CNM Event Organizer

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Revision as of 19:23, 3 April 2023 by Gary (talk | contribs) (Authorized events)
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A CNM Event Organizer (formerly known as CNM Cyber event host; hereinafter, the Org) is an incumbent of the second-quarter CNM practice job (hereinafter, the Practice) that The Economic Group has developed to practically introduce CNM learners to event organizing. The Orgs generally practice in organizing CNMCyber events (hereinafter, the Events), including their preparation, moderation, and post-event activities. The Orgs may develop either:

  1. Those CNMCyber events that the Orgs are authorized to produce, or
  2. Those requirements that would allow hiring Careerprise contractors to develop those CNMCyber events that the Orgs don't produce directly, on their own.

The Practice belongs to the second quarter of CNMCyber Bootcamp (hereinafter, the Bootcamp). This quarter's lessons are designed to prepare the Orgs to that Practice. The Practice is offered to those Certified Website Development Associates who successfully pass CNM Event Organizing Exam at the end of Bootcamp's second quarter. Successful completion of the event organizing practice qualifies the Residents as Certified Event Organizing Associates.


Choice of practice

How to start

Are you interested in getting started as the Org? Please follow a step-by-step instruction as follows:
  1. Succeed as a CNM Website Developer.
  2. Until the second quarter lessons of the Bootcamp are developed, read (a) this very wikipage since it describes your event organizing practice overall, (b) the CNMCyber event wikipage since it describes those events that you are about to develop, (c) CNMCyber New Events wikipage since it describes those projects that are authorized to practice with.
  3. Ask questions. Questions are a huge part of your work; if you cannot ask, you cannot work. If you prefer videoconferences, attend any CNMCyber This Week event. You will have opportunities to ask questions and get responses in real time.
  4. Study this wikipage to be ready to discuss two topics: (a) what paragraph is intentionally left unclear and (b) what section can be taken out without big harm. You will be offered to discuss those topics during your job interview. Why? If you don't know your job, you cannot work.
  5. Understand why the Cyber project is undertaken and what value is expected from the Org. That's simple. If you cannot deliver what the Customer pays for, you cannot work. Everything that the Customer pays for is stated on this very wikipage.
  6. Wait for 2-3 months if you cannot understand what your objectives are. There is a chance that the course and/or videos will be developed out of this wikipage during that time. The introductory courses will be available at after registering at ; the videos will be published on CNM Tube and YouTube. Some of course wiki-materials are linked to WorldOpp Orientation, Employableu Foundation, and CNMCyber Bootcamp wikipages
  7. Pick up your first event at the CNM Cloud Usable wikipage when you understand what your objectives are. You may have no idea what that particular endeavor is about. First of all, no endeavor is fully clear and, secondly, to learn about one endeavor is always simpler than to learn about many. When you really studied this very wikipage, you should know how to go about that endeavor. If you cannot pick your project, you cannot start working as the Org.
  8. Contact the Customer while stating (a) the endeavor you picked, (b) what you plan to deliver, and (c) how much time you expect to work in order to deliver what you plan to deliver.
By the way, you can be paid to ask questions about this wikipage when you identify the endeavor behind that page.


  • Document Management Specialists
  • Public Relations Specialists
  • Meeting, Convention, and Event Planners


What Orgs produce


Internal documents

Product wikipages

Project wikipages


For the purposes of this very wikipage, events refer to website projects, which are website development endeavors that are undertaken to create new products or new features of existing products. Projects are temporary endeavors; they close when CNMCyber Team receive all of the required deliverables and Careerprise contractors are compensated according to the contract. While working on projects, the Devs are engaged in the What Devs do activities.

Authorized events

Those Events that are authorized to practice with are listed on the CNMCyber New Events wikipage.

Discussion topics for inclusion

Outreach events

  • Outreach events, which are CNMCyber events organized to promote the Cyber, the Cloud, CNMCyber Team, technologies, needs, and services to outreach to current and potential clients and participants. Specifically to the Coords, the outreach products include CNMCyber This Week events, which are weekly meetings of the Coords who present (a) what they accomplished last week, (b) what they plan to do next week, and (c) what assistance do they need. The outreach events are normally published on the CNMCyber Meetup group.


There is no specific working time for this job, so you should be able to establish your own schedule.


A project customer aka a meeting participant is you and people like you. You have questions, would like to brainstorm ideas -- help yourself while organizing your Event.

Chain of command

  1. No chain of command exists; the Host is supposed to be his or her own boss. If you need someone to tell you what you are expected to do, you lost your qualifications for this job at some point of your life. Some lose this ability in their childhood, some at schools, some at work, some in marriages. Nevertheless, some still keep and some can restore.
  2. The CNMCyber event wikipage expresses what needs to emerge as a result of your work. Some requirements to how your work can flow is expressed on this wikipage.
  3. Most likely, you will fail the Host role if you are an "A" student, professional test-taker, and/or feel like your assignments are well-structured, well-developed, and the right answers are hidden somewhere similarly to how quiz answers are usually hidden in the lecture notes and/or textbook. You are encouraged to take risks in order to dream, define, design, and develop.
  4. To succeed, think yourself as an entrepreneur. Imagine that you are Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, or Elon Musk creating a series of the Events and, further, WorldOpp incubator and WorldOpp. Many people can suggest you anything good or bad, but no one can serve as your boss.

What Orgs do

No final instructions exist. To perform efficiently, the Host can utilize the following blueprints:
  1. First of all, if you work through job bidding sites, turn on the time tracker. When hired, you are welcome to bill Gary aka Igor for every activity related to the job. Besides the activities listed below, this may include discussing, going through CNM Wiki, and/or researching the World Wide Web on whatever in this job you choose to undertake;
  2. To discover, research, and envision,
    • Study what the Community has to offer and ask since everything can never be clear;
    • Imagine what the Community should have for the Events and ask whether your vision fits the reality;
    • Identify what is missing and ask for additional requirements;
    • Suggest solutions and get them approved or commented on in order to improve;
  3. To execute,
    • Setup some test webconference in order to learn Jitsi;
    • If you are organizing an onsite Event and if you haven't done yet, join the Group and notify Gary aka "Igor", so he would be able to promote you to a meetup event organizer;
    • If you are organizing an online Event that is open to the general public and if you haven't done yet, like the FB Page and notify Gary aka "Igor", so he would be able to promote you to an assistant manager;
    • Pick the date and timing of your Event;
    • Using the Group's calendar, check whether the date and timing of an Event to be organized doesn't conflict with other Events;
    • If it is your first Event (aka meetup), suggest it to the Group. In order to do so,
      1. If you haven't done so, create your CNM Wiki account at Please note that the information technology that Friends Of CNM utilizes is under constant development. Particularly, its mail server called hasn't setup yet, so you need to neither enter the email address nor expect any confirmation sent. After you filled in the form besides the email field and click "Sign up," you should be able to log in into CNM Wiki;
      2. While being logged in,
        • Go to the CNMCyber event or other wikipages depending on the purpose of your Event;
        • Find the Archive section;
        • Click on "Edit,"
        • Add a link to your future Event in the :*[[CNM Cyber event on Month Date of 2018]] format. Please, place your Event chronologically among other Events and don't delete the existing text; and
        • Save your edits;
      3. Click on the link you created and add:
        • Event title (keep it short, clear, and descriptive);
        • Physical location if applicable;
        • Description that shall include the specific agenda and statement whether the Event is going to be recorded;
        • The way how remote participants can join the Event;
    • Save your edits and wait for either announcement at the Group or feedback of Gary aka "Igor" on what needs to improve. When announced, the Event will be added to the calendar automatically;
    • When the suggested Event is announced, facilitate the Event;
  4. To follow-up, reach out to the Event participants while summarizing the Event, thanking the participants, and posting the link to its wikipage.
This position is so new that other instructions (as well as directions), but stated on this very wikipage, haven't existed yet. Vice versa, their development can be a part of your job if you choose so. That means that your proposals to change anything above is especially welcome and most valued. The project financier, Gary aka "Igor" pays for the results, which shall be organized meetings, developed guidelines, etc., rather than for "skills," "talents," and time.

Preparing the Event

Prior to the Event, the Org will:

  1. Create the event on a Meetup group at least one week in advance (you also should get the group administrator rights). Later, you can copy meetings and change small details and the date. The event should contain the following information:
    1. title (required);
    2. date and time: Time details;
    3. duration: online events are one hour long;
    4. featured photo: it can be CNM Cyber logo and other logos as well as photos from previous events (if they were offline);
    5. description: it should include meeting details and an agenda, for example: description. You also should add the specific details to be discussed at this particular meeting for each event;
    6. topics: you can pick up to 5 topics. Topics describe what your Meetup event is about in a word or two. They also help show our event to members with matching interests. Select a relevant, but wide range of topics that describe our event. For example: Career Networks, Job Search, Reporting, Recruiting & Hiring, Project Management;
    7. location: the physical location shall have been booked or online room has been created; it is preferable to create a room in CNM Jitsi. There may be problems with CNM Jitsi, so you should have more than 1 alternative video conferencing platform, preferably one internal and one external such as Zoom or Google meet;
    8. allow guests: the number is to be decided, but it's allowed.
  2. If special participants are going to be invited to the Event, they need to be identified, contacted, and confirmed;
  3. Create the meeting on CNM Jitsi. URL should look like is[Name of the project]-[2-digit-year]-[2-digit-month]-[2-digit-day]] such as and add this to the event on Meetup. There may be problems with CNM Jitsi, so you should have more than 1 alternative video conferencing platform, preferably one internal and one external such as Zoom or Google meet;
  4. Create the page of this meeting on wiki. It should include a short description of the meeting subject and brief coordinator's reports and as well as links to predecessor and successor events. The category is yet to be decided.

Facilitating the Event

During the Event, the Org will:
  1. Be not only a participant but also the host of the event,
    1. connect to the meeting at least 5 minutes before it begins;
    2. switch on the recording of the meeting in CNM Jitsi and in a second another program (read more below Record);
    3. welcome participants;
    4. let participants know that the meeting is being recorded;
    5. familiarize participants with the sample schedule;
    6. introduce participants;
    7. announce the current sections of the meeting;
    8. close the meeting;
  2. Record of the meeting. You can use this function in CNM Jitsi, OBS Studio, Zoom, or Google meet and have at least 2 alternative programs to record just in case such as Xbox Game Bar or OBS Studio, and you should use 2 programs in parallel, for example, recording in CNM Jitsi + OBS Studio. You may use OBS Studio as your primary recording tool and CNM Jitsi as the secondary recording tool.

To enable the recording function in CNM Jitsi:

    1. start the meeting as moderator;
    2. press the three-dot button;
    3. press the "press record" button;
    4. choose the part of the screen;
    5. press the "close access" button if you want to close the meeting, wait until the file is saved and just after that you can close the meeting in CNM Jitsi.

Documenting the Event

After the Event, the Org will:

  1. Publish the recording on our CNM Cyber YouTube channel and on CNM AVideo. You also should write a description of the video: when you write a description for YouTube, you shouldn't add links to Wiki and to Meetup, but you can add it on AVideo;
  2. Share this video of this meeting on the wikipage that was created earlier. The wikipage also shall be composed to include all available data of and about the Event including its minutes, as well as organizing lessons learned;
  3. Add useful information to the CNM Social group about organizing events;
  4. Present your report.


Typically, the Host physically and/or remotely:
  • Organizes one or two Events a week;
  • Facilitates the organized Events while speaking English unless another language is chosen as media of communication.
Attracting participants of the Event is not a part of the Host role. Usually, CNMC Event Administrator is responsible for that task.


To perform effectively, the Host is encouraged to follow the DREPD cycles, particularly:
  1. Discover requirements and available resources -- one can call it "researching this very knowledge base, including this very wikipage and CNM Cyber roundtable, and, if anything is unclear, asking questions about what should be done and whether requirements to how it should be done are available";
  2. Research the collected requirements in order to prioritize and prepare assumptions for the those parts that are not covered by the requirements;
  3. Envision the meeting including all of its possible details; and, finally;
  4. Plan the design while facilitating the designed meeting.


Everyone is welcome to apply.


An initiative group is currently looking for a "Meeting Organizer" to join our future team. This is an entry level position with opportunity for growth. The candidate is expected to organize one or more weekly meetings to discuss challenges, especially in recruitment, that the Community faces.
Job Description:
Primarily, organize one or more CNM Cyber roundtables. In addition:
  1. Research and recommend new sources for active and passive candidate recruiting;
  2. Network and maintain relationships with key talent communities for short and long-term opportunities;
  3. Develop a sustainable talent acquisition and hiring strategy to meet growth needs of the Community;
  4. Find bottlenecks in the recruiting process and provide suggestions for improving the candidate experience;
  5. Develop a broad professional network of top talent;
  6. Stay current on market trends and competitors within our industry.
  1. Must be able to read, write, speak, understand and comprehend some level of English;
  2. High School Diploma or equivalent is not required; Bachelor's Degree or graduate degree may be an obstacle;
  3. Excellent communication skills and/or ability to acquire those skills are required;
  4. Must be able to work or learn to work as part of a team;
  5. Strong problem-solving and analytical skills and/or ability to acquire those skills are required.

What to expect

  1. If you succeed to state what valuable you would do for this project, you will get a job offer for 5 hours weekly. In this particular project, the job offer is more like a beginning rather than the destination point. Your skills would be assessed based on your performance, not "interviewing".
  2. If you succeed not to state anything concrete (let say, you say some nonsense similar to "I will deliver on this project by scheduling meetings and ensuring they are successful and their outcome can be felt immediately"), you can be offered to organize one meeting just to see that you are able to do something valuable knowing that you are not able to write.
  3. When you start working, you can expect detailed feedback. Questions, creative solutions, and taking risks are especially welcome. Under any circumstance, you will not be punished for taking a risk if your endeavor is undertaken within the scope of the project. Your charges will be disputed if you try to charge the financier for your personal stuff such as working on other projects, chatting to your friends on Facebook, etc.
  4. If you succeed to organize at least one meeting within a week, your contract will be extended. A bad meeting is better than no meeting at all -- no one is perfect, so is your performance expected to be.
  5. If you succeed to organize no meeting within a week, the contract will be paused, you will be asked why and, if no clear output is achieved, the your contract will be ended. This doesn't mean that we cannot work on other projects.
Please note that Gary aka "Igor" is widely available for soliciting additional requirements from him. All currently available requirements are posted at CNM Cyber roundtable -- please visit the link. It is under constant development, but it reflects the current state of development.



The role was identified in early July of 2018. The job announcement was published on July 10th. Fourteen initial job offers were sent; two of them were never accepted and eight of contractors either have never started working or started in unacceptable ways.
On August 2nd, 2018, michael succeeded to organize the first meeting. On August 4th, Gary aka "Igor" sent the following message to every of four contractors working on the role:

Today marks three weeks that we have been collaborating on the project. Since we have already had the first meeting, it is successful. In a week, I will be evaluating your contributions to its success. If you don't organize any meeting and/or contributed to the wikipages, I will end our contract, while marking your work as success, giving all-star rating, and positive feedback. Meeting my expectations is not a challenge. You have met those and I appreciate your service. However, we need to keep going forward. I would like to see that you are able to move this project to the next level, which are development/brainstorming meetings every day and fully staffed Thank you so much for everything you have done!

See also

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