyber Welcome Session EW01 Description of the event to be CNMCyber Welcome Session [[Talk:CNMCyber Welcome Session
EW02 Event-organizing subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
EW03 CNMCyber Welcome Space at CNM Social CNMCyber Welcome Space [[Talk:CNMCyber Welcome Space

iDosvid's MoFu

To attract school students to the program, the following deliverables are sought:

Topic Code Target deliverable Draft Progress
iDosvid's middle of the funnel or MoFu (overall)   Plan for iDosvid's product education iDosvid Literacy [[Talk:iDosvid Literacy
Website for iDosvid SW01 Description of the website to be [[
SW02 Wiki-based prototype Home (prototype) and descending pages [[ Home (prototype)
SW03 Graphic/UX design RFP
SW04 Designer solicitation, selection, and onboarding plan

BoFu deliverables

Careerprise's BoFu

To attract developers to the program, the following deliverables are sought:

Topic Code Target deliverable Draft Progress
Careerprise's bottom of the funnel or BoFu (overall)   Plan to engage with Careerprise Careerprise Intouch [[Talk:Careerprise Intouch
DS03 The list of funded projects This very wikipage [[Talk:Careerprise bizopp
Careerprise Common Hours EC01 Description of the events to be. Careerprise Common Hours [[Talk:Careerprise Common Hours
EC02 Activity-coordinating subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
CNM Technology Board MB01 Description of the meetings to be CNM Technology Board [[Talk:CNM Technology Board
MB02 Activity-coordinating subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
MB03 "CNM Tech Board" space at CNM Social [[Talk:
Cloud permissions for Careerprise contractors JJ01 General description of the jobs to be CNM Cloud onboarding [[Talk:CNM Cloud onboarding

CNMCyber's BoFu

Topic Code Target deliverable Draft Progress
CNMCyber's bottom of the funnel or BoFu (overall)   Plan to engage with CNMCyber CNMCyber Intouch [[Talk:CNMCyber Intouch
CNMCyber Community Board MC01 Description of the meetings to be CNMCyber Community Board [[Talk:CNMCyber Community Board
MC02 Activity-coordinating subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
MC03 "CNMC Com Board" space at CNM Social [[Talk:
CNMCyber Office Hours MH01 Description of the activities to be CNMCyber Office Hours [[Talk:CNMCyber Office Hours
MH02 Activity-coordinating subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
MH03 Script-development subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement CNMCyber script [[Talk:CNMCyber script ???
CNMCyber job JJ01 General description of the jobs to be CNMCyber job [[Talk:CNMCyber job
JJ02 Workable recruitment SOP utilizing CNM Odoo
JJ03 Workable time-tracking SOP utilizing CNM Odoo
JJ04 Workable job-bidding SOP

iDosvid's BoFu

To attract developers to the program, the following deliverables are sought:

Topic Code Target deliverable Draft Progress
iDosvid's bottom of the funnel or BoFu (overall)   Plan to engage with iDosvid iDosvid Intouch [[Talk:iDosvid Intouch
CNM Event Organizer JE01 Description of the job to be CNM Event Organizer [[Talk:CNM Event Organizer
JE02 Description of work choice CNMCyber Event Projects [[Talk:CNMCyber Event Projects
JE03 "Event Organizers" space at CNM Social CNM Event Organizers [[Talk:CNM Event Organizers
  Event-organizing course; overview of CNMCyber events Event Organizer Bootcamp [[Talk:Event Organizer Bootcamp
CNM Website Developer JW01 Description of the job to be CNM Website Developer [[Talk:CNM Website Developer
JW02 Description of work choice CNM Website Projects [[Talk:CNM Website Projects
JW03 "Website Developers" space at CNM Social CNM Website Developers [[Talk:CNM Website Developers
  Website-development course; overview of website projects Website Developer Bootcamp [[Talk:Website Developer Bootcamp
CNM Cloud Operator JC01 Description of the job to be CNM Cloud Operator [[Talk:CNM Cloud Operator
JC02 Description of work choice [[]]
JC03 "Cloud Operators" space at CNM Social [[]]
  Cloud-operating course; overview of CNM Cloud Cloud Operator Bootcamp [[Talk:Cloud Operator Bootcamp
CNMCyber Coordinator JC01 Description of the job to be CNMCyber Coordinator [[Talk:CNMCyber Coordinator
JC02 Description of work choice CNMCyber Usable [[Talk:CNMCyber Usable
JC03 "Cyber Coordinators" space at CNM Social CNMCyber Coordinators [[Talk:CNMCyber Coordinators
  Cyber-coordinating course; overview of CNM Cloud Usable Cyber Coordinator Bootcamp [[Talk:Cyber Coordinator Bootcamp

Technology deliverables

End-user technology

Topic Code Target deliverable Draft Progress
CNM HumHub AH01 Description of the service to be CNM HumHub [[Talk:CNM HumHub
AH02 Tech-supporting subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
AH03 "HumHub Users" space at CNM Social CNM HumHub Users [[Talk:CNM HumHub Users
CNM Jitsi AJ01 Description of the service to be CNM Jitsi [[Talk:CNM Jitsi
AJ02 Tech-supporting subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
AJ03 "Jitsi Users" space at CNM Social CNM Jitsi Users [[Talk:CNM Jitsi Users
CNM MediaWiki AW01 Description of the service to be CNM MediaWiki [[Talk:CNM MediaWiki
AW02 Tech-supporting subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
AW03 "MediaWiki Users" space at CNM Social CNM MediaWiki Users [[Talk:CNM MediaWiki Users
CNM Moodle AW01 Description of the service to be CNM Moodle [[Talk:CNM Moodle
AW02 Tech-supporting subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
AW03 "Moodle Users" space at CNM Social CNM Moodle Users [[Talk:CNM Moodle Users
CNM Odoo AE01 Description of the service to be CNM Odoo [[Talk:CNM Odoo
AE02 Tech-supporting subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
AE03 "Odoo Users" space at CNM Social CNM Odoo Users [[Talk:CNM Odoo Users
Soft for CNM Tube AV01 "Video-Sharing Users" space at CNM Social CNM Video-Sharing Users [[Talk:CNM Video-Sharing Users
AV02 RFP to describe the service to be CNM Tube [[Talk:CNM Tube
AV03 Developer solicitation, selection, and onboarding plan

Server-side technology

Topic Code Target deliverable Draft Progress
CNM Ceph TC01 Description of the service to be CNM Ceph [[Talk:CNM Ceph
TC02 Tech-supporting subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
TC03 "Ceph Users" space at CNM Social CNM Ceph Users [[Talk:CNM Ceph Users
CNM LDAP TL01 Description of the service to be CNM LDAP [[Talk:CNM LDAP
TL02 Tech-supporting subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
TL03 "LDAP Users" space at CNM Social CNM LDAP Users [[Talk:CNM LDAP Users
CNM pfSense TS01 Description of the service to be CNM pfSense [[Talk:CNM pfSense
TS02 Tech-supporting subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
TS03 "pfSense Users" space at CNM Social CNM pfSense Users [[Talk:CNM pfSense Users
CNM Proxmox TP01 Description of the service to be CNM Proxmox [[Talk:CNM Proxmox
TP02 Tech-supporting subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
TP03 "Proxmox Users" space at CNM Social CNM Proxmox Users [[Talk:CNM Proxmox Users
CNM WSO2 TW01 Description of the service to be CNM WSO2 IS [[Talk:CNM WSO2 IS
TW02 Tech-supporting subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
TW03 "WSO2 Users" space at CNM Social CNM WSO2 Users [[Talk:CNM WSO2 Users

Legacy projects (outdated)

Event organizing

When the primary needs are satisfied, the Customer would like to purchase the following event organizing services:
# Description Quantity Occasion Type Bid requirements
E01 Organizing of one or more CNMCyber events for potential employees, Careerprise contractors, and/or Careerprise partners From 1 to 365 events a year; one event is needed to assess the quality Not required Fixed price Quote; quantity and/or dates
E02 Organizing of one or more Careerprise conferences for potential and actual Careerprise contractors
E03 Organizing of one CNM Cyber roundtable to discuss a particular challenge and brainstorm ideas Undefined Discussion topic Topic; if appropriate, special guests; quote

Marketing outreach

When the primary needs are satisfied, the Customer would like to purchase the following marketing outreach services:
# Description Quantity Occasion Type Bid requirements
M01 Preparation for procurement of WorldOpp page at Facebook maintenance and/or expansion One time Not required Undefined Scope, schedule, quote
M02 Revising and improvement of the (website) requirements
M03 Preparation for procurement of positioning of WorldOpp incubator on the market in Kenya

Learning development

When the primary needs are satisfied, the Customer would like to purchase the following marketing outreach services:
# Description Quantity Occasion Type Bid requirements
L01 Development of the wikipages that are related to EmployableU Foundation, CNMCyber Bootcamps, and Educaship Fellowship. Eventually, no red link shall appear at any wikipage that belongs to the Category: Lecture notes at this CNM Wiki One time Not required Per hour Quote
L02 Development of video- and audio-recordings that are related to the learning bundles listed above; the recordings shall also be posted at YouTube
L03 Development of quizzes and other assessment products that are related to the learning bundles listed above; the assessments shall also be incorporated into the courses that CNM Cert hosts

Business building

When the primary needs are satisfied, the Customer would like to purchase the following business building services:
# Description Quantity Occasion Type Bid requirements
B01 Development of organizational culture and structure of Friends Of CNM and WorldOpp incubator. The results of this development shall be published on this CNM Wiki One time Not required Per hour Quote
B02 Development of organizational culture and structure of job description of associates such as learners of WorldOpp incubator and members of WorldOpp Fellow Staff of Friends Of CNM. The results of this development shall be published on this CNM Wiki

Software designing

When the primary needs are satisfied, the Customer would like to purchase the following software designing services:
# Description Quantity Occasion Type Bid requirements
T01 Development of requirements for the informational technology that is jointly called CNM Cloud. This technology particularly includes CNM Moodle that supports CNM Cert, etc. A separate team that consists of professionals develops the actual technology, and there is no more need in coding or integrating, but development of requirements of what needs to be coded and integrated has always been a challenge since the start of the WorldOpp Project. Those wikipages that are related to CNM Cloud in general shall be the key results of these development projects. The results of this development shall be published on this CNM Wiki One time Not required Per hour Quote

Knowledge management

When the primary needs are satisfied, the Customer would like to purchase the following knowledge management services:
# Description Quantity Occasion Type Bid requirements
K01 Development of this CNM Wiki. This knowledge base shall provide the customers of the Customer, the Customer itself, and its associates with all knowledge that is needed in order to learn and collaborate. Page categories are just few examples of the pieces that CNM Wiki currently lacks. The results of this development shall be published on this CNM Wiki One time Not required Per hour Quote

Executive administration

When the primary needs are satisfied, the Customer would like to purchase those executive administration services that are not included in Event organizing, Marketing outreach, Learning development, Business building, Software designing, and Knowledge management, as long as these services can advance the Customer and its impact. Particularly, these projects may include re-defining of the Procurement areas. Scope, schedule, and quote are needed in order to be considered.

See also

Related lectures